Alcohol jelly: 4 recipes with photos

Alcoholic jelly in all its appearance resembles a harmless sweet treat from our childhood, but do not underestimate it, because with the light hand of a bartender, jelly turns into a strong alcoholic dessert for adults.

In America, they called it “jello shots”, but in our country – alcoholic jelly shots. The cooking process is quite simple, and the main thing is that anyone can cook it at home. By the way, in the USA, on New Year’s Eve, alcoholic jelly is as popular as our red caviar.

Tips before starting

Today, there are various variations of recipes with whiskey, vodka, champagne and other spirits, but you should understand that it does not matter what kind of alcohol you use, the main thing is that it be of high quality. It’s entirely possible to make an alcoholic jelly with your favorite craft beer, but do you really want to? That is, I would like to emphasize that the limit of what is permitted in the recipe for alcoholic jelly is limited only by your imagination.

Now that we know that jelly and alcohol go well together, we need to clarify the situation with the choice of jelly flavor. To do this, we have compiled a small list of perfectly combined alcohol-jelly pairs:

  1. Vodka – orange or cherry jelly.

  2. Whiskey / cognac – apple jelly.

  3. Tequila is lemon jelly.

  4. Gin is kiwi flavored jelly or peach jelly.

Important to remember: the most optimal proportion for alcoholic jelly is: one part alcohol to two parts liquid jelly. If you increase the amount of alcohol, then the jelly will turn out tasteless and too strong.

Alcohol jelly: a step by step recipe with a photo

In this section, you will learn how to make alcohol jelly in 4 steps. Simple and fast!

  1. First, prepare the packaged store-bought jelly according to the instructions. Or dissolve gelatin in hot water with fruit syrup or compote.

  2. Cool the finished jelly to 30-40°C, pour in the alcohol and mix well.

  3. Pour the resulting mixture into shots or plastic cups, and leave them in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours.

  4. Before serving, let the jelly stand for 5-10 minutes at room temperature so that it melts a little.

You can also make layered jelly. To do this, you need to wait until the first layer hardens, and add the second cooled layer on top. Repeat the same procedure with each subsequent layer.

Alcoholic jelly in orange slices


  1. 4 fresh oranges

  2. 1 pack of gelatin.

  3. 500 ml hot water.

  4. 300 ml of vodka.

  5. 180 ml of cold water.

  1. Cut the oranges in half and remove the pulp with a spoon. PS In the future, you will not need the pulp of oranges, so you can just eat it or make it fresh.

  2. Take a bowl, pour hot water into it and dissolve the gelatin according to the instructions. Stir thoroughly until it is completely dissolved.

  3. Add alcohol, cold water and stir again.

  4. Pour the resulting mixture into molds made from the peel of halves of oranges.

  5. Leave the jelly in the refrigerator for 2-4 hours. Next, make sure that the jelly is completely set so that it does not spread when cut.

  6. Cut the slices into equal parts and treat your guests.

It is important to know: the peculiarity of alcoholic jelly is that when consumed, you will practically not feel alcohol. However, in large quantities, this dish can give you a hangover, so you should always follow the measure.

Gummy bears with alcohol

Usually gummy bears are filled with vodka, but you can try any other strong alcohol. In addition to bears, you can use any other ready-made jelly analogues (up to sweet marmalades).

1. Empty the bears into a bowl. Pour in the same vodka so that it covers all the bears.

2. Cover the bowl with cling film and place it in the refrigerator. Let the jellies brew for at least two days.

3. Try one bear on the second day. If its taste suits you, then everything is ready, if not, add more alcohol and again send it to brew in the refrigerator.

Important: the duration of the “soaking” may depend on the manufacturer and the technology for the production of jelly figurines. The denser the jelly, the longer it takes to soak. Do not forget about cling film, otherwise your bears will absorb all the smells of the refrigerator.

Perhaps these are the most interesting recipes for making alcoholic jelly at home. If you know a recipe that is not featured here, please share it in the comments below.

Raspberry jelly with rose wine


  1. Rose wine – ½ bottle;

  2. Fresh raspberries – 200 g;

  3. Sheet gelatin – 4 plates;

  4. Sugar – 200 g;

  5. Allspice – 5 peas;

  6. Fresh basil – 1 sprig.

Method of preparation

  1. Place gelatin in cold water. Meanwhile, pour the wine into a small saucepan and bring to a boil over low heat. In the process of boiling, successively add basil, pepper, sugar and 100 g of raspberries (at the same time, the berries fall into the wine just before boiling). Once the contents of the container boil, wait a minute and remove it from the heat.

  2. Squeeze out the gelatin plates and stir them in the wine until completely dissolved. Remove the pepper and basil, and strain the remaining mixture through a sieve, crushing the berries with a spoon. Then let the liquid cool outside the refrigerator.

  3. Spread 1/2 unused raspberries in dessert bowls or wine glasses, then fill them halfway with the jelly mixture and refrigerate to harden. Then take them out into the light of day, lay out the rest of the berries, fill them with the remaining mixture and return to the refrigerator until completely solidified (in case the second half of the mixture has already thickened by the time of pouring, you can safely melt it in the microwave).

Seven photo ideas for alcoholic jelly

Relevance: 08.07.2016

Tags: Tips and life hacks

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