Air ionizer – operation, benefits and risks. How to choose an air ionizer?

The most fresh air is after the storm or in the vicinity of waterfalls. This is because the air is saturated with negative ions, which are good for health. On the other hand, in city spaces, as well as in closed rooms, positive ions, less kind to the human body, dominate. The device for neutralizing them is an air ionizer. Before buying, it is worth finding out how it works, as well as what benefits and risks it brings.

Air ionizer – how does it work?

Atomy złożone są z elektronów, protonów i neutronów. Jeśli ich liczba jest prawidłowa, atom jest neutralny elektrycznie. An imbalance between the number of electrons and protons causes the atoms to become ions. These, in turn, are not indifferent to human health. That is why devices such as an air ionizer were created – an air purifier with an ionization function.

Contrary to the negative ions occurring in large amounts in non-urban spaces, the most common harmful positive ions in indoor air, i.e. those that have a smaller number of electrons than protons, and they are the target of the air ionizer.

Jonizator powietrza to urządzenie, którego zadaniem jest produkowanie jonów ujemnych do neutralizowania jonów dodatnich w powietrzu. Depending on the construction used, they can produce two types of ions.

  1. Light ions are short-lived. Not only do they discharge when they come into contact with the first positive ion, but also when they meet any obstacle, e.g. a curtain or a piece of furniture. The air ionizer, which produces light ions, also produces gases such as ozone and nitric oxide. Therefore, it is important that the device emits as little as possible – the concentration limit is not higher than 0,05 ppm.
  2. Heavy ions are long-lasting ions that are produced by the formation of electrons on the surface of hot metal. The process does not emit significant amounts of gases, and the ions themselves are able to clean more air than their light counterparts. The equipment for generating such ions is a plasma air ionizer. It works much slower, but also much more efficient.

What’s the difference between an air ionizer and a humidifier? The former produces negative ions to purify the air of positive ions, while the latter sprays water in the air, affecting the degree of humidity in the air.

Order the TM-AIR 27 Filtering and Ionizing Air Purifier today at a promotional price on Medonet Market.

Also read: “Good practices during the coronavirus pandemic – drinking water and humidifying indoor air”

Air ionizer – what does it give?

The formation of ions is a natural process. It occurs even during a storm, giving crisp, light air. On the other hand, in the air in our homes, ions as a result of the action of electrical devices on atoms and molecules generate positive ions. As a result, the so-called electrosmog. This, on the other hand, is a carrier for dust, and with it the germs of fungi, bacteria, viruses and pollen.

The operation of the air ionizer causes all contaminants to be precipitated from ions on the surfaces of walls, furniture and floors. It is worth recalling that the operation of the ionizer should always be supplemented with meticulous cleaning of the surface, preferably with the use of an electrostatic cloth.

Bezpośrednie korzyści z jonizatora powietrza to:

  1. improved well-being,
  2. poprawa Koncentracji,
  3. lowering the risk of pathogens entering the body,
  4. removing allergens from the air,
  5. improvement of breathing and lung condition.

Air ionizer and health

The air ionizer is a proposition for everyone. Its cleansing action will improve breathing comfort even for those who do not complain about respiratory problems. In particular, however, the use of air ionizers will be useful for allergy sufferers exposed to the ubiquitous pollen, mites and other allergens. It is true that the device will not eliminate all of them, but it will certainly improve air quality.

In addition, an air ionizer can improve the comfort of functioning at home for people with health problems. It is especially about diseases of the respiratory system, such as asthma. An air ionizer can also be a good choice for smokers. In addition, it will be useful during the heating season, when the emission of dust into the air is much higher than in summer.

Also learn: «How to build a child’s immunity? Diet for immunity »

Air ionizer and safety

In order for the air ionizer to work in favor of health, and not harm it, it must be used properly. First of all, you shouldn’t use it continuously. Too sterile air leads to problems with the immune system. How? Our body is exposed to pathogens every minute, which puts the immune system in a state of constant readiness. When these pathogens are absent, our immunity is dormant. The dosage of the air ionizer will be a plus, especially in the home where children live.

Another issue of health is the fact that the heavy ions produced in the air ionizer are very durable. This is a good feature when it comes to device performance. On the other hand, too intensive use of the air ionizer may lead to the penetration of heavy ions into the alveolibecause they do not break down in contact with the walls of the upper respiratory tract.

Doubts about the air ionizer can also be caused by the emission of ozone. It is a gas which is harmful to health in large quantities. It causes coughing, a scratchy throat, shortness of breath, headaches, mucosa irritation and chest pain. Conversely, long-term exposure to an ozone-producing air ionizer can lead to pulmonary edema, an increase in blood pressure, and an increase in heart rate.

This is important!

When choosing an air ionizer, it is best to choose equipment from a reputable company. You should also pay attention to whether the ionizer has the appropriate approvals.

Air ionizer for the apartment

The operation of numerous electrical devices in apartments and houses causes the increase of positive ions in the air, which attract microorganisms, pollen and other pollutants. Thus, electrosmog is created. The air ionizer is designed to reduce it. Of course, its operation should be supported, for example, by frequent airing of the rooms.

The choice of home air ionizers is extremely wide. The NASA air ionizer, which was created for the needs of the international space station, is of great interest. Today it is available to everyone, and its filter is able to clean the air of even the smallest elements of pollution.

When deciding to buy an air ionizer, it is worth considering safety and quality first. The second issue is design. The air ionizer can be an inconspicuous addition to the interior, while ensuring good air.

Do you want to buy an air purifier with an ionizer? We recommend a WiFi-enabled air purifier. See also the other offer of air purifiers available on Medonet Market.

Air ionizer – automotive

After opening the car after a long stop (e.g. at night), it is often possible to smell various types of odors and stale air. Driving the car in such conditions may lead to a decreased concentration. Just like at home, also in the car, the air ionizer will neutralize the positive ions, giving the air freshness.

The device is small and usually self-service. The car air ionizer is installed in the cigarette lighter socket. Therefore, it does not require an expert visit. Interestingly, some newer cars have permanent air ionizers.

Jonizator powietrza a wirusy

Ionized air purifiers are able to clean the air of microorganisms, including viruses. However, their effectiveness depends largely on the filters used. The smaller the microparticles they are able to hold, the more efficient the air ionizer will be. The influenza virus is about 0,1 µm in size, so filters like HEPA and EPA-12 are perfectly adequate to stop them.

And what is the issue: air ionizer and COVID? Certainly, without additional precautions (wearing a mask, frequent hand washing, social distance), even the best ionizer will not protect against coronavirus infection. However, it will allow you to clean the air in the room. If the air ionizer is equipped with the aforementioned filters, it should stop SARS-CoV-2 virus with an estimated size of 0,06 to 0,14 µm.

In the case of counteracting infection with viral infectious diseases, the air ionizer also works due to the ozone produced. This, in turn, is considered to be one of the best sterilization methods. So an ionizer or an ozonator? Both solutions are good, although the first one may turn out to be safer in everyday use – leave the room while the ozonator is operating.

Also read: What to do when the coronavirus infection is accompanied by a fever?

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