Calamus calamus, or reed (Ácorus cálamus) is a plant found throughout almost the entire territory of Europe and Asia. Calamus is native to India. It is believed that the plant appeared in Russia in the XNUMXth century, thanks to the order of Batu Khan. They knew about the ability of calamus to disinfect water, so they scattered its roots on the swampy banks of reservoirs.
Among the people, calamus is often called the Tatar potion or the Tatar saber: its long, sharp leaves really resemble sabers. But when buying medicinal raw materials in a pharmacy or from herbalists, you need to ask exactly calamus, since the botanical name “marsh cinquefoil” belongs to a completely different plant. Other popular names for calamus: flat cake, flat cake, Tatar man, shuvar, irny root.
Healing properties of calamus
In folk medicine, calamus root tincture is widely used in vodka, alcohol or wine. Roots, the length of which can reach 1,5 m, are dug up in late autumn, when they are richest in nutrients. The rhizomes are washed and cut into pieces of 15-20 cm, and especially fleshy roots are split. Dry them in the air or in the oven, but at a temperature not exceeding +30 ° C, otherwise valuable essential oils will evaporate. Well-dried roots should break easily. They retain useful properties for 2 years.
Scientists have found that calamus root contains:
- acorin glycoside is a strong choleretic agent. This substance normalizes the heart rhythm, anesthetizes and has a bronchodilator effect;
- alkaloid calamine – a substance with anti-inflammatory and disinfecting action;
- vitamin C;
- choline (vitamin B4), normalizing the state of the nervous system.
Calamus tincture is used for:
- bronchial diseases;
- indigestion;
- reproductive disorders in men;
- toothache and gum disease;
- blurred vision;
- joint pains;
- hair loss;
- urolithiasis;
- dermatoses;
- treatment for nicotine addiction;
- anxiety, tantrums, migraines, diseases of the nervous system;
- poor memory, lack of concentration;
- as a prophylactic during an influenza epidemic.

Preparation of calamus tincture
Air insist on vodka or 70% alcohol. For those who do not tolerate strong drinks, as well as for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, in order not to irritate the gastric mucosa, it is better to use calamus tincture on wine.
There are 2 main options for calamus tincture on vodka (or 70% alcohol), which differ in proportions:
- tincture No. 1: 50 g of calamus root per 0,5 l of vodka or alcohol;
- tincture number 2: 100 g of calamus root per 0,5 l of vodka or alcohol.
It should be borne in mind that in case of an overdose, calamus root can cause vomiting. Therefore, it is necessary to start treatment with a weaker tincture (50 g of root per 0,5 l of vodka). And only after making sure that during the treatment there is no vomiting, it is worth moving on to a more concentrated tincture.
To prepare calamus tincture, the crushed root is poured with vodka or alcohol (proportions – according to recipe No. 1 or No. 2). The container is placed in a cool dark place, shaken every 2-3 days. After 2 weeks, the tincture is ready. It is filtered and bottled into bottles or vials, preferably from dark glass. The vessel with tincture is stored in a dark place. The shelf life of the drug is 5 years.
Preparation of calamus tincture on wine: pour 100 g of calamus root into 1 liter of natural red wine. Even homemade wine will do, the main thing is that it is not fortified. Wines in tetra packs cannot be used for the preparation of medicine. Infuse for 15-20 days in a dry, dark place, shaking occasionally. Strain and bottle, store in a dark place.
Application of calamus tincture
For joint pains, compresses are made from calamus tincture on vodka. The compress should be kept for at least 2 hours, and preferably from evening to morning. Additionally, you can take tincture (according to recipe No. 1) inside: 20-25 drops per 50 ml of water 2 times a day half an hour before meals.
According to the same scheme, tincture is taken for urolithiasis, for prevention during an influenza epidemic, in the treatment of nicotine addiction. To make it easier to quit smoking, you can take wine tincture of calamus: 2-3 times a day, 30-40 drops half an hour before meals.
For the treatment of bronchial diseases, including bronchitis and bronchial asthma, 3 times a day, half an hour before meals, take 20-25 drops of tincture No. 1 or 10-15 drops of tincture No. 2 (dissolve in 50 ml of water). Those who are contraindicated in strong alcohol can take 30-40 drops of wine tincture 3 times a day half an hour before meals. The course of treatment is a month, then they take a break for a week. Up to 6 courses per year are allowed.
The same scheme is followed for:
- treatment of male impotence;
- problems with memory and concentration (calamus contains substances that strengthen the vessels of the brain).
- irritability, hysteria, migraines.
For dermatitis or acne, the tincture according to recipe No. 1 is diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 3 (for 50 ml of tincture – 150 ml of water). The resulting lotion is rubbed on the affected skin every day.
In case of indigestion, it is necessary to drink a tablespoon of calamus tincture on vodka.
Calamus root tincture for gum disease
With a toothache, a swab dipped in a vodka tincture of calamus is applied to the gum. The pain goes away after 15-20 minutes.
For gum disease, in addition to calamus tincture, you will need propolis tincture (50 g of propolis per 0,5 l of vodka, leave for 2 weeks).
It is necessary to prepare a mixture:
- 1 st. l. calamus tinctures;
- 1 tsp propolis tinctures;
- 3 tsp water.
After adding water, the liquid will become opaque, acquire a creamy hue. Rinse your mouth with this mixture (after brushing your teeth) according to the scheme:
- 1st week – 3 times a day;
- 2nd week – in the morning and in the evening;
- 3rd and subsequent weeks – in the evening.
The course of treatment is 3-6 months. Air disinfects, eliminates halitosis. Propolis “cements” microcracks in tooth enamel, prevents the formation of caries.
Calamus and calendula tincture to improve vision
It is necessary to prepare the tincture:
- 4 tbsp. l. calendula flowers;
- 4 tbsp. l. crushed calamus root;
- 1 liters of vodka.
Infusion time – 2 weeks. The finished tincture is filtered and poured into 2 half-liter bottles. They are kept in a cool place.
The medicine is taken 3 times a day for a teaspoon half an hour before meals. When the first bottle is over, take a break for a month. Then continue taking the tincture in the same way. The course is recommended to take place once a year.
Contraindications to taking calamus tincture
Calamus tincture should not be taken:
- during pregnancy and lactation;
- in the absence of the gallbladder (the drug has a choleretic effect);
- with individual intolerance.
It is allowed to take tincture only after consulting a doctor when:
- hypotension;
- low acidity;
- gastritis and stomach ulcers;
- prostatitis;
- oncological diseases;
- significant skin lesions.
Calamus root tincture is a powerful remedy. It may not be combined with some antidepressants, anti-arrhythmia drugs, choleretic drugs, antibiotics. Therefore, those who are prescribed any medications should definitely consult a doctor about the possibility of taking them.