Alcohol allergy – causes, symptoms, and procedures. When can alcohol be allergic and what happens to us then?

It can appear after drinking beer, wine, colored drink and in extreme cases cause swelling of the throat, larynx, and breathing problems. Not much is said about alcohol allergies and intolerance, but it is worth knowing when and for what reason they can occur and what is best to do then. We asked prof. Maciej Kupczyk, president of the Polish Society of Allergology.

  1. Problems most often arise after consuming colored spirits and wine. Beer can also cause allergies
  2. Symptoms of alcohol allergy / intolerance are usually quite mild. The most common symptoms are redness of the face, neckline and hot flush.
  3. However, a more severe reaction may also occur – these symptoms will be accompanied by a feeling of itching and scratching in the mouth, swelling of the throat, larynx, trouble swallowing, breathing, bronchial dyspnea
  4. More current information can be found on the Onet homepage.

Which alcohols cause allergies the most and why

We have a long weekend ahead of us, followed by a holiday full of barbecues, weddings and summer parties. This is the time when we usually consume more alcohol. Although this year, due to the pandemic, will be different than all previous ones, alcohol will probably be on more than one table. This is a good time to talk about a problem with which drinks are hardly associated and with which little is said. About alcohol allergy and intolerance.

Problems most often arise after consuming colored spirits and wine. The best tolerated is pure ethyl alcohol, e.g. vodka without any additives. – Here, allergies are definitely the rarest – says allergologist prof. Maciej Kupczyk. Beer can also cause allergies. What are the reasons for this body reaction to alcohol drinks?

– The topic is complex. There is no one obvious cause of allergic reactions related to alcohol consumption, emphasizes Maciej Kupczyk. As the expert explains, the concept of the so-called There are many different mechanisms behind the “alcohol intolerance” and it does not have to be an allergy, that is a reaction of our immune system. – Besides, it may not be the alcohol itself, i.e. ethanol. These types of allergies are very rare. More often, such reactions are related to the presence of additives in alcohol, i.e. preservatives and dyes. In fact, intolerance in allergic mechanisms most often concerns the so-called colored alcohols.

An allergy can also manifest itself after consuming beer, especially if someone is allergic to wheat or barley, for example. – In the case of beer, we are dealing with the so-called cross-reaction. There is simply the same allergenic source in beer, i.e. the grains mentioned earlier. As for wine, the cause of intolerance is usually contact with sulphites, which are added as preservatives.

As emphasized by prof. Kupczyk, we also have a whole group of reactions resulting from disturbances in metabolic mechanisms. – We do not tolerate such foods as, for example, tuna, red wine, long-ripening cheese, and this is because they contain a lot of substances from which the body produces histamine (the main mediator of the inflammatory reaction – ed.). After eating such food, the symptoms resemble an allergic reaction.

Professor Kupczyk explains that an allergic reaction to pure ethanol practically does not happen. “This is a great, great rarity,” he says. – Most of the problems are caused either by an allergic reaction to various additives, preservatives or products used in the production of a given type of alcohol, or from metabolic reactions, e.g. after wine – he sums up.

Symptoms of alcohol allergy and intolerance – what to do?

How do you know if you are allergic or intolerant to alcohol? Fortunately, the symptoms are usually quite mild. The most common symptoms are redness of the face, neckline and hot flush, often without any other symptoms.

– It is worse if the allergic reaction is more severe, that is, if the symptoms mentioned above are accompanied by a feeling of itching and scratching in the mouth, swelling of the throat, larynx, problems with swallowing, breathing, bronchial dyspnea – warns the specialist.

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There may be symptoms of shock as pressure drops – it is very rare, but theoretically possible. Fortunately, alcohol is not the most common direct cause of anaphylactic shock. a cofactor, i.e. a coexisting factor with another allergen. Then other intolerances can become active – tells us the allergist.

If we or someone around us finds herself in such a situation, we need to know what to do. – The procedure depends on the severity of the reaction – reminds our expert. The first, most important, and most logical step is to stop drinking. There is a good chance that mild symptoms will go away on their own. You can also help yourself with over-the-counter antihistamines.

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In such a situation, it is enough to consult an allergist who, after an interview and possible tests, will determine the best course of action.

  1. If the situation is not urgent, we can consult any disturbing symptoms with an allergist without leaving home, using telemedicine. For this, the patient can make an appointment with your doctor for a TV visit.

However, if the reaction is severe and disturbing, e.g. shortness of breath, we must seek urgent help, that is, call an ambulance or go to an emergency room. – Fortunately, such situations are rare – says Prof. Maciej Kupczyk.

In his opinion, allergies and alcohol intolerance are not a very common problem, but there are more and more colored drinks and such reactions do occur. It is worth remembering this.

If you suspect you are allergic to alcohol, get it checked by having a genetic test for food intolerance to gluten, caffeine and alcohol. You can buy them Medonet Market at an attractive price.

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