Alazani Valley wine: drink review

Wine “Alazani Valley” has a sad history. Tasters criticize this wine, calling it low-grade and cheap. Now “Alazanka” is gaining popularity in the market, although it does not have any special organoleptic properties.

wine cocktails

History of “Alazanki”

As mentioned earlier, Alazani Valley does not have the most enviable reputation for wine. At the moment, the quality of wine with this name is highly dependent on its producer.

  1. The wine recipe was developed in 1977, when the wine industry in Georgia was degrading, which already speaks of its low quality, if only because of the recipe.

  2. In the early 2000s, the Russian market was flooded with cheap fake Alazani Valley, and the quality of this wine ruined its reputation even more.

  3. Since 2006, the supply of Georgian wines to Russia has been banned, and Alazanka has been completely forgotten. Moreover, in its homeland, in Georgia, this brand is far from popular – it is rarely found anywhere. And all because they do “AD” in the wrong place and the drink under this brand is considered imported.

  4. Since 2014, the embargo has been lifted and Georgian wines have been given a second chance. “Alazani Valley” is still not taken to be produced by foreign or Russian factories, however, it is now quite possible to find a drink with this name. Its main value is the absence of acidity inherent in all wines.

Now the Alazani Valley is produced by large Georgian factories: Khareba, Shumi and Badagoni.

Production technology

The wine has a strength of 10% to 13%. To create this semi-sweet, Saperavi grapes are most often used, but other varieties are sometimes added: rkatsiteli, odjaleshi.

The production process is sustained in ancient traditions. The collected berry is pressed with a press along with the seeds. It is then left to ferment in large clay or stainless steel tanks. The fermented juice is separated from the pulp and left to age and ripen separately.

Gaining popularity

After the “wine scandal”, which resulted in an embargo, Georgia is trying to meet European standards for wine production in order to withstand competition. Alazanka was also given a second chance, and now it is not a bad wine at all. Although Alazani Valley has jumped in price, this brand still belongs to the budget segment. One has only to add that if you want to taste the original Georgian wine, Alazanka is not suitable for this. Firstly, the quality varies depending on the manufacturer, and secondly, it will be difficult to find it in Georgia.

By the way, the name “Alazani Valley” corresponds to the territory on which the vineyards of Georgia are located – the best Georgian grapes grow on them. The territory is characterized by a warm humid climate, absence of droughts and fertile lands. The Alzan River flows through the valley.

Relevance: 05.08.2018

Tags: Wine and vermouth, Wine brands

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