Alcohol and pregnancy: why is it prohibited?

No alcohol during pregnancy!

That’s it, you are pregnant ! Among the first things to banish from your daily life, there is of course alcohol. Alcoholic substances readily cross the barrier of the placenta and enter the fetal bloodstream directly. If you drink even one drink very quickly, there will be as much alcohol in your baby’s blood as in yours, or even more, given the weight of the fetus and the fact that his or her liver. is not functional enough to dispose of it properly.

Vigilance is therefore essential throughout the duration of pregnancy., from conception of the baby, until birth.

However, if you’ve been drinking alcohol when you didn’t know you were pregnant, and later find out that you’re a few weeks pregnant, don’t worry. At this stage, the risk of malformation is still very low.

Alcohol and risks to the fetus

The consumption of alcoholic beverages during pregnancy is not trivial and can involve significant risks for the unborn child. Alcohol acts on the embryo and the fetus, in particular on its nervous system and its brain. Alcohol consumption during pregnancy is the leading cause of mental handicap, of non-genetic origin, in children in France. Note that this risk is common to all categories of alcoholic beverages. Wine, beer, cider, spirits… none escapes the rule.

What is Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS)?

Le fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) is the most serious impairment of prenatal alcohol exposure. It manifests itself in particular by facial abnormalities, growth delays, malformation of the cranium and the brain as well as nervous disorders, developmental delay, intellectual deficits and learning disorders…. The list is long and the consequences for the child irreversible. This syndrome is observed when the mother’s alcohol consumption has been very heavy. It is estimated that FAS concerns between 0,5 and 3 births in 1000, it is a real public health problem.

A drink is already too much!

The risk applies to regular or occasional alcohol consumption. Consuming alcohol daily, even in small amounts or occasionally, can lead to complications during pregnancy. (fetal growth retardation, premature delivery, low birth weight), as well as psychological or behavioral disorders in the exposed child (learning, memorization, abstraction, attention problems, etc. )

Conclusion: the effects of alcohol are harmful for the fetus, especially if you add cigarettes or drugs… During pregnancy, think about your baby first! Whether for a family celebration, a working lunch or a dinner with friends, opt instead for a delicious fruit juice cocktail, just to combine business with pleasure.

Source: INPS

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