Albanian meat: cutlets and sausages. Video
Recipes for meat dishes of Albanian cuisine are deservedly popular among Russian chefs, thanks to the availability of ingredients and originality of execution. However, on domestic soil, the traditional dishes of the inhabitants of the Balkan Peninsula acquire new flavors. The beef and lamb preferred by the Albanians are often replaced by pork, and the composition of the seasonings varies. Nevertheless, the basic principles of national concoction remain the same.
Albanian meat: cutlets and sausages
How to cook Albanian meat
The famous Albanian minced meat cutlets amaze with their juiciness and aroma. Russian housewives love to cook them from pork tenderloin. For 0,5 kg of pork, the following amount of ingredients is enough:
– chicken eggs (2 pcs.); – garlic (2 cloves); – starch (3 tablespoons); – mayonnaise (3 tablespoons); – onions (3 heads); – table salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste; – parsley and basil (in a bunch); – refined vegetable oil for frying (about 30 g).
Chop pork tenderloin and toss with chopped onion and crushed garlic. Beat raw eggs, potato or corn starch, fatty mayonnaise with a broom, then add the resulting substance to the minced meat. Salt and pepper everything, mix well again. Place the meat in a ceramic, enamel or glass dish and keep in the refrigerator compartment for at least 3 hours, but ideally overnight.
In the process of preparing meat in Albanian style, the most painstaking part of the cooking will be the cutting of the tenderloin. You need to grind it with a knife or a hatchet into very small pieces. For the convenience of chopping, it is recommended to slightly freeze the meat.
Place finely chopped parsley and basil in chilled marinated pork before cooking. Spread equal portions of meat with a tablespoon in a hot cast iron skillet and fry on both sides until golden brown in refined vegetable oil, like pancakes. Serve the prepared Albanian meat immediately.
Beef sausages “chevapchichi”
One of the most popular recipes in Albanian cuisine is cevapchichi, juicy meat sausages made from steamed beef. The recipe is distinguished by a small number of ingredients and ease of preparation. Usually, all components are selected by eye, any bouquet of seasonings is also possible. The composition of simple chevapchichi in the Russian manner can be as follows:
– steamed beef pulp (0,5 kg); – olive or corn oil for frying; – rosemary, ground black pepper and table salt to taste.
Process fresh meat thoroughly to make it really juicy. Chop it into small slices, then scroll through a meat grinder together with spices and spices. Mix the minced meat well (this must be done within 15-20 minutes) and keep it in the refrigerator for several hours. Never freeze meat.
Traditionally, the inhabitants of the Balkan Peninsula eat chevapchichi with lots of onions, white bread, tomatoes and paprika.
Shape the beef into small sausages of equal size (about 2 cm thick, about 7 cm long) and prepare the oven rack. Cover it with vegetable oil, spread the sausages on it and cook the dish for 7-10 minutes. Juicy chevapchichi can be served with fried potatoes and a light vegetable salad.