Alcohol and hypertension, drugs for hypertension
Alcohol and hypertension, drugs for hypertensionAlcohol and hypertension, drugs for hypertension

It is well known that drinking too much alcohol can have many negative effects on the body. And what if we do not abuse it and only consume it a little? Do we then also have to take into account the fact that it will not be without consequences? There are different theories regarding, among other things, the relationship between drinking alcohol and blood pressure – does drinking raise blood pressure or, on the contrary, lower it? Theories many, as many false repetitions of myths on this topic. It is worth looking at this issue to be able to decide for yourself what this impact looks like? Does drinking alcohol really raise blood pressure, and can it be treated with the right medications?

Alcohol and blood pressure – does it raise or lower?

How is it possible that there are so many theories and divided opinions about the same topic – the effect of alcohol on blood pressure? Well, because in the initial phase, just after drinking alcohol, the pressure drops by about 4 mmHg, while a few hours later the pressure rises significantly (by about 7 mmHg), and this level lasts much longer than the initial one. This observation leads to the conclusion that alcohol is closer to causing an increase in blood pressure.

Alcohol and the norms of daily consumption

We know that moderate amounts of alcohol consumed do not cause havoc in the body. However, we do not know what norms are considered moderate. It is assumed that in the case of men, the daily dose of alcohol consumed should not exceed 2 ethanol units, and in the case of women 0,5-1 unit, where one unit translates into a glass of vodka (50 ml), a glass of wine (125 ml), one beer (300 ml). As you can see, gender does not matter here. Women are anatomically endowed with a greater amount of adipose tissue, with which alcohol does not react – it does not dissolve in it, which makes it much easier for women to get drunk. Women who exceed the daily norms acceptable for the body automatically expose themselves to a threefold increase in the risk of developing hypertension.

Drugs do not go hand in hand with alcohol

Those who are struggling with the problem of hypertension should pay special attention to the amount of alcohol they consume. It is inadvisable to combine alcohol with medications taken, which often increases the occurrence of side effects. For example, taking alcohol with vasodilators at the same time causes a feeling of weakness or fainting. Therefore, it is important to remember to avoid the simultaneous consumption of drugs and high-proof alcohols. Studies on the relationship between drinking and the associated increase in blood pressure, conducted on many surveyed people, confirmed that reducing drinking or completely eliminating it from your diet brings the effect of lowering blood pressure within a few weeks. This can only be an incentive for people who have a problem with hypertension and like to reach for high-energy drinks.

Treatment of high blood pressure caused by alcohol – drugs for high blood pressure

The basic rule is not to combine drugs with alcohol – extreme caution should be exercised here. However, if someone is struggling with the problem of hypertension, they should familiarize themselves with the basic drugs recommended in dealing with such ailment. Of course, all of them should be consulted with a doctor. Medication should be taken regularly, at the same times. It is suggested to consume the tablets before a meal, which will make it easier for the body to assimilate them. You should also remember not to accumulate doses, as this can bring even more harm.

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