Aktara from the Colorado potato beetle: reviews 

Everyone who has planted potatoes at least once has encountered such a scourge as the Colorado potato beetle. This insect is so adapted to various conditions of life that even many poisons are not able to overcome it. That is why experts from the field of agronomy have developed a special Aktara preparation that will protect your crop from persistent pests and allow you to grow high-quality and healthy plants.

Description and properties of the drug

The uniqueness of Aktara’s remedy lies in the fact that it can be used not only to protect potatoes from the Colorado potato beetle, but also currants from aphids, as well as from various pests that impair growth and destroy roses, orchids and violets. Aktara is a neonicotinoid-type insecticide.

In almost a day, along with this drug against the Colorado potato beetle, you can forget about this pest. So, 30 minutes after treatment, the pests will stop eating, and the next day they will die.

If you apply Aktara under the root of the plant, then the protection will last for 2 months, if you spray it with the drug, the plant will be protected for 4 weeks. In any case, for a while, you will save the plants from painful insects.

Aktara from the Colorado potato beetle: reviews 

In what form is it produced

The drug is available in several forms: liquid concentrate, as well as special granules. So, the granules are packed in a small bag of 4 g. Experts say that the bag is enough to process all greenhouse tomatoes.

The suspension concentrate is available in 1,2 ml ampoules, as well as in 9 ml vials. This packaging is convenient for processing indoor plants or small summer cottages.

For enterprises that are engaged in the cultivation of agricultural products, a special package of 250 g is produced.

How to apply pesticide

Aktara’s remedy for the Colorado potato beetle, the instructions for use of which are quite simple, has reviews not only of amateur gardeners, but also of serious specialists in the agricultural business.

Attention! The most important point is to start processing on time.

Simply put – as soon as pests are found on plants, immediately open the package and proceed to processing.

Choose a day with no wind and also check the forecast for no rain. Spraying is carried out in the morning and also in the evening. Choose a good spraying agent so that it does not fail and is not clogged. At the end of the work, the sprayer is washed with plenty of water.

So, it is necessary to prepare a solution, do it only in open space. In 1 liter of warm water, dilute 4 g of a sachet of the drug. The working fluid is prepared in the sprayer itself, which is filled with ¼ water. If you are spraying potatoes, then you need to add 150-200 ml of the product, if currants are being processed, then 250 ml, flower crops will need 600 ml.

Aktara from the Colorado potato beetle: reviews 

Using the drug Aktara, you get a lot of advantages:

  • protection against more than 100 pests;
  • active penetration through the leaves. The drug will be absorbed after 2 hours and the rain will not have time to wash off the protection;
  • practically does not penetrate into the fruits themselves;
  • the product can be mixed with other drugs, as well as added to fertilizer. The drug is incompatible only with alkali-based products;
  • activates the development of the root system;
  • the drug is harmless to predatory insects that feed on pests.

But the most important thing is protection from the Colorado potato beetle. Aktara is a reliable tool that will protect your crop from unexpected guests.

Experts also recommend alternating the drug with other means of protection so that some types of pests do not develop resistance to the drug.


Reviews about the Aktara remedy speak of its reliability and long-term effect. It is also used before planting by dipping tubers or bulbs into the solution. Experts note that you can not be afraid of an overdose of harmful substances, since the drug completely decomposes in just 60 days.

Aktara from the Colorado potato beetle: reviews 

At the same time, experts note that the drug belongs to moderately dangerous drugs for humans and has a class III toxicity. This suggests that when working with the product, it is necessary to use gloves and a respirator, as well as special clothes that you will wash after each treatment. In addition, you should also wash all the tools that were used during work, as well as take a shower and brush your teeth.

Advice! If you plan to process indoor flowers or some other plants, then they must be taken out into the air.

The following point also applies to precautionary measures: in order to avoid poisoning or accidental ingestion of the drug into the stomach, do not use various food containers or the usual containers for storing food or water to dilute it.

We also note that despite the fact that Aktara does not pose a particular danger to birds, fish, earthworms, it is still undesirable to pour out its remains near water bodies or clean springs. However, the drug is harmful to bees, so they are released only 5-6 days after the treatment of plants. Numerous reviews about the drug also indicate that livestock cannot be walked on the area treated by Aktara, and you also need to ensure that the substance does not get into their feed.


Aktar is recommended by experienced gardeners, as well as agronomists with experience:

Dmitry, 68 years old, Moscow
I use Aktara exclusively for the fight against the Colorado potato beetle. Well, they have already adapted to everything, nothing takes them. But this tool showed itself from the best side. My potatoes are now always safe and sound. Well, and so on trifles, sometimes I spray currants and flowers. You just have to always be careful, prepare uniforms in advance: gloves are a must, a respirator, you can use a mask. The drug must be diluted and used immediately. And choose a fine day so that there is no wind, but rain, as it will turn out. In principle, Aktara is quickly absorbed, so the rains are not terrible.
Larisa, 34 years old, Krasnodar
Aktara practically saved orchids from certain death. Before that, no drug could cope, because there are many pests, and the effect of the drug is short. It was the reviews that influenced my choice, and now I recommend it. The product has a lasting effect, exterminated all these terrible insects that literally ate my beautiful flowers.
Elena, 38 years old, city ​​of Tomsk
I have been using Actara for several years in a row. A wonderful thing, once I discovered it for myself based on reviews. I spray both potatoes in the country and indoor flowers. I usually take them to the dacha and there I already carry out all the procedures. And, by the way, this substance is enough for a lot, and the price is affordable. I’m happy.
How to breed aktara for watering and spraying houseplants

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