Air pollution, which parts of the body are most affected?

The heart
Contrary to what one might think, air pollution causes more deaths from cardiovascular disease than lung disease.
Several pollutants as well as fine particles can indeed directly reach the cardiovascular system and cause all kinds of damage.
Fine particles are suspended in the air and when we breathe them in, they can enter the bloodstream and cause cardiovascular problems.
Moreover, studies [1] – [2] have shown a increased hospitalizations, due to heart attacks and myocardial infarctions during a period of high air pollution and during the following days.
[1] Brunekreef B, Holgate ST. Air pollution and health, Lancet, October 2002.
[2] Peters A, Dockery DW, et al. Increased particulate air pollution and the triggering of myocardial infarction. Circulation. June 2001.