Since ancient times, propolis has been used to prevent and treat many diseases, and if this bee product is mixed with alcohol, the healing effect will increase several times. Next, we will look at how to properly make propolis tincture with alcohol at home, so that the remedy is as useful as possible. Separately, we will talk about the use of the resulting medicine in traditional medicine.
- propolis – 80 grams;
- medical alcohol – 300 ml;
- dark glass bottle – 1 piece.
You can also prepare propolis tincture on vodka by replacing ethyl alcohol with 0,5 liters of high-quality store-bought vodka. Sometimes even moonshine is used, but this is not the best solution, since fusel oils and other harmful impurities contained in moonshine can neutralize the healing effect.
Propolis tincture recipe for alcohol
1. Cleaning. Raw propolis (reminiscent of dark brown plasticine) stand for 2-3 hours in the refrigerator, grind on a grater, then pour cold water over it. As a result, all useful propolis will settle at the bottom, while third-party impurities will float to the surface. After 5 minutes, drain the water and dry the purified propolis well. At this stage, useless substances are removed, so I do not recommend skipping cleaning.

2. Mixing. Place dried, crushed propolis in a dark glass container. Add alcohol or vodka there, mix and seal tightly.
3. Infusion. The resulting elixir should be infused in a dark room for 2 weeks at room temperature. Shake the bottle vigorously at least once a day.
4. Filtration. After aging, filter the tincture through gauze and pour into dark glass containers. The tool is ready to use.
Away from direct sunlight, the shelf life of homemade propolis tincture is up to 3 years. But it is not worth stocking up on a remedy for several years in advance; for maximum effect, it is better to prepare it every year.
Application of tincture
Attention! Propolis on alcohol is not suitable for people with allergies to bee products. If you experience allergic reactions (itching, redness of the skin, runny nose, swelling, cough), you should stop taking the tincture and seek medical help.
Depending on the situation, alcohol tincture of propolis is used for rubbing or ingestion. When using, remember that the product can only be diluted with clean water or milk, other drinks are not suitable.
It is very important to correctly calculate the dosage. An adult is allowed to take no more than 20 drops per day for a month, then be sure to take a break for several weeks.
Dosage for children: for each year of a child’s life, add 5% of the norm for an adult. For example, if a child is 10 years old, then he can take no more than 50% of the usual dose per day, that is, 10 drops.
Propolis tincture is contraindicated in people who:
- individual intolerance to propolis;
- stones in the kidneys;
- pancreatitis;
- diseases of the liver and biliary tract.
In order to prevent the remedy is used for:
- increase appetite;
- sleep improvement;
- calming the nervous system;
- general increase in body tone.
In folk medicine, alcohol tincture of propolis is treated:
- flu and colds (7-10 days);
- chronic and acute bronchitis (up to a month);
- high blood pressure;
- pneumonia;
- tuberculosis (1 month);
- diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
In chronic diseases and while taking medications, it is better to discuss the advisability of using propolis tincture with alcohol with your doctor, since the remedy can neutralize the effect of certain medications or cause side effects.
PS If there is no desire to make the tincture on your own, the drug can be bought at a pharmacy, and there are water-based varieties where alcohol is not used.
Attention! Self-medication can be dangerous, consult your doctor.