- What are the benefits of alcohol tinctures
- General rules for the preparation of tinctures for alcohol
- Contraindications to the use of alcohol tinctures
- The best recipes for making alcohol tinctures at home
- Cedar
- With cranberries on alcohol
- From chokeberry
- From viburnum (on viburnum)
- From lingonberries
- from apples
- From red currant
- Cherry
- Lemon
- Plum
- Crimson
- spicy raspberry
- blackberry
- Blueberry
- Juniper
- sea buckthorn
- Horseradish
- Pepper vodka
- From oak bark
- from thyme
- from peony
- from plantain
- Burdock
- From valerian
- mint
- From lilac
- Anticancer
- From horse chestnut
- On the clover
- from the red root
- From cloves
- from eucalyptus
- On a raisin to the table
- On chanterelles
- On prunes
- At the pistachio
- Grape topping
- On blueberries and blueberries
- On the gooseberry
- Not a cardamom
- On star anise
- on aloe
- St. John’s wort
- On the barberry
- How to properly store tinctures
- Conclusion
I feel that many will immediately start throwing slippers, rotten tomatoes and even eggs at me, but I can’t share my recipes for alcohol tinctures, prepared with my own hands.
After they moved to live outside the city, they gave me a moonshine still. He stood idle for about six months, and then I decided to do it. He began to drive moonshine, and then make tinctures on it. Although, there is not always time for moonshine, so I still make some of the tinctures on alcohol.
It is better to use pure alcohol, high-quality, ideally it is best to take medical alcohol. Such tinctures can be used not only for external use. All of them are made simply and do not require special costs, because everything you need grows at your fingertips.
I have found several recipes that I have been making for many years. Now I want to share them with you, maybe take note.
What are the benefits of alcohol tinctures
The medicinal properties of tinctures have been known since ancient times. Herbs were constantly collected and dried, curative preparations were made from them, and recipes were passed down from generation to generation.
It is worth remembering that alcohol tinctures should be used in limited quantities. Excessive consumption can end sadly, since plant materials have their own unique effect on the body.
For example, hawthorn is good to drink with heart failure, but pepper is only for external use. In any case, consulting a specialist in this matter will not hurt.
General rules for the preparation of tinctures for alcohol
Do not think that a tincture can be made by simply mixing alcohol, herbs and berries. The process is delicate, so please be patient. It usually takes me about two months to make one prescription.
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- First, decide what will be the basis of the tincture. Store-bought vodka is also suitable, but for such cases I drive moonshine with a strength of about 60 degrees. This is the perfect fortress for tinctures. I tried it on vodka, but it often comes across of poor quality, while a good one is expensive.
- Herbs need to be collected on certain days, it is better after the dew has disappeared, so they have more useful substances.
- Under no circumstances should frozen berries be used. There is no benefit from them, only time wasted. Many, of course, make such drinks, but this is not for everyone, who simply does not like the taste of ordinary vodka.
- You can use dried berries and herbs. But they also need to be dried correctly to get the right drink without the taste of hay or straw. I have a special dryer for this. At first it was small, but then he made one that is more convenient for me. In no case should you dry vegetable raw materials in the sun!
I definitely add honey to the tinctures. You can also sugar, but I have a neighbor beekeeper, I take it from him. There are no strict proportions, everything is calculated “by eye”. Honey takes about two tablespoons per half-liter bottle. I can’t say anything about sugar, I tried it once – I didn’t like it.
Keep in mind that a lot depends on the sugar content: if you take more than 500 grams of it, you get liquor, from 300 to 500 grams – liqueur, but the tincture is perfect when there is about 100 grams of sugar per liter of drink.
Contraindications to the use of alcohol tinctures
When I started making alcohol tinctures, I unexpectedly noticed that this fascinating process was addictive. By constantly trying your product, you can become addicted. Therefore, it is better not to get involved in tasting.
The ideal intake of a drink infused with medicinal herbs is a few teaspoons or tablespoons per day. An overdose can lead, for example, to an increase in heart rate if you have problems with the cardiovascular system.
Various pepper tinctures are good only for external use. When taken orally, they put a strain on the heart. Lilac tincture is generally poison! When combined with alcohol, harmful substances immediately begin to be released.
I always advise everyone who starts making such tinctures for personal use to read the literature and consult a doctor first. Even a few drops can be fatal!
The best recipes for making alcohol tinctures at home
All you need to make the perfect tincture is 60% or 40% alcohol, infusion ingredients, sugar or honey, and pure water. I take a spring, fortunately, the spring is not far from me. In winter, I use snow – this is structured water, which does not give any sediment when it melts.
Plant collections are laid out in clean canvas or rag bags, cleaned in a dark place where there is no direct sunlight.
Well, it will take time, which is usually never enough.
Cedar does not grow in our area, I usually take several kilograms of it on the market at once. Many people think that it is enough to fill the nuts with alcohol – and you’re done. It’s not like that at all.
Useful properties and qualities of pine nuts are due to their truly outstanding chemical composition. In just one hundred grams of a purified product, the daily norm of such useful substances for the body as iodine, zinc, cobalt, sodium, iron, copper, manganese and much more is hidden.
Essential amino acids, fats, proteins, carbohydrates – all of this is contained in these small seeds in abundance. In terms of nutritional value, only soy can compare with them.
First, the nuts need to be shelled. It is believed that the latter contains a lot of vitamins, but this is a delusion. When combined with alcohol, bitterness is released, which can ruin a pleasant drink. I usually wash them several times in boiling water to wash out all the dirt.
The recipe itself is simple and is designed for a half-liter bottle:
- pine nuts – 100-150 grams;
- alcohol – 60-65 degrees;
- honey or sugar – 100 grams;
- spices – to taste.
Pour all the ingredients into a glass dish, pour alcohol, add honey or sugar, mix everything thoroughly and put it in a dark place. The term of infusion is 10-15 days. It is desirable that it be warm. It is necessary to monitor the tincture and shake occasionally.
With cranberries on alcohol
Cranberries are one of those few berries that must be frozen before use. So the structure of the fibers is destroyed, the tincture acquires a bright color, and bitterness leaves the fruits.
Not everywhere it can be collected, often it goes on sale in September-October. It is quite cheap, we have 250 rubles per kilogram. Before preparing the tincture, you need to sort it out to remove damaged and rotten berries, rinse.
I additionally scald the berries with boiling water to remove the remaining bitterness.
The recipe for making “Klyukovka” is quite simple:
- cranberries – 200-300 grams;
- alcohol – 0,5 liters;
- water, preferably spring, – 50 grams;
- sugar or honey – 100 grams.
We dissolve honey in water, it is better to melt in a water bath. We carefully grind the berries, put everything in a glass container, fill it with alcohol.
If it is not possible to purchase high-quality alcohol, you can take store-bought vodka or cognac. Then the proportions of sugar and honey change.
We put the prepared berries in a container, pour it with alcohol, add honey and put it in a dark, warm place for 14 days.
From chokeberry
Aronia, better known as chokeberry, is an amazing ornamental plant that all gardeners appreciate so much. It came to the territory of Russia from Canada, where local residents widely used mountain ash to treat many diseases: for burns, poisonous bites, for problems with the digestive system, and severe headaches.
The unique properties of chokeberry are explained by the high content of vital elements in it: iodine, manganese, beta-carotene, vitamins A, E, C, B, calcium, iron, phosphorus.
Healing drinks from chokeberry on alcohol are especially popular with us, there are a great many recipes for preparing them.
Keep in mind that this tincture must stand for at least 2 months for the fruits to give all the vitamins. If you add more sugar, then a delicious tincture can be tasted much faster.
There are many recipes, but they are all simple:
- chokeberry – 300 grams;
- alcohol – 0,5 liters;
- sugar or honey – 100 grams.
The berries must be thoroughly washed, sorted out. Slightly mash to give juice. We put everything in a container, add alcohol, sugar or honey, put it in a dark place. The contents should be stirred or shaken several times a week.
After 2 months, strain the infusion, add spices to taste and put it back in a dark place for 2 weeks.
From viburnum (on viburnum)
You can collect it all winter, especially when the first frosts have passed, and all the bitterness has gone from the berries. In such a tincture, it is better to add more sugar or honey to remove a peculiar viscous taste.
It is believed that the birthplace of such a drink is the Urals, it was here that they began to prepare it. I can’t say anything about this story, but I drink 50 grams of it every day in winter to prevent beriberi.
Healing tincture is prepared as follows:
- viburnum – 300-500 grams;
- alcohol – 0,5 liters;
- sugar or honey – 200 grams;
- black peppercorns – optional.
I put the berries whole, but so that they are calmly distributed over the container. No need to seal. Pour moonshine to completely cover the berries. Leave for a week, stirring daily. Add honey or sugar, black pepper to taste, leave for another 2 weeks.
Strain the finished tincture and leave for another 2 weeks.
From lingonberries
Homemade tincture of fragrant lingonberries is a complete set of vitamins and microelements that will support your immunity. It’s quite difficult to collect. Personally, I prefer to buy frozen or dried.
Some people make gruel from lingonberries, but I prefer to lay it in its entirety, however, it will take longer to insist it in this form. The whole process will take about a month.
It is necessary to observe the proportions – it is better to do berries / alcohol one to one. This berry is sour, so it is better to add sugar or honey:
- moonshine – 0,5 liters;
- lingonberries – 0,5 kg (this is approximately, you need to fill the container to the very top);
- sugar or honey – 200 grams.
Place the berries in a container, pour alcohol, add honey or sugar, mix thoroughly. If desired, add a sprig of mint, currant leaves, cloves. This reduces the astringency and gives a pleasant taste. Put in a dark and warm place.
The tincture should be periodically shaken and mixed. After a month, strain, pour into glass bottles. Ready tincture can be stored up to 5 years.
from apples
I always have a lot of these fruits. If one apple tree rests, then another bears fruit, so there are no problems with apples. Many make more apple wines and liquors. I use part of the harvest for tinctures.
It is best to take apples of the latest harvest. Color and variety does not matter, the main thing is that they are firm and ripe. Since there are a lot of fruits, we calculate everything based on a liter capacity:
- apples – 1 kg (5-6 pieces of large fruits);
- moonshine 60 degrees – 0,5 liters;
- alcohol with a strength of 45 degrees – 0,5 liters;
- honey or sugar – to taste.
Wash the apples, cut the core, peel. Put in a liter glass jar. Ideally, it is better to pour apple moonshine, if it is not there, then alcohol will do.
Pour apples with alcohol with a strength of 60 degrees and leave to infuse for 2 weeks. This time is enough for the first tincture. We pour it into a separate bottle and fill the apples with 45-degree alcohol and also insist 2 weeks. We mix both infusions with each other and wait again for 2 weeks.
If you want a richer taste and dark color, then it is better to insist on the window, the autumn rays are not so bright and hot.
We try – you can add sugar or honey if the apples were not too sweet.
From red currant
There are many redcurrant recipes, but I use the simplest one that even beginners can cook.
Like any berry, it needs to be washed, rotten and spoiled fruits removed, dried a little so that there is no excess liquid.
What we need:
- red currant – 200-300 grams;
- alcohol with a strength of 60 degrees – 0,5 liters;
- sugar or honey – 100 grams;
- currant leaves – to taste.
We put the berries in a glass jar, put in a dark and warm place for 2 months. You can add sugar at the beginning, you can also after the tincture has been filtered. I make sugar syrup from a small amount of water and pour it into the finished tincture.
Store in a cool dry place.
That’s what is always really a lot – so it’s cherries. In our village, we collect it in buckets. These are jam, compotes, frosts, liqueurs. I make a tincture, which is popularly called “drunk cherry”. Anyone can do this recipe.
Again, there are a great many recipes: you can make it from ordinary, frozen, dried, cherry seeds, but one thing is worth remembering – cherries take a lot into themselves, leaving little juice. Therefore, do not stuff it to the top.
There is little sugar in the berry, so all tinctures are sour. Do not take spoiled fruits, you need to sort them out and rinse. If you are not lazy, then it is better to remove the seeds – they have a lot of hydrocyanic acid, which gives bitterness.
Let’s get down to business:
- cherry – 1 kg;
- alcohol with a strength of 60 degrees – 0,5 liters;
- sugar or honey – 300 grams;
- spices – to taste.
Place the berries in a glass jar, but not up to the neck. Pour moonshine, add sugar or honey, it is better to cover with parchment paper or gauze. Stir occasionally to release more juice. You need to do this several times a week.
After a month, filter, bottle and put in a cold place.
There are a lot of recipes for lemon tinctures. Let’s do a classic. For him we need:
- lemon – 3 stuff;
- alcohol – 1 liter;
- sugar or honey – 300 grams;
- spices – to taste (cinnamon, mint, vanillin, currant – to your taste).
The lemon itself is sour, so choose the proportions yourself.
From one fruit you need to cut the zest, put in a jar. Lay slices of peeled lemon on the bottom of the jar, sprinkle with sugar. Cut the rest and fill the jar, but not to the top. Pour alcohol, cover with gauze, put in a dark warm place.
After 2 days, the slices need to be pulled out, put the zest and leave to infuse for another week. The drink is ready.
Slivovukha is the most common drink in Europe, especially in the Balkan countries. You can make from any variety of plums, as long as the fruits are whole and not damaged.
- plums – 0,5 kg;
- vodka with a strength of 40-45 degrees – 0,5 liters.
I do not add sugar, but if necessary, it is better to add at the end, when the tincture is ready. You should not cut the berries, as well as pull out the bones, otherwise the final product will be cloudy, it will be difficult to strain it.
We lay the berries in layers so that the plums do not get damaged. Fill with vodka, put in a warm place for 40 days. Strain, bottle and enjoy. Now you can add sugar or honey.
We also have a lot of raspberries, we try to harvest them for the future, because there is no healthier berry, especially for colds. The tincture from it turns out – just fire, we always try to put a bottle of such medicine to the guests.
The classic method is very simple, any, even slightly crushed berries, are suitable for it. What we need:
- berries – 1 kg;
- alcohol with a strength of 60 degrees (no higher, less please) – 0,5 liters;
- sugar – 100 grams.
Grind raspberries through a sieve (to remove seeds) or in a blender with sugar. I prefer the second option. Put everything in a glass jar, pour alcohol and put in a warm, dark place for 2 weeks.
Strain through a sieve and cheesecloth, bottle and put in a cellar or refrigerator. If you want a more intense crimson color, then you can forget about the tincture for a month.
spicy raspberry
I thought for a long time to add it to raspberry tincture to give it a sharpness. I decided to add a little horseradish, but there was not enough zest. I added ginger, garlic and a little lemon – it turned out what I wanted.
The recipe is the same as for a simple raspberry tincture:
- berries – 1 kg;
- alcohol with a strength of 60 degrees (not higher) – 0,5 liters;
- sugar – 100 gram;
- horseradish – 50 grams;
- ginger – 50 grams;
- garlic – 1 clove;
- lemon – to taste.
Mash the berries until smooth, peel the ginger and horseradish, finely chop or grate. I do not cut the garlic, I just press it a little to give the juice.
I mix all the ingredients with sugar or honey, put it in a glass jar, and send it to a dark, warm place. A week later, the tincture is ready. Strain, bottle. It can be stored up to 3 years.
In view of the fact that I had never seen such a tincture on store shelves, I decided to experiment and make it myself. I know they do it in Finland, but it’s more like a liquor.
The result is a delicious drink, but you will have to spend a lot of time, stock up on berries and patience. Now I’ll tell you why:
- blackberries – 0,5 kg;
- sugar – 300 gram;
- alcohol 60 degrees – 0,5 liters;
- vodka with a strength of 45 degrees – 0,5 liters.
Rinse the blackberries, drain in a colander and pat dry with paper towels. Transfer them to a jar of a suitable volume and sprinkle with sugar, shake well. Cover the jar with gauze and leave in a warm place for 7-10 days so that the berry gives off juice and even slightly ferments.
Mix the berries several times a day. Then pour in alcohol, close the jar tightly and leave for 10 days in a dark, cool place, not forgetting to stir the contents every day. Drain the resulting infusion, and pour the berries with vodka for 7 days. Drain the infusion of vodka and mix it with the infusion of alcohol.
Pour the finished liqueur into bottles and send for a long exposure, at least six months.
Somehow I planted several blueberry bushes on my site, now I already have a whole plantation. I freeze some, I put some into tincture, because it is also useful.
By the way, the preparation of tinctures on moonshine practically does not differ from recipes on vodka. I like the stronger version. I always use homemade double distillation moonshine, try it – you will feel the difference yourself. If there is no moonshine, take alcohol.
What you need for blueberry tincture:
- blueberries – 300 grams;
- vodka with a strength of 45 degrees – 0,5 liters.
Rinse the berries, peel the leaves and damaged fruits, pour alcohol, put in a dark warm place, shake occasionally to mix it all up, 3-4 times a week.
I do not add sugar, because this is a medicinal tincture intended for treatment.
Strain, bottle, put in a cold place. Stored up to 3 years.
I want to immediately warn lovers of homemade tinctures that you need to be 100% sure of the raw materials that you are going to use. You can distinguish the poisonous Cossack juniper from the common one by the cones: the Cossack has 2 seeds, the normal one has 3.
Instead of cones, it is better to use young shoots, but again, pay attention that the leaves of the plant we need look like needles, and the poisonous ones look like scales.
Well, we figured out the materiel, let’s move on. For the simplest juniper tincture, we need:
- juniper berries – a tablespoon (10 pieces);
- alcohol – 0,5 liters;
- sugar or honey – to taste.
Grind the berries in a mortar, pour into a glass container, pour alcohol and leave for 2 weeks. We pour into a container. If the drink seems harsh to you, add sugar or honey to soften. Homemade gin is ready.
sea buckthorn
Sea buckthorn is the latest berry, it is better to collect it frozen, so it comes off easier, and the needles do not hurt your hands. I used to make sea buckthorn oil, it’s a great remedy for healing wounds.
Recently discovered a tincture. It is very easy to cook it:
- sea buckthorn – 0,5 liter jar;
- alcohol with a strength of 50 degrees – 0,5 liters;
- sugar or honey – 100 grams.
We knead the berries right in a glass jar along with sugar, so that almost all the bones are separated from the pulp. Fill with alcohol, cover, put in a dark warm place. You can wait 2 days for the berries to begin to ferment and only then pour alcohol. Everything to your taste.
It is not necessary to interfere, oil forms on the surface, which is collected for further use. After 2 weeks, strain the tincture. Filtering must be done several times so that all the turbidity is gone.
My favorite drink, which I prepare in large volumes. It is easy to make, the ingredients always grow in the garden. Previously, horseradish was uprooted, trying to get rid of it, now, on the contrary, I am expanding plantations.
There are only 3 ingredients in the classic horseradish:
- horseradish – 100 grams;
- alcohol – 0,5 liters;
- honey or sugar – 100 grams.
My horseradish, peel, chop finely, you can lay it whole, without slicing. Mix with honey or sugar, pour alcohol. It is better to take alcohol with a strength of no more than 50 degrees, because the tincture will burn your mouth anyway.
After 4 days, the tincture is ready, it needs to be filtered, bottled. Sometimes I add another garlic clove and a lemon wedge to the bottle. So the drink becomes softer.
By the way, horseradish can be used several times, from this it will become softer.
The use of horseradish in large doses is not recommended.
Pepper vodka
After horseradish, this is one of the most popular strong folk drinks. I grow my own hot peppers. When I was visiting China, I bought a couple of bags of ready-made pepper there, I have been using it for the second year, it is so spicy. I add this concentrate to peppercorns along with my peppers.
The recipe is the simplest and classic:
- hot pepper – 2 cloves;
- alcohol 60 degrees – 0,5 liters;
- honey – 200 grams;
- garlic – 2 tooth.
I put the whole pepper, all the necessary sharpness will come out in the tincture. Put everything in a glass jar, pour alcohol, add garlic, it is better to chop it. If you want a spicier drink, you can keep 2 weeks in a dark, warm place.
A week later, the tincture is ready, it remains only to bottle it. Pepper, like horseradish, is used several times.
From oak bark
For lovers of homemade cognac – the most popular tincture. It is better to take small branches, no more than 10 cm in diameter, they contain the most tannins and medicinal substances, which give the tincture a rich dark color and a peculiar taste.
Easy to do, all recipes are the fastest:
- oak bark – 100 grams;
- alcohol – 0,5 liters;
- honey or sugar – 100 grams.
Before the start of the ritual, you need to remove the bark and rinse well. Put all the contents in a glass jar and put in the refrigerator or cellar for 2 weeks. Strain everything, bottle it, put it in a cold place.
You can take oak bark in a pharmacy, in which case it only needs to be soaked.
from thyme
I make this tincture in limited quantities, because it should be taken up to 20 drops per day, no more.
This is one of the quickest recipes, especially if you cook it with freshly picked herbs, with a slight summer flavor.
I also add wormwood leaves to this tincture, this gives a special flavor:
- thyme – 3 tbsp. spoons;
- alcohol, you can take medical 96% – 0,5 liters;
- honey – 50 grams;
- wormwood – 1 tbsp. a spoon.
Mix everything, put in a glass dish, insist in a cool place for 5 days, stirring occasionally. After that, strain, pour into a bottle.
from peony
Maryin root, as the peony is called, grows on every personal plot. It is good to use only those varieties that are not bought in nurseries, the so-called hybrid ones.
Both ground and underground parts of the flower are used in the ratio 1:1:
- peony – 100 grams;
- alcohol 60 degrees – 0,5 liters.
Infused for 2 weeks, then filtered. It is better to pour into small bottles and store in a dark, cool place. Take in small amounts, like medicine.
from plantain
This grass grows everywhere, almost all parts are used. It is better to collect it in the morning after the dew has gone.
You can take dried plantain in a pharmacy, but I prepare it myself:
- plantain (ideally juice) – 100 grams;
- alcohol – 0,5 liters.
I first make juice, for this I pass the plantain through a juicer. I add alcohol and send the tincture to the refrigerator. She insists 2 weeks. If using dried psyllium, strain the tincture before bottling.
That’s who grows everywhere, in any village, near any garden.
The root is dug in the fall, it is better to take the roots of an annual plant. Flowers, fruits, leaves I harvest in May.
The classic tincture, like the others, is very simple:
- chopped burdock root – 100 grams;
- leaf juice – 100 grams;
- vodka 45 degrees – 0,5 liters;
- honey – 100 grams.
It is better to grind the roots in a blender, pass the leaves through a juicer. Pour the finished infusion with alcohol, after adding honey. Clean in a dark warm place for 2 weeks. Pour into bottles and refrigerate
If the tincture is bitter, then add more honey.
From valerian
You can cook it yourself, while the tincture will absolutely not differ from the pharmacy one.
Valerian grows on my site, does not require care, and the tincture from it is always in the refrigerator:
- crushed valerian roots – 100 grams;
- alcohol with a strength of 50 degrees – 0,5 liters.
Grind the roots in a blender, pour in alcohol and put in a cool place for 2 weeks, tightly sealing the lid. Strain, pour, store in a dark place.
It is best to use a dark glass bottle.
For tincture use only fresh or dried leaves. The stem and roots give bitterness to the tincture, we do not use them. The tincture has a pleasant refreshing taste.
We will need:
- mint leaves – 100 grams (15-18 branches);
- alcohol 60 degrees – 0,5 liters.
Grind the leaves, pour alcohol, insist 2 weeks. After the liquid changes color, you need to strain, if desired, add a little honey and lemon juice. Remove to a cold place.
From lilac
This tincture is used only externally. Only purple flowers are used, white ones do not have pronounced medicinal properties:
- lilac flowers – 200 grams;
- alcohol with a strength of 45 degrees – 0,5 liters.
Above the fortress is absolutely not needed, because when applying such compresses, you can get burned.
We put the flowers in a glass jar, but not to the top, fill it with alcohol, put it in a dark, warm place for a month. Strain and put in the refrigerator.
In fact, the effectiveness of alcohol tinctures in the fight against cancer is a big question. This matter is so delicate that I will not even give any recipes and advice.
I will only say that medicinal properties are attributed to tinctures of fly agaric, hemlock and aconite, however, all three of these components are poisonous. Therefore, taking them inside – well, such a thing …
It’s better to go to the doctor again.
From horse chestnut
Do not confuse the common chestnut, which is used as a nut, with the horse chestnut. The latter is a bush that can be found in any area. The tincture helps in the treatment of rheumatism and varicose veins.
Chestnut is harvested in October-November, flowers – in May-June, bark – in early autumn. The seeds are crushed and dried for 3-4 days, the flowers are dried during the day, the bark can also be dried in a ventilated room.
- bark – 100 grams;
- flowers – 200 grams;
- seeds – 200 grams;
- alcohol – 0,5 liters for each position.
Everything else is the same. We fill each ingredient with alcohol and insist separately, since we make tinctures at different times, but we combined them into one recipe.
We insist for 2 weeks, filter, bottle and – in a cold place.
On the clover
The flowers are harvested in June-July, when the release of honey pollen begins. We wash the collected inflorescences, dry them a little.
How much to take:
- clover flowers – 1 cup;
- alcohol with a strength of 50 degrees – 0,5 liters.
Fill the flowers with alcohol, leave for 10 days in a dark place, shaking daily. Then strain, put in the refrigerator.
from the red root
The red root is popularly a kopeck. The root of the plant is mainly used:
- crushed root or powder – 10-20 grams (2-3 tablespoons);
- alcohol – 0,5 liters.
Pour the root with alcohol, mix well, put in a warm dark place for 7-10 days, shaking occasionally. Strain, bottle, put in a cold place.
From cloves
Carnation inflorescences are known to many and are widely used in cooking. The recipe is the simplest, I also add honey:
- carnation – 8 buds;
- alcohol with a strength of 60 degrees – 0,5 liters;
- lemon – 1 piece;
- cinnamon – to taste and desire.
Remove the skin from the lemons, chop everything and mix. Pour in alcohol, add honey or sugar, put for 3 weeks in a dark, warm place, tightly closing the lid. Strain, bottle.
If necessary, you can add water, because the tincture can be bitter.
from eucalyptus
Fresh or dried leaves are used and can be harvested at any time.
The recipe itself is as follows:
- eucalyptus leaves – 3 tbsp. spoons;
- alcohol with a strength of 70 degrees – 0,5 liters;
- sugar or honey – 2 tbsp. spoons.
Chop the leaves, put in a glass jar, add sugar or honey, add alcohol. Leave for 3 weeks in a dark place. Strain, pour into bottles.
On a raisin to the table
Who likes oriental notes, you can make a raisin tincture. The recipe is very simple:
- raisins – 150 grams;
- alcohol 45 degrees – 0,5 liters;
- black peppercorns (optional) – 3 pieces;
- bay leaf (optional) – 2 pieces;
- black tea (optional) – 1 teaspoon.
Rinse raisins, soak for 1 hour in water. Add all the spices, pour alcohol and leave in a dark place for 3 weeks. Strain, bottle and enjoy an oriental drink.
On chanterelles
Haven’t tried? In vain. Chanterelles are one of the types of mushrooms that do not accumulate radioactive elements.
I tried different recipes, but I liked the simplest one. True, it will take a long time to wait for the result:
- chanterelles – 200 grams;
- alcohol 70 degrees – 0,5 liters.
We twist fresh chanterelles in a meat grinder or blender, fill it with alcohol, put it in a cold place for a month. Take 1 teaspoon at night.
On prunes
Another tincture is a real oriental exotic. You can get prunes at the store. Just do not take too dark and shiny, as it is treated with chemistry, and too light – this one is treated with boiling water.
What we need:
- prunes – 10 pieces;
- alcohol 60 degrees – 0,5 liters;
- peppercorns – 3 pieces;
- cloves – 1 piece;
- vanillin (optional) – 1-2 grams.
Crush the spices in a mortar, put all the ingredients in a glass jar, pour in alcohol, leave for 10 days in a dark place. Strain, bottle, store in a cold place.
At the pistachio
The tincture uses both the nucleoli and the shell. Many people manage to make a tincture of salted pistachios, after carefully boiling them in water.
Let’s cook from the kernels:
- pistachio – 100 grams;
- raisins – 10-12 pieces;
- alcohol with a strength of 60 degrees – 0,5 liters;
- cinnamon (optional) – 1 stick;
- cloves (optional) – 1 bud;
- sugar or honey – 50-100 grams.
We grind the spices, put them in a glass jar, add the chopped pistachios, mix everything and pour it with alcohol. Leave in a warm place for 2 weeks, filter, bottle.
Grape topping
I always have a lot of grapes, the whole arbor is entwined with them. Many make wine from it. This liqueur can be prepared at any time of the year using shop grapes. It is better that the berries are seedless, although absolutely any variety will do.
For the simplest filling you need:
- grapes – 1 three-liter jar (not to the top);
- alcohol – 1,5-2 liters;
- sugar – 3 tbsp. spoons.
Rinse the grapes, separate the berries, put in a jar, it is better not to crush. Add sugar and pour in alcohol, how much will go in. Shake, put in a warm place. Stir occasionally, insisting 2-3 weeks.
On blueberries and blueberries
Berries should be taken in a 1: 1 ratio. The taste is rich and bright. You can add spices if you wish, although I personally do not like to add something in this case.
The simplest recipe:
- berries – 0,5 kg each;
- alcohol – 1 liter;
- sugar – 3 tbsp. spoons.
Rinse the berries, peel, stir into a fine gruel with sugar. Put everything in a glass container, pour alcohol, put in a warm place, stirring occasionally, for 2 weeks. It turns out a delicious rich berry tincture.
Strain, bottle. Strain again if sediment appears.
On the gooseberry
For such a tincture, any gooseberry, even frozen, is suitable.
The tincture is made simply, adjust the sweetness yourself. I like a less tart drink:
- gooseberries – 2 cups;
- alcohol – 0,5 liters;
- sugar – 0,5 cups.
Berries put in a glass jar, knead with sugar, pour alcohol. Close the lid, leave for 90 days, shaking every week. Press the cake, strain the tincture and put it in a cool place. Readiness is determined by how the cake falls to the bottom of the jar.
Not a cardamom
To my surprise, everyone liked the tincture. This spice can be bought at any market. I tried to grow it myself, but it didn’t work.
What you need:
- cardamom – 4 grams;
- alcohol – 0,5 liters;
- sugar – 3 tbsp. spoons.
If you have ripe fruits, you need to grind them into powder, mix with sugar, pour alcohol. Close tightly with a lid, put in a dark place for 2 weeks. Strain, bottle. Delicious alcoholic tincture is ready.
On star anise
Everyone remembers anise drops, this is star anise. This tincture has a specific spicy taste. Classic anise recipe:
- star anise – 2 tbsp. spoons;
- cumin – 1 tbsp. a spoon;
- alcohol – 0,5 liters;
- sugar – 1 tbsp. a spoon.
Mix all the spices, put in a glass jar, pour alcohol, put in a dark place for 14-16 days. Strain, if desired, add more sugar if you feel a pronounced taste of anise.
It should taste like sambuca.
on aloe
We can say that this is Russian tequila. How to cook it:
- aloe (leaves or juice) – 150 grams;
- moonshine – 3 liters;
- sugar – 100 grams.
Finely chop the leaves, add sugar to soften the taste, pour alcohol. Keep for 2 weeks, strain. The color should turn golden. Let stand for another 2 days in a warm place and put in the cellar.
St. John’s wort
This useful herb grows everywhere, but you need to collect it in June, when the flowers have just begun, and the leaves are still tender.
For a classic tincture you need:
- St. John’s wort flowers (preferably fresh) – 4 tbsp. spoons;
- vodka – 0,5 liters.
Pour the flowers with alcohol in a glass jar, leave to infuse for 3 weeks. Strain, add honey, bottle and put in a cold place.
On the barberry
The most indispensable seasoning for pilaf is also suitable for making tinctures. You can take both fresh and dried berries. In the latter case, take 100 grams more.
The classic recipe is very simple:
- fresh berries – 300 grams;
- moonshine – 0,5 liters;
- sugar or honey – 3 tbsp. spoons.
Berries fall asleep in a glass jar, fresh knead, add sugar, pour alcohol and put in a dark place for 2 weeks, stirring occasionally. Strain, bottle.
How to properly store tinctures
Almost all tinctures are best stored in a cool, dark place so that sunlight does not fall on the containers. A cellar or a cold pantry, where the temperature does not exceed 10 degrees, is best suited for this.
If it is not possible to find such a place in a house or apartment, it is better to keep drinks, for example, on the balcony, until the onset of cold weather, and then bring them into the room.
Especially do not like the heat of herbal tinctures.
I want to remind you that almost all tinctures have a medicinal effect, they should be taken in small quantities. A few more tips:
- alcohol is better to take high-quality, dilute to 60 degrees;
- it is better to have containers of a dark color so that the sun’s rays do not penetrate through the glass;
- raw materials should be collected far from industrial enterprises and roads;
- take only familiar plants, if in doubt, it is better to buy medicinal fees in pharmacies;
- before use, it is better to consult with specialists in order to avoid undesirable consequences.
I know that many will want to share their recipes, suggest what I’m doing wrong, maybe the dosage is not the same, in general, I’m waiting for any comments.