Drinking moderate amounts of alcohol, such as 3-4 glasses of wine a week, increases the risk of breast cancer recurrence and death, according to a study published in the Journal of Clinical Oncology.
Scientists from the Boston University Medical Center came to such conclusions based on the analysis of data collected on a group of nearly 1900 patients who were diagnosed with early-stage breast cancer in 1997-2000. Researchers collected data on the frequency of consumption of different types of alcohol by patients. Women’s health was followed up for just over 7 years.
It turned out that those who drank at least 4 drinks each week containing 10 grams of pure alcohol (e.g. a glass of wine) were 35 percent less. more likely to come back cancer and by 50 percent. more likely to die from it than women who did not drink alcohol after hearing the diagnosis. The increased risk was especially in postmenopausal, overweight or obese women.
The researchers reminded that so far studies on the influence of alcohol on the fate of women with breast cancer have not produced unequivocal results. Almost all large studies have found that drinking alcohol in moderation does not increase the risk of a woman dying or the cancer coming back. However, there was a study conducted in a group of women with hormone-dependent breast cancer (which had estrogen receptors) that there was a higher risk of developing cancer in the other breast in women who drink more than 7 alcoholic beverages a week.
Therefore, the authors of the latest work believe that further research is needed on this issue. (PAP)