Airen – “plain” Spanish white wine

Airen is a Spanish white grape variety widely used in winemaking, as well as the wine of the same name made from it. In 2010, it was the world’s third most grown grape (after Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot), but now the demand for Airen grapes is declining. Despite Spain’s emphasis on red varieties such as Tempranillo, Airén still accounts for about 30% of the country’s vineyards. By pure coincidence, the word “airen” is translated from Japanese as “compassion”, and from Chinese – “lover”.

Variety description

The Airen bunch is cylindrical or conical in shape, the berries are large, round, light yellow. From one vine is usually collected from 4.5 to 6 kg of fruit. The variety tolerates drought well, is not susceptible to diseases and gives a good harvest even in adverse weather conditions or on infertile soils. Thanks to these features, Airen survived the European phylloxera epidemic at the end of the XNUMXth century.

Airen – “plain” Spanish white wine
Airen grapes

Other names

Aidén or Manchega (in the city of Albacete), Lairén (in the city of Cordoba), Valdepeñera or Valdepeñas (in Ciudad Real), Forcayat (in Catalonia), Burra Blanca (in the Canary Islands).


The first documented mention of Airen wine dates back to 1615, when the variety was called Airen. The drink is described as “weak” and “not full-bodied”, the author of the entry, Gabriel Alfonso de Herrera, even notes that it would be worth drying the berries, the raisins would come out of them tastier than wine.

Production regions

Airen wine is produced almost exclusively in Spain, mainly in the La Mancha region. Also plantations of the variety are found in the following DOs: Alicante, Bullas, Jumilla, Valdepeñas, Vinos de Madrid. In the Montilla-Moriles zone, this wine is produced under the name Layrén.

Airen – “plain” Spanish white wine

Features of wine Airen

Dry white wine Airen is made from the variety with a strength of 11.5-15 degrees. This is a rather low quality drink, not belonging to the category of “great” or “noble” wines. At best, you can discern an aromatic fruity profile, notes of rose, pineapple and citrus.

Good producers have a refreshing but unremarkable wine. Usually, Airen turns out to be inexpressive, “nothing”, sometimes – excessively sharp.

Airen – “plain” Spanish white wine

It is no wonder that with such a prevalence, the variety is not at all heard – inexpensive table wines are made from it for sale on the domestic market, it is blended with Sauvignon Blanc, Macabeo and Verdejo to achieve a more balanced profile, and brandy is also made from Airen berries. This white variety is blended with red Tempranillo grapes to make a light red wine.

The Airen variety is called the “workhorse” among other types of grapes. These unpretentious berries are easy to cultivate, their cost is low, they are perfect as the basis of white wine blends or strong distillates.

How to drink

Airen wine should be served chilled to a temperature of +7-13 degrees, it makes successful gastronomic pairs with grilled sardines, green peppers, garlic shrimp, steamed broccoli, cheese, rice, white fish and seafood.

Airen – “plain” Spanish white wine

Famous brands

El Vinculo Alejairen, Esencia Rural Pampaneo Airen Wine from the Land of Castile, Oroya Created For Sushi White, Felix Solis Soliera Airen, Vinicola de Castilla Finca Vieja White Wine from the Land of Castile, Hijos de Antonio Barcelo ‘Vino Sanson’ Bacarles Dulce и dr. Цена начинается от 3 долларов за бутылку.

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