Air purification – does it make sense? Which air purifier to choose?

Although we spend more time at home hiding from the coronavirus during a pandemic, this does not protect us from the equally dangerous smog killer. It gets into our apartments through the ventilation of buildings and during airing. The solution may be you purify the air.

  1. On those days when the air is very polluted, the authorities urge to stay at home and to be cautious, especially for pregnant women, families with young children, the elderly and the sick.
  2. However, less is said about the fact that pollution also seeps into our apartments and houses 
  3. Elements of suspended dust penetrate the bloodstream through the alveoli, contributing to the induction of atherosclerosis, thus destroying blood vessels, damaging the heart, nervous system, and other organs – says Prof. Andrzej Fal, head of the Department of Allergology, Lung Diseases and Internal Diseases at the hospital of the Ministry of Interior and Administration in Warsaw
  4. It is worth investing in air purification, which significantly reduces the content of suspended dust and also reduces the amount of allergens – plant pollen, mold or house dust mites – adds the doctor
  5. You can find more such stories on the TvoiLokony home page

Poland suffocates in smog and leads in terms of air pollution not only in Europe, but also in the world. Record concentrations of suspended dust in January this year. showed that the fight against smog is standing still. So, before it brings results, let’s protect ourselves.

Smog is sneaking into our homes

When the temperature in Poland dropped in January this year. down to minus 20 degrees Celsius, Wrocław is ahead of Dhaka in Bangladesh and Delhi in India in terms of pollution. Warsaw was also in the top ten cities most affected by smog, and the whole country was the darkest point on the map of Europe. On such days, the authorities urge to stay at home and to be cautious, especially by pregnant women, families with small children, the elderly and the sick. Meanwhile, pollution also seeps into our homes.

Clogging of the ventilation grids, especially in rooms with heating or gas devices, is prohibited because it increases the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning and increases the concentration of other harmful substances. Resignation from airing and lack of ventilation leads not only to the concentration of hazardous substances, but also to an increase in indoor air humidity, which favors the formation of mold fungi that release substances hazardous to health.

Microscopic roter

Prof. Andrzej Fal, head of the Department of Allergology, Lung Diseases and Internal Diseases at the hospital of the Ministry of Interior and Administration in Warsaw, explains that air pollution particles are so small that we will never see them.

A grain of sand is about 90 microns and PM particles up to 2,5 microns. So they are 35 times smaller. These are combustion products, heavy metals and persistent organic compounds, which, according to WHO, are the most harmful to health among all atmospheric pollutants. PM particles above 2,5 microns to 10 microns are dust, molds, fungal spores, pollen, impurities from incomplete combustion. – explains prof. Halyard.

He warns that smog is an extremely dangerous killer.

According to the “Air Quality Index” prepared by the Energy Policy Institute at the University of Chicago, it shortens our life expectancy by almost two years. This is more than smoking, which is responsible for reducing it by more than a year and a half, and alcohol, which is responsible for 11 months. Road accidents turn out to be less dangerous, because they shorten life by 5 months or wars and conflicts that take 23 days of life – she lists.

Prof. Fal explains that smog attacks not only the human respiratory system, but primarily the cardiovascular system. Elements of suspended dust penetrate the bloodstream through the alveoli, contributing to the induction of atherosclerosis, thus destroying blood vessels, damaging the heart, nervous system, and other organs. And the weakening of the functions of the respiratory epithelium and immune elements within the respiratory system caused by smog makes it more susceptible to SARS-CoV-2 infections. Prof. Fal warns that although we spend much more time at home due to the pandemic, we are not less exposed to smog.

After all, buildings are ventilated with air from the outside, we also need to ventilate our apartments. That is why it is worth investing in air purification, which significantly reduces the content of suspended dust and also reduces the amount of allergens – pollen, mold or house dust mites – he says.

Allergens at home

During the heating season, the quality of the air in our apartments is often terrible. Heating with radiators without proper humidification dries the air, and consequently also our mucous membranes in the throat and nose, eyes and skin. Ideal conditions for the development of house dust mites are created. These microscopic arachnids feed primarily on human and animal exfoliated epidermis. One gram of dust can contain up to 80. Dust mites, unlike pollen from trees and grasses that appear seasonally, are the cause of allergies all year round. Mold also reduces the air quality in our home. It appears in poorly ventilated rooms, in the bathroom, basement and in the kitchen. Microscopic spores of mold fungi float in the air and in allergic people they cause symptoms of allergic rhinitis, asthma or atopic dermatitis. The best way to get rid of allergy symptoms is to eliminate allergens from the environment.

  1. Flowers, masks, supplements? Here’s how you can protect yourself from smog

When choosing a purifier, it’s worth buying one that shows the level of airborne allergens and removes them from the environment. Clean air allows for effective rest and regeneration of strength, it also ensures better sleep. The elimination of allergens prevents you from waking up due to the troublesome symptoms of allergies. The use of air purifiers also affects our appearance. Polluted air contributes to the formation of the so-called oxidative stress, as a result of which the skin ages faster and is in worse condition. In allergy sufferers, it exacerbates skin lesions.

If you have symptoms that indicate a dust mite allergy, a house dust mite allergy test package can be performed. It is available on Medonet Market at an attractive price.

How to choose an air purifier?

Jakub Koss, head of the RTV EURO AGD Commercial Department, points out that the size of the room is important when choosing a purifier. Manufacturers always define how large areas the device is intended for. Another parameter is the purifier’s efficiency, i.e. CADR (Clean Air Delivery Rate), which determines how much air is able to clean per hour. The larger the room, the higher the CADR index must be.

The quality and quantity of filters installed in it should also determine the choice of purifier. The pre-filter stops large particles of dirt, dust and animal hair. For the elimination of, among others The carbon filter responds to unpleasant odors, and the HEPA filter (High Efficiency Particulate Air Filter) captures the smallest particles of dust, mold spores, fungi, mite allergens and bacteria – explains Jakub Koss. – If we plan to place the device in a children’s room, it should be as quiet as possible and allow for turning off the colored panels that may disturb the child’s sleep. It is also useful to be able to lock the settings so that the child cannot change them on their own, he says.

Advanced air purifiers have additional functions that increase the comfort of the household members.

Some models are equipped, for example, with an ionization function, which releases negative ions, positively affecting the well-being of a person and improving the electroclimate in the apartment. In most flats there is unfavorable ionization, there are too many positive ions emitted mainly by electronic devices – says Jakub Koss.

He adds that many purifiers can be managed through a mobile application and from a smartphone – not only turned on and off, but also read data from sensors that detect contamination and change device settings.

If you are looking for the perfect air humidifier, you can also check the offer on Medonet Market, where you will find models at attractive prices.


  1. How does smog affect your well-being? «Psychiatric departments record more admissions» What happens in your lungs when you breathe smog?
  2. How does air pollution affect health and life expectancy?
  3. Prof. Krzysztof Pyrć: smog can change the rules of the game when the coronavirus epidemic accelerates

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