Albinism – description, symptoms, treatment. Who is an albino really?

An albino is a person who lacks pigment in the skin, hair and iris of the eye. There are two types of albinism – generalized and partial. In Poland, not everyone knows who the albino really is and what made him different.

Albino – eyes

albinos has very fair skin, hair, eyelashes and eyebrows. Child affected albinism is born pinkish because the blood vessels are showing through. Eyes albinosa they can even be red in color. Additionally albinos it is sensitive to the sun’s rays. Burns, calluses and blisters appear very easily. Albinism it is the result of a deficiency of tyrosinase – an enzyme that converts melanin precursor into melanin proper. Such albinism can be acquired or congenital. Albinism eyes may also be affected. The red color of the iris is a characteristic feature. All because blood vessels shine through it. Albinism it is a hereditary ailment, a recessive gene is responsible for its development. The baby will be born albinosem only if he receives the defective gene from both his parents.

The more common type albinism jest albinizm nabyty. It does not become apparent immediately after the baby is born. It is usually not noticed until the age of 10 or even 20. This disorder is the dying of melanocytes. A symptom albinism acquired there is the formation and enlargement of spots that initially appear only pointwise. As the cells die, these spots keep on growing. Bielactwo acquired may appear for a variety of reasons. One of the most common is the malfunction of the oxidation mechanisms. This means that the metabolism of melanin produces by-products that damage it. albinos suffering from Vitiligo he may also have disturbances in some functions of the nervous system. It also happens that stains bleaches appear in places where the skin has been mechanically damaged. This could be at the site of scratches and other seemingly trivial skin lesions.

In the event of albinism it is very important to properly care for the skin and protect it from harmful UV radiation. Albinism congenital is a disease incurableso there is no treatment option. They only appear when diagnosed acquired albinism. In this case it applies leczenie pharmacological and topical. There is also a method of irradiation with specialized lamps that are able to improve the appearance of the skin and reduce the visibility of whitewash spots. Unfortunately albinos must take into account that they will not completely eliminate the problem. Everyone albinos he has to get used to using high-filter creams to protect his extremely sensitive skin.

Albino – in Poland

Frequency of appearance albinism in Poland and the world is not tall. It amounts to 1: 5000 people. In some places around the world this frequency is much higher. In Tanzania it is 1: 1400, while in South Africa it is as much as 1: 1000 people. This means that one in 1000 people is affected by this condition. African beliefs say that albinosi they are the incarnation of the spirits of the dead. There are also frequent persecutions and murders albinos. All because of the superstition that their body parts, enclosed in amulets or consumed in the form of potions, have magical powers. However, it should be noted that albinism it is not a condition that threatens the health or life of the sick person. albinos also cannot infect with his disease. Therefore, there is not even the slightest reason to get people affected vitiligo isolate and exclude from society.

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