Alcohol on trains in Russia: what is possible and what is not

During Soviet times, alcoholic beverages were commonplace on long-distance trains. Alcohol was considered one of the effective ways to have fun, since there were no gadgets in the Soviet Union. Today’s alcohol situation on trains is a little different: more and more passengers are filing complaints about “unfair” fines for drinking on transport.

So can you drink alcohol on the train? The answer is unequivocal: YOU CAN. But what kind of alcohol – we will now consider.

Alcoholic drinks in dining cars

Everyone who has ever traveled long distances in a decent compartment has come across restaurant cars. A misunderstanding between conductors and passengers arises from the fact that wine is quietly sold in the carriages, and fines are fined for carrying alcohol in a compartment.

Let’s start with the fact that restaurants on trains are a catering service, and therefore the sale of alcoholic products in transport is considered legal. Such “restaurants” are classified as “non-stationary shopping facilities”, as they move daily from one point to another. Therefore, in accordance with the legislative act No. 171 – FZ, restaurants of this kind have the right to sell alcoholic beverages containing no more than 16,5% alcohol.

The list of “light” drinks includes “traditional products”: mead and cider. Also, some wagons – restaurants sell wine and champagne. The explanation for this is simple – all alcoholic drinks sold on trains are ordinary fermented juice. For example, in cider, the composition of alcohol does not exceed 8%, and in mead – 15%. Such drinks do not lead to severe intoxication and a hangover. You will have to forget about cognac, vodka and whiskey at the time of the trip.

Is it possible to carry alcohol on the train and how: 5 tips

With restaurants on trains, the situation has cleared up, but what about passengers who drink alcohol “secretly”? The law also applies to such cases.

Attention! According to Part 1 of Art. 20.20 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation

Consumption (drinking) of alcoholic products in places prohibited by federal law shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of five hundred to one thousand five hundred roubles.

Those who carry alcohol within the territory of the state are not threatened with fines, since the conductors do not check the contents of the suitcases. If you decide to “sip” wine in a compartment, read the following recommendations:

  1. Choose a closed compartment for travel. Thus, the guides and the police will not “suddenly” turn up.

  2. Observe the elementary rules of decency. There is nothing wrong with having a glass of wine during dinner. If at the same time you do not behave loudly and do not cause discomfort to others, no one will notice that you have been using.

  3. Transport alcohol in opaque bags.

  4. If the conductor asked to show the contents of the suitcase, you have the right to demand an official drawing up of a search protocol. As a rule, after such requirements, the conductor leaves the passenger alone. Remember: Suspicion alone is not enough to search bags, it is illegal.

  5. Mask drinks. Wine can be poured into a juice box. Thus, alcohol will not have to be hidden even in the event of a visit by the conductor. The only thing that can arouse the suspicion of a train employee is the alcoholic smell. Therefore, try not to “lean” too much on the wine or block the smell of alcohol with perfume.


You can drink alcohol on the train, transport it too. But these possibilities are very limited.

You can drink low-alcohol drinks only in the dining car, “under the supervision” of the train staff.

If you have consumed in a compartment, try not to catch the eye of the conductors, as the smell of wine can attract a fine.

Relevance: 12.04.2018

Tags: Tips and life hacks

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