Alcohol under the microscope: 22 photos from Bevshots

The BevShots website was created by American scientist Michael Davidson, who has been photographing DNA, vitamins and other “small” things through the microscope for many years at the University of Florida. The site is dedicated to alcohol, but no, it does not promote or even advertise alcohol, because alcohol is present there in negligible, microscopic amounts. Literally!

Michael presented to the public a whole series of photographs of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, taken under a microscope at 1000x magnification. To take photographs, the drinks were vaporized in sealed containers and the result, crystallized carbohydrates, photographed with a 35mm camera. Some photos took a huge amount of time – up to three months, as well as more than 200 frames to catch the right one.

The shots of cocktails look really mesmerizing and resemble an avant-garde painting. Incredible colors and shapes of alcohol crystals are successfully complemented by natural light. Each cocktail and drink is unique, like snowflakes. Since the opening of the BevShots website back in 2009, more than 20 thousand copies of photographs have been sold, including prints on various objects. Actually, we decided to show you 22 photos from Michael’s selection, choosing the most popular alcoholic drinks.

1. Vodka

2. Tequila

3. Bourbon

Bourbon is an American whiskey that contains more than 51% corn.

4. Tennessee whiskey (Jack Daniel’s)

5. Scotch (Scotch whiskey)

6. Sake

Sake can be safely called rice vodka. It is a traditional drink in Japan.

7. Gene

8. Champagne

9. Belgian lambic

Lambic is a type of Belgian beer fermented in oak wine barrels.

10. Black and Tan (cut)

Black and Tan is a beer cocktail, half dark and half light beer. In our latitudes, it is sometimes also called “slicing”.

11. Cocktail Black Russian

You can find the Black Russian recipe here.

12. Bloody Mary cocktail

You can find the Bloody Mary recipe here.

13. Daiquiri cocktail

You can find the Daiquiri cocktail recipe here.

14. Dry Martini Cocktail

You can find the Dry Martini cocktail recipe here.

15. Cocktail Dirty Martini

The recipe for the Dirty Martini cocktail can be found here.

16. Cocktail Margarita

You can find the Margarita cocktail recipe here.

17. Mint Julep Cocktail

Mint Juler is William Faulkner’s favorite drink.

18. Pina Colada Cocktail

The Pina Colada recipe can be found here.

19. Rum Cola cocktail

Rum Cola is nothing but Cuba Libre without lime juice.

20. Cocktail Sex on the beach

Cocktail recipe Sex on the beach you will find here.

21. Tequila Sunrise Cocktail

You can find the Tequila Sunrise cocktail recipe here.

22. Cocktail Cosmopolitan

You can find the Cosmopolitan cocktail recipe here.

And as folk wisdom says: photographing alcohol is much more useful than drinking it. Drink wisely and see you soon!

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