Alcohol after vaccinations

In some cases, immediately after vaccination, a person needs to attend an event where guests will be treated to strong drinks. Many people are aware of the negative consequences of combining alcohol with medications, so they are wondering if it is possible to drink alcohol after vaccination. Next, we will consider the recommendations of doctors.

The essence of vaccinations is that weakened pathogens (bacteria and viruses) are introduced into the body, which are defeated by the immune system that produces antibodies. As a result, there is a natural defense against a particular disease. But if the immunity is weak, then with a high degree of probability the introduced pathogens will not be defeated by the body and will lead to the development of the disease.

Drinking alcohol leads to a temporary weakening of the immune system, so doctors advise not to drink alcohol for 3 days after vaccination. This statement is true when vaccinated against diseases such as influenza, diphtheria, hepatitis B, tetanus, measles, etc. A longer period is needed in case of rabies injections.

With rabies, vaccination lasts three months. At this time, and also during the next nine months, any alcohol (even beer) is contraindicated. The fact is that alcohol weakens the effect of the vaccine and leads to the rapid spread of the virus, which is fatal.

Since different drugs can be used for the same shots, the safest option is to ask the doctor giving the shot about combining the drug with alcohol. Some products can cause allergic reactions, it is better not to risk it.

Attention! Self-medication can be dangerous, consult your doctor.

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