Alcohol in the fight against flu and colds. Is this method effective?

Many people believe that alcohol is a good way to fight a cold. Although it can warm up the body quickly, it does not help in treating infections. On the contrary, drinking alcohol when you are ill can be harmful.

  1. Alcohol increases body temperature and dilates blood vessels. It can temporarily relieve unpleasant symptoms
  2. It is a strong diuretic and causes too much fluid excretion from the body
  3. Drinking alcohol has a negative effect on the immune system
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Ethyl alcohol is an intoxicant. In small doses, it puts people in a state of excitement and not feeling tired. Alcohol makes the heart beat faster and the pupils dilate.

In higher doses, it causes a state of dizziness. There is a loss of mobility, problems with maintaining balance, loss of control over behavior, and even complete loss of consciousness, memory, speech and clear vision.

See also: One of the worst drinks for the liver. We’re not talking about alcohol. There is a study

Alcohol as a “home remedy” for colds? That’s bad idea

Alcohol increases body temperature and dilates blood vessels. Thanks to this, it can temporarily alleviate the unpleasant symptoms of a cold. This is why it is often used as a “home remedy” for colds. However, treating the common cold with alcohol or assisting with alcohol while taking medication can be dangerous.

Alcohol causes the body to excrete fluid from the body

Popular methods of treating colds are, for example, tea “downstream” and mulled wine or beer. Alcohol improves blood circulation in the mucous membranes as it dilates the blood vessels. This makes it easier for the body to fight germs.

However, alcohol should not be used as a cold remedy. It is a strong diuretic and causes too much fluid excretion from the body. In the fight against colds, it is important to stay well hydrated.

  1. See also: What does beer do to the human brain? New research shows that even small doses have risks

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Alcohol consumption negatively affects immunity

The toxic effects of alcohol decomposition, such as acetaldehyde or ethanol, reduce the absorption of antioxidant substances, such as vitamins and trace elements, and damage the intestinal barrier. Alcohol consumption increases the level of IgE in the serum, which is bad for the immune system.

Instead of alcohol, we can reach for the Natjun winter tea to strengthen immunity with a raspberry-ginger flavor or tea for the immunity of Immune Support Bio Yogi Tea. They are available on Medonet Market at attractive prices.

Alcohol consumption leads to disorders of both humoral (acquired, with the use of antibodies) and cellular (with the participation of leukocytes and T lymphocytes) immunity. Research from 2000 showed that alcohol abuse leads to a reduction in the number of leukocytes and their fractions, which makes them more susceptible to infections.

  1. See also: What happens in your body when you drink small doses of alcohol every day?

Alcohol can interact with cold medications

Although alcohol is warm, it does not work against the viruses that cause the infection and does not affect the course of the disease. It may, in turn, interact seriously with cold medications. Alcohol must not be combined with, for example, paracetamol, because such a mixture can lead to liver damage.

  1. Eight drugs that are better not to be combined with alcohol

It cannot be combined with anti-inflammatory and analgesic agents, because it places a heavy burden on the stomach, kidneys and liver. The risk of side effects also increases.

The editorial board recommends:

  1. One of the worst drinks for the liver. We’re not talking about alcohol. There is a study
  2. Scientists: Alcohol increases the risk of cancer
  3. Alcohol enhances the effects of certain medications

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