Alcohol by zodiac sign: which drink to choose

Astrologers believe that the predisposition to alcohol abuse to a large extent depends on the sign of the zodiac. The influence of stars on character cannot be underestimated, but the alcohol horoscope should not be taken too seriously. Next, we will figure out how the date of birth affects the behavior of people in a state of intoxication and find out with whom you can drink fearlessly, and who is good at communicating only when sober.


One of the most aggressive and sarcastic signs of the zodiac. Alcohol softens the negative manifestations of the Aries character, but increases their propensity for ridiculous and risky actions. These people do not know the measure and are able to outdrink all drinking companions, and a careless word addressed to them can cause an attack of uncontrolled aggression. At the same time, Aries love good company and a friendly atmosphere, so you can safely invite them to home parties. Refrain from going to bars, because instead of relaxing, you may find yourself in a fight initiated by your Aries buddy. Fiery signs of the zodiac prefer strong drinks – vodka, whiskey and cognac, while they need to remember the amount of alcohol they drink and keep a sense of proportion.


Representatives of this sign love fun and are able to spend the whole night on the dance floor. Active by nature, these people control themselves well and do not drink too much, because hangovers are hard to bear. Friendly Taurus can remain calm for a long time, but an extra portion of alcohol will make them unnecessarily aggressive. After going through, they begin to look for a reason for the conflict and are able to quarrel even with friends. If you decide to visit a bar in the company of Taurus, try not to give him reasons to show negativity. It is best to stay at home, in a calm and comfortable environment, the only drawback of this sign is excessive sociability. For drinks, good red dessert wine, absinthe and complex cocktails are the best choice.


They drink mainly in the company of numerous friends, whom they cannot refuse. Having drunk too much, the Gemini lose their self-control and start doing crazy things – they dance without music, laugh endlessly and joke vulgarly. Under the influence of alcohol, they can say too much that they would never have said in a sober state. People of this sign are very sociable and prefer to drink in bars, nightclubs and at crowded parties. According to the zodiac for Gemini, alcohol is a light beer that you can drink quite a lot without negative consequences.


When inviting Cancer to the company, prepare a solid supply of alcohol, because these people are able to drink all night. Do not try to assign the function of a “sober driver” to such a person. Even if he agrees, the cheerful atmosphere in the company will be spoiled by the gloomy mood of Cancer. Emotional and sensitive representatives of this zodiac sign drink too much too quickly, because they do not notice their dependence on alcohol for a long time. Excessive sensitivity in a drunken state can manifest itself in tears, but Cancers are well aware of their shortcomings and prefer to drink at home.


A leader by nature, Leo can tire a drinking buddy by talking about his Napoleonic plans. But this is extremely rare, since public recognition for people of this sign is above all, and they cannot afford to publicly “lose face”. Lions are excellent interlocutors and at the table they behave culturally and restrainedly. They prefer premium alcohol, as elite drinks emphasize their status. Buying expensive wine as a gift is a common thing for them. Among Leos, alcoholics are rare, because representatives of this majestic sign have a negative attitude towards alcohol abuse.


Perfect for the role of a “sober driver”, he will take everyone to their addresses and will not let them get into an unpleasant story. On the other hand, overly responsible and demanding Virgos often become secret alcoholics. The inability to relax and show emotions pushes them to abuse alcohol. As a rule, Virgos cope with their problems on their own, without informing others. Among people born under this sign of the zodiac, there are a lot of complete teetotalers, often due to problems with the health of the gastrointestinal tract and pancreas. In the choice of alcohol, they are demanding and picky, they prefer high-quality and rare drinks – expensive wines, whiskey and cognac with a long aging period.

Alcohol by zodiac sign: which drink to choose
Due to the lack of scientific justification, the alcohol horoscope cannot be chicken breeding for action and is only suitable for familiarization


Reasonable and intellectual sign of the zodiac, rarely abusing alcohol on an ongoing basis. They prefer exquisite and interesting drinks, they rarely lose their sense of proportion, and then in the morning they scold themselves for intemperance. However, the experience gained is not taken into account and they step on the same rake again. The main thing for Libra is a cheerful and pleasant environment, alcohol for them is a way to relax and get the most out of communicating with friends. They love wine and whiskey, coffee with cognac and do not lose self-control in public.


The most sensual of the signs of the zodiac drinks in order to enhance the pleasure of communicating with the opposite sex. Exceeding the dose affects the eloquence of Scorpios, they indulge in beautiful stories about their lives, but they are pleasant to listen to. A big plus is emotional stability, you don’t have to worry that your friend will throw a tantrum in a bar or complain about life, such manifestations are not in the nature of this sign. Favorite drinks – gin and tequila, can drink a lot without the slightest consequences for their health.


In the nature of this sign – wit and causticity. When drunk for a good joke, even the best friends can be offended. They love to be the center of attention and outdrink anyone in the company. They love holidays, fishing trips and barbecues, songs and dances until the morning. They are dangerous for their hooligan antics, which do not always end well. If the company is not satisfied, they can become depressed and ruin the evening for everyone present. They are undemanding to drinks, they prefer vodka, the main condition is a sufficient amount.


This sign has a black and white relationship with alcohol. Capricorns either drink actively or have no interest in alcohol. Drunk people are prone to strong emotional outbursts, but this is rare. They find a thousand reasons not to support the company, because they are always busy with their own business. They may be tempted by a good rum or a dry martini. But they will never turn down an invitation to a business lunch or corporate party, as they view drinking with colleagues as an opportunity for career growth.


Representatives of this sign drink a lot, but rarely suffer from alcohol addiction. Aquarians love drinking in the company, where they are usually in the spotlight. They easily meet and converge with people, adore new experiences. Careless, frivolous and sociable, these people often drink alcohol without serious consequences for themselves. Difficult life circumstances or neurosis can provoke addiction. Aquarians prefer light drinks – dry wine, whiskey with cola, champagne.


It is very difficult to see Pisces drunk, no matter how much they drink. The maximum that can be expected from them is a sharp mood swing. Sensitive and creative, these people in their youth can go overboard, but then they remember well all the awkward situations and the pangs of a hangover. But then they take into account the sad experience, know their norm and control themselves. Alcohol according to the zodiac in Pisces – whiskey and rum with cola.

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