Akhtamar cognac: the history and characteristics of the drink

Akhtamar is an Armenian cognac of the Ararat line, produced at the Yerevan Brandy Factory with a century-long history.

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The name of the drink is surrounded by a beautiful legend

In the distant XNUMXth century, a princess named Tamar lived on Lake Van. She came from the Artsrunid clan. A young man fell in love with her, who, alas, did not belong to the nobility. The girl spent her time walking along the embankment, and the young man arrived there every evening by boat to admire the object of sighing.

This did not frighten Tamara, she accepted his feelings and decided to help him: now the girl took a burning torch for a walk, illuminating the water surface. But one day there was a strong storm, a terrible downpour came, and the torch died out. The young man got lost on the road, did not have time to swim to the shore, and a powerful wave turned his boat over. The last words frozen on his lips were: “Ah, Tamar!”

History of Akhtamar

1887 The well-known philanthropist Nerses Tairyan launched the production of Armenian cognac.

1899 The popularity and success of the company reached such a scale that it was bought out by Shustov and Sons. The manufacture of products was carefully monitored by Mkrtich Musinyants, who studied in France and trained at Cognac factories.

1920 The trust “Ararat” was born at the enterprise, wines dominated in production.

1941 In connection with hostilities, the production of alcohol had to be stopped.

1953 The building of the Yerevan Brandy Factory appeared, which exists to this day. Cognac has become a separate branch of sales.

2020 The French Pernod Ricard Group owns the rights to the company. The production volume is 6 million bottles per year. The trade turnover reached 35 million dollars. A huge part of the products (93%) is exported to 24 states.

Characteristics of cognac Akhtamar

Aged 10 years. Copper color, cast amber. It has an unusual soft rich taste, woven from prunes and nuances of walnut and beeswax. The aroma is bright, vanilla-honey with hints of prunes.


At the 16th International Wine and Spirits Competition in San Francisco, Akhtamar won the gold award.

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Relevance: 05.05.2020

Tags: Brandy and Cognac, Brandy Brands

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