Alabai dog
According to experts, the Alabai breed was born about 6 thousand years ago. The Alabai dog is one of the most ancient breeds that has retained its original appearance to this day.
Name of the breedAlabai or Central Asian Shepherd
Country of originRegions of Central Asia
The time of the birth of the breedXX century
A typebelong to the mountain and Swiss cattle dogs, but now they are used as guard dogs
The weight40 – 65 kg (females), 50 – 79 kg (males)
Height (height at the withers)60 – 69 cm (females), 65 – 78 cm (males)
Lifespan12 – 15 years
puppies price15 000 – 40 000
Most popular nicknamesAmur, Rex, Altyn, Barys, Barkhan, Urman, Pharaoh, Yar

History of origin

According to experts, the Alabai breed was born about 6 thousand years ago. This is one of the most ancient breeds, which has retained its original appearance to this day. This breed was formed on a vast territory – from the Caspian Sea to the Southern Urals in the west. The second name “Central Asian Shepherd Dog” appeared precisely from a geographical point of view.

Initially, Alabai were bred for protection and shepherd work, since the ancient tribes needed a strong and powerful dog that would protect them in case of emergency. In Central Asia, Alabaev began to spread from the 30s of the last century. Much later they began to be professionally bred. Many consider the Alabai to be a relative of the Tibetan Mastiff.

Today these dogs are respected and appreciated in Our Country, Iran and Afghanistan. The breed is also common in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan and Tajikistan.

Breed description

Since the alabai is a relative of the mastiff, then, accordingly, this breed is large and strong. The blood of the most ancient dogs of Asia flows in it.

The height of males reaches up to 78 cm, and females up to 69. The Central Asian Shepherd Dog has very outstanding appearance. They have a huge head, flat forehead. The ears are small and drooping. Many owners still dock them, like the tail. The nose is black. The eyes of the Alabai are of medium size, their shape is oval.

The Alabaevs have a wide chest, a large body, and a strong dorsal region. Their high back is a distinctive feature of this breed of dog. This feature helps the Alabai jump, making it stronger and sharper. The legs are high, powerful and strong. The tail is set high, rather thick at the base, sickle-shaped before docking;

Their fur is very thick, hard and coarse. The color is very different: there are black Alabai, and red, brindle, brown.



The character of the Alabai is classified as balanced and calm, they are self-possessed, proud and independent. Dogs are very calm, rarely show aggression, not fussy.

As for the attitude towards strangers, they behave towards them incredulously and wary. Dogs take life seriously, and they also have a slight arrogance.

This dog will easily find its place in the family. Alabai calmly react to other animals in the family, they treat children well. Alabai are very good guards – they will protect their territory, showing aggression towards strangers.

The shepherd dog will guard its territory very jealously, showing aggression in case of violation of the border established by it.

Care and maintenance

This large dog does not need to be kept in an apartment, Alabai need a lot of space. Ideally, this is a country house with a large adjacent territory on which it will be possible to install a dog house with an aviary.

If it so happened that you got a dog in the apartment, then do not forget about regular walks, at least two hours a day. For walks, a strong leash and a muzzle are required.

You need to systematically examine the mouth, ears, eyes. Eyes, veterinarians advise, are best washed with a cotton pad dipped in tea or wiped with a special agent.

Bathing these dogs more than once a month is not necessary. After water procedures, the dog should be wiped with a towel until completely dry. Every week the dog needs to be combed out, more often during the molting period.

Alabaev should be fed with lean and fresh meat and cereals – beef and veal, rice and buckwheat are ideal. You can also give vegetables and fruits, eggs, low-fat dairy products. The alternative is premium dry food. Contraindicated are foods such as pickles, sweets, starchy foods, bird bones. Clean water should be available to the dog at all times.

Education and training

Raising and training such a strong animal is simply necessary. You need to start training at a young age, from three months. A day with Alabai you need to do at least 30 minutes. By the age of five months, he should know such simple commands as “Come”, “Sit”, “Place”, “Fu”.

It is worth remembering that Alabai is capricious and is unlikely to obey you immediately. Only patience will help to achieve the result. You can encourage a big friend with treats, friendly stroking on the scruff of the neck. All this will become incentives for the dog.

You should carefully monitor the behavior of the shepherd dog in relation to strangers. From childhood, you also need to teach Alabai not to jump on people, because then they reach enormous sizes.

Males are easier to train than females. It is better to entrust the training of a kind of shepherd dog to a professional. Only they are able to make a guard and well-mannered dog out of a puppy.

Health and disease

This breed has good health and good immunity to various diseases. But due to genetic problems and improper maintenance, diseases can occur.

Due to the fact that they are large, dogs often suffer from diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Time-limited walking can cause dog obesity. Excess weight can lead to arthritis or arthrosis, and the dog will suffer from severe pain. It is better to choose feeds with a high content of calcium, phosphorus, magnesium. And if you feed a natural woman, give vitamins according to the recommendations of the veterinarian.

Once a quarter, you need to deworm the dog with proven and effective means.

Improper nutrition can lead to diabetes. Salt, spices, sweets in the diet of Alabai are a direct path to health problems.

The main conditions for maintaining and maintaining good dog health are vaccinations and an annual visit to the veterinarian.

Popular questions and answers

We asked typical questions of Alabaev owners veterinarian, zoo engineer Anastasia Kalinina.

How long does it take to walk alabai?

Alabai needs to walk for about 2 hours. This is an active breed, adapted to long journeys along with herds of sheep.

Will Alabai survive with a cat?

He will get along with a cat if the alabai met her as a puppy.

How do Alabai react to other dogs?

They can be aggressive towards other dogs, so you need to control the pet. Alabai are especially dangerous on their territory and if they live in pairs.

Is it possible to keep an Alabai on the street for permanent residence?

Street content tolerates well. Moreover, both in conditions of frost and hot climate.

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