Alcohol addiction symptoms and how to deal with it yourself

Alcoholism is a very common and dangerous disease, which is sometimes difficult to notice at the initial stage, referring to frequent holidays and celebrations. And sometimes it is completely impossible to recognize in close people or colleagues, because with this type of addiction, a person does not always have an untidy appearance, especially in the initial period. But already with the first symptoms, it has a destructive effect on the body and may well lead to death. Therefore, today I want to tell you about the first alarming bells, how to recognize them and, accordingly, how to get rid of alcohol addiction yourself.


The insidiousness of this disease lies in the fact that a person is very rarely able to admit that he has an addiction. Everyone has a clearly formed opinion that at any moment, as soon as a desire arises, he will easily quit. And if you find that at least one item from the list of symptoms suits you, it’s time to think about the seriousness and neglect of this hobby. So the signs are:

  • When a person is sober, he feels uncomfortable, there is a great desire to experience at least a slight intoxication in order to get rid of tension. The trap is that the required dose is constantly growing.
  • There are violations of speech and coordination of movements.
  • Excessive irritability and irascibility, which was not inherent before.
  • Diseases of the liver, kidneys, pancreas, brain make themselves felt.
  • To get drunk, a very small amount of alcohol is enough, due to the fact that the body is simply not able to process large doses of alcohol.
  • The gag reflex disappears, the body stops fighting and defending itself, getting used to the frequent use of alcohol.

If you cannot determine the extent of your addiction, I recommend taking this test and determine. After that, you can return to the study of this article and methods for getting rid of this scourge.


Alcohol addiction symptoms and how to deal with it yourself


It develops very quickly, and most often others know about the problem. The reason for such a rapid emergence is the introduction of a ritual to drink, for example, as a reward for a sustained working day, or a small deed done. It is characterized by the development of a hangover syndrome, when sweating increases, hands tremble, the heartbeat quickens and the mood is mostly depressed, as well as the loss of the ability to control oneself. Hangovers and other uncomfortable symptoms go away after a hangover, and thus the circle closes, because the hangover reappears and there is a desire to alleviate it.

2. Drunken

He leads a normal life, because he does not go out to drink regularly, but if he allows himself to take at least a sip, he breaks down and goes into a binge for a period of several days to several months. This type of alcoholism is very dangerous for the body, since resistance to alcohol does not have time to develop, as in chronic, gradually and with an increase in dosage. Therefore, it happens that doctors help to get out of binge by injecting certain drugs.


At the same time, it can be in the nature of drunken or chronic alcoholism, one thing remains unchanged — no one knows about it. Most often due to the fact that a person experiences a lot of shame for his actions, and at the same time he occupies some important position or position in society. A higher percentage of occurrence in wealthy women. Only over time, others begin to guess, because the body, which cannot withstand the load, will let you know about its difficulties with the help of bruises under the eyes, a change in skin color, and so on.

4. Beer addiction

A very insidious look, as a person is imperceptibly drawn in, believing that drinking a little beer is not only not harmful, but also useful. It is complicated by the occurrence of rituals: meeting with friends for beer, watching football, going to nature with barbecue and beer… on the contrary, bearing a share of relaxation in the daily struggle with stress.


This is a special type of alcoholism due to the fact that it is very dangerous, it develops too quickly and is complicated by the fact that, due to a promiscuous sexual life, a woman acquires venereal diseases in addition to health problems.


It is considered childish if the addiction began before the age of 18. It affects not only health, but also behavior that becomes uncontrollable, a teenager may begin to commit violent crimes.

Methods of struggle

There are different ways to deal with alcohol addiction, the most popular of which are coding and the 25th frame method.

  • Coding. With the help of hypnosis, a person is instilled with a feeling of aversion to alcohol. A very popular and effective method. Unfortunately, its action fades at the first attempt to drink, then a breakdown occurs and all previous treatment is useless.
  • 25 frame. In the projector, the film spins at a speed of 24 frames per second, the subconscious mind does not have time to cope with so much information and captures only the last, 25th frame. And during a long session, a person unconsciously assigns a new setting — do not drink.

How to handle yourself?

Alcohol addiction symptoms and how to deal with it yourself

1. Awareness of the problem

The very first step, and at the same time the most important. If you understand that this is no longer just a method of relaxation, but a disease that has serious consequences, this will give you strength and confidence in the fight against it. Recovery will begin only when you yourself decide to become healthy and free.

2. Remember the reasons why you came to the decision to quit

Make a list of what you have lost because of your addiction. Let it be a reminder to you in difficult moments, when there is a temptation to break loose.

3. Remember, after what exactly this form of addiction arose

Life is a very complicated thing, and before dealing with the consequences, it is also important to understand at what moments there is a threat to return to the usual way of responding to stress, disappointment, and so on. The reasons are different for everyone, but it is important to understand them and look for other options for how to cope.


Learn to recognize your true needs that you were trying to satisfy with a destructive habit.Most often, these are the needs for security, attention, recognition of others, relaxation and pleasure. And if you notice and implement them, then the desire to drink will fade away, due to the fact that it will become an unnecessary way.


Learn to relax, but not destructively in relation to your body. Yoga classes, walks in the fresh air and outings in nature help. Only not with a bottle, but in the form of outdoor activities.

6. Go in for sports

This will help restore muscle tone, increase self-esteem and distract from thoughts focused on the desire to drink.

7.Vitamins and means for struggle

Start taking vitamins as alcohol flushes them out of your body in large quantities. Help him recover and also avoid side effects after a categorical refusal to drink. The same is with food, increase the amount of vegetables, fruits, greens in your diet.

8. Come up with other rituals that do not destroy personality and health

After work, instead of drinking, spend time with your family and other interests. Avoid companies and people who will provoke you to break loose. You need to change the usual foundations and system, otherwise there is a risk of going back and all efforts will be meaningless.

I recommend this article so that you can see examples of the life rules and principles of a successful person. After all, you are this very person, only alcohol and ignorance of self-development tools interfere.


Enlist the support of loved ones who will help you lead a sober lifestyle. Expand your circle of acquaintances, connecting with new people will help you see other ways to meet your needs, as well as distract yourself.

10. Change your attitude towards the recovery process

Alcohol addiction symptoms and how to deal with it yourself

Men sometimes have an unconscious protest reaction to the word «refusal» from alcohol. Rephrase, for example, to «healing, treatment.» Then your attitude will also change, because the very word “refusal” is alarming and causes anger at the rigid limits and boundaries that you will want to break over time. Treat differently, because during this period your body is updated, new nerve cells are created, the level of the male hormone increases, or the female hormone is restored, depending on gender, toxins and harmful substances are gradually removed.

11. Engage in self-development

Start reading books and apply the methods described in them in practice. If you get carried away with this topic, then you are more likely to be able to postpone the time required for your psychological addiction to pass. After all, the more you do not drink, the easier it will be for you to forget about this hobby. I faced this problem and in my case, this method brought results.

Here is a list of books to get you started.

I advise you to read other articles on the blog, for example, here: “How to find yourself and where to start personal growth.”


That’s all, dear reader! Follow the recommendations, restore strength and take care of yourself! A sober life is full of joys, it is interesting and varied, and will bring more impressions than under alcohol. Don’t forget to subscribe to blog updates. Bye Bye.

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