Air conditioner with forced ventilation for an apartment

Creating the perfect climate in your home starts with buying an air conditioner. Now the air conditioners of a new level are presented on the market of climatic equipment. They not only cool or heat the air, but are also additionally equipped with a full-fledged function for the supply and purification of fresh air. We will tell you in detail how they are arranged and what are their fundamental differences from conventional split systems.

The biggest air conditioner myth

Many consumers believe that buying an air conditioner completely closes all the tasks of creating an ideal microclimate in the house. But in fact, conventional air conditioning does not solve the problem of air exchange. It only cools or heats the air circulating in the room and is responsible for its distribution. In order for the air in the room to be updated, it is necessary to consider forced ventilation. If it is not possible to install a network of ventilation ducts (for example, if the repair is already completed or you don’t want to lose valuable centimeters by lowering the ceiling), then usually a compact supply and cleaning complex (breather) is installed in addition to the air conditioner.

Fortunately, technology does not stand still – and now there is a climate technology that combines the functions of two full-fledged independent devices. Let’s take a closer look at the ROYAL FRESH air conditioner from ROYAL Clima as one of the most popular 2 in 1 models.

2 in 1: air conditioning + forced ventilation

ROYAL FRESH is an inverter air conditioner and compact supply ventilation. The combination of two devices in one device allows not only saving the budget for the purchase, installation and maintenance, but also optimizing the space. The indoor unit has standard dimensions for a split system, so it is easy to place it even in a small room.

Inverter air conditioner with forced ventilation function ROYAL FRESH from ROYAL Clima

Fresh air supply

The air exchange rate per person is 1 m³/h (SP 30). The optimum air flow rate for a ventilation system depends on the size of the room, the number of people and how active they are, and the characteristics of the room. Natural ventilation with closed windows through micro-slits cannot ensure compliance. And when we open the windows, we breathe outdoor air, which is filled with pollutants from industrial and transport emissions. At the same time, street noise creates discomfort, and cleaning in this case will have to be done more often due to street dust penetrating into the house. In winter, cold air entering the room can cause colds.

With ROYAL FRESH you can ventilate the room without such negative consequences as drafts, dust and noise from the street. The air conditioner has an air flow rate of up to 60 m³/h. For two permanently present people, this is enough with a margin, even if the area of ​​u20buXNUMXbthe room is more than XNUMX m2.

The air conditioner fills the house with clean, oxygenated air at a comfortable temperature all year round. In winter, the air supply and cooling functions can be used at temperatures down to -15 ° C, and the air conditioner can be used for heating even when it is -20 ° C outside.

How supply ventilation works in ROYAL FRESH

Air from the street is sucked in by a separate fan of the supply module of the indoor unit through a small air duct. Further, the air is cleaned and, with the help of a special valve-reflector, is sent to the air conditioner air intake. After that, the air, passing through the heat exchanger, is heated or cooled, depending on the selected mode, and, mixing with the room air, enters the room.

1. Fresh air intake from outside 2. Deflector valve 3. Heat exchanger

Effective air purification

Clean air is the basis for creating a comfortable microclimate. The greatest danger to human health are the smallest particles, bacteria and viruses that are not visible to the naked eye. To ensure truly clean and safe air, it is important to carry out fine purification. A basic air conditioner is not capable of such a task – the mesh filter, which is installed in all air conditioners, will retain only large particles of dust, wool, and dirt.

The ROYAL FRESH inverter air conditioner with fresh air intake function has a multi-level cleaning system, which includes the following steps:

  • The H11 class HEPA filter eliminates even the smallest dust particles, fungal spores and other pollutants that come with the supply air. In this way, up to 95% of the particles are retained. The minimum size of these particles is 3 micrometers.
    HEPA filter eliminates the smallest particles of contaminants
  • The mesh filter (so-called coarse filter) traps dust particles from the recirculated air.
  • The UV module, consisting of three powerful ultraviolet LEDs with a wavelength of 275 nanometers, kills pathogenic bacteria and viruses. UV radiation effectively destroys even the SARS-COV-2 viruses that are the causative agents of the new coronavirus infection. The efficiency of such purification is record high: in one hour, the air is sterilized by 99,9%.
UV radiation kills pathogenic bacteria and viruses

One of the most important parts of any air conditioning system is the heat exchanger. Condensation forms on it during operation. Moisture creates a favorable environment for the development of dangerous microorganisms, which can provoke the development of serious diseases. Heat exchanger UV treatment eliminates these risks. Also, the pollution accumulated on the heat exchanger leads to a loss in the performance of the air conditioner and threatens human health. To solve this problem, ROYAL FRESH has a self-cleaning function for the heat exchanger of the indoor unit by freezing.

Self-cleaning works as follows: a uniform layer of frost forms on the heat exchanger, then the defrosting process starts and all contaminants are washed out by the condensate formed from the frost through the drainage system, after which the heat exchanger is first heated to +56 ° C for sterilization, and then it returns to normal operating temperature . This feature allows you not only to always keep the air conditioner clean, but also to use the services of climate technicians for professional cleaning less often.

Not only important parts of the indoor unit need cleaning, but also the outdoor unit. Accumulated dust due to outdoor unit self-cleaning functions removed from the heat exchanger. To do this, the fan starts to work in the opposite direction (so-called purge).

The basis for the safe use of the air conditioner is a high-quality cleaning system.

Any air direction

ROYAL FRESH is equipped with blinds that are unique in their design so that the airflow is soft and the air evenly fills the room. This avoids drafts and colds.

It is believed that the air conditioner is best placed above the bed or work area. With this arrangement of the indoor unit, the flow of cold air will not be directed to the person. But often the layout does not allow this to be realized. In this case, a particularly important parameter when choosing an air conditioner is a wide range of louver positions.

The user can adjust the airflow direction according to his needs.

In ROYAL FRESH you can choose any direction of air flow

A special design of the blinds provides such an opportunity. Vertical blinds are leaf-shaped perforated blades (14 blades with micro-holes 2-3 mm in size). When passing through the holes of the blades, the air is divided into many microflows, creating a soft and voluminous airflow. The cooled air without drafts evenly fills the room.

The horizontal shutter of the blinds is responsible for choosing the direction of the air flow. The sash in the ROYAL FRESH air conditioner has an outrigger-leg design with three stepper motors and an anodized aluminum base. This allows you to create a targeted air flow: for example, if a person who has come from a frost needs to warm up very quickly.

The special design of the louvres allows you to create a soft airflow in the right direction.

Easy control

An advanced remote control with advanced functionality and a large informative backlit display is convenient to use. Even at night, you can quickly and accurately set the necessary settings. It allows you to monitor the operation of the device in real time, select the settings that best suit your needs. The remote control is ergonomic and fits well in the hand.

But now you can control the microclimate not only from the remote control. Thanks to the built-in Wi-Fi module, you can configure the desired air parameters remotely through a mobile application. It’s convenient and simple. You can prepare the apartment for your arrival already on the way home.

ROYAL FRESH can be controlled with a remote control or via a mobile app

In an intuitive mobile application, the user will be able to activate the airflow, select the temperature, operation mode, airflow direction, fan speed, set the timer, start the UV treatment of the airflow, and turn the LED display on or off.

The advantage of using a mobile application is obvious: ease of setup, access to management for several users, lack of binding to the remote control, which sometimes tends to get lost at the most inopportune moment. But in this case, additional features also appear that are not available from the remote control. For example, you can turn off the beeps of the indoor unit or manually start an emergency self-diagnosis.

The app is available for download on iOS and Android devices.

Ideal conditions for a comfortable stay

A conventional air conditioner can operate with noise levels up to 60 dB(A). This is comparable to the noise level during a normal conversation. Quiet can be considered an indicator up to 30 dB(A).

ROYAL FRESH operates almost silently. The noise level at the minimum fan speed is 18 dB(A). It is quieter than a whisper – 20-30 dB(A). The air conditioner can be used both in the bedroom and in the nursery, where silence is especially important.

The user can adjust the airflow intensity by choosing one of 7 fan speeds.

The intelligent control system automatically detects the light level thanks to the built-in sensor. At a low level of illumination, the device automatically turns off the light indication and reduces the volume of sound signals by 2 times.

To reduce the noise level, double soundproofing of the outdoor unit is also provided. The fan blades have a special aerodynamic shape.

ROYAL FRESH creates ideal conditions in all respects: comfortable temperature, fresh and purified air, silent operation.

High energy efficiency

ROYAL FRESH belongs to the highest energy efficiency class A+++. This allows you to save energy while maintaining high performance.

Расширенная гарантия

Instruments are guaranteed for 5 years. All ROYAL Clima appliances are insured for $1.000.000.

ROYAL FRESH air conditioner with air supply function will be one of the best purchases for an apartment or office. It combines the best technological solutions, spectacular appearance, a wide range of functions and reliability.

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