Summer is a natural period when we take off our heavy boots and let our feet breathe. Unfortunately, there are many ailments that can disfigure them, making going to the beach or wearing flip-flops not a pleasure but a discomfort. What should you be careful about first of all? How to deal with corns and cracked heels?
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- Ailments that can disfigure your feet in the summer
Summer is a natural period when we take off our heavy boots and let our feet breathe. Unfortunately, there are many ailments that can disfigure them, …
1/ 6 Mycosis of the feet and nails
In winter, most of the time we spend in not very airy footwear, which additionally often becomes moist. It is these conditions that ideally suit the fungi that infect our feet and nails. It is estimated that over 40 percent. the population suffers from this condition, which manifests as burning, itching, blistering and peeling in the area between the toes. If the first symptoms are ignored, mycosis can also spread to the nails. In such a situation, they begin to change their color from white to yellow or even brown. It also happens that the nails start to thicken, then fray and fall off. To avoid the worst-case scenario in summer, ringworm should be treated, also with over-the-counter remedies, as soon as the first symptoms are noticed. Any micro-injuries and abrasions should be covered immediately, keeping the foot dry, and at the same time wearing socks made of natural materials.
2/ 6 Ingrown nails
A nail that grows into the skin is one of the ailments that develops for a relatively long time and does not surprise us overnight. The whole process begins in the furrow between the edge and the skin on both sides of the nail. This section is called the nail shaft, and under normal circumstances there is free space there to protect it from damage. Unfortunately, when this section grows excessively or the finger is deformed as a result of other diseases or injuries, the space becomes smaller, causing the shaft to thicken, into which the nail starts to grow, having no other place. This process is also often accompanied by mucus leakage, which can be stopped by the use of disinfectants. In difficult cases, in which walking causes pain, surgical intervention is necessary. It is important to cut the nails straight – not all the way round. This will prevent them from growing back.
3/ 6 Corns and blisters
Corns are most often caused by excessive pressure on the feet or fingers. With prolonged pressure, small areas of the skin become callused. In most cases, we are dealing with one of two types of prints. Soft ones are formed in the space between the fingers, and their form is associated with the moist and warm environment in which they occur. When pierced, they cause a sticky discharge to come out, which after drying is flaky. The “more common” hard prints form on the shaft or sides of the fingers. By keratinizing the skin, they cause pressure on the nerve endings, which is accompanied by pain when moving. So that summer does not find our feet with prints, first of all, you need to choose your shoes wisely, avoiding tight sizes. There are many painless applicators and patches for removing blisters on the market, which you can additionally get rid of after a warm bath, using a file. Blisters also form more often than corns, although similar to them. If the foot rubs against the shoe, our body, as a result of a defensive reaction, creates a pouch between the skin and the tissue, which, when filled with fluid, prevents further friction. In this case, light summer shoes should solve the problem.
4/ 6 Cracked heels
I guess no one wants to show up on vacation with cracked heels. Fortunately, we are not condemned to them, and the crevices and fissures on the heels are relatively easy to remove. This ailment comes from the insufficient density of the epidermis on the heel, its keratosis and drying. Cracks begin to appear when the skin cannot stretch any more due to the pressure of the body on the heels. In such a situation, flexibility is added primarily by special creams and files, which make the skin soft by removing dead epidermis.
5/6 Haluksy
Bunions are a common deformation of the metatarsophalangeal joint of the big toe. The largest toe moves in relation to the metatarsal bones, in more than 2/3 cases halluxes occur in both feet. To avoid inflammation and burning feet, you should first give up tight footwear, including high heels. The selection of appropriate corrective inserts can help to reduce the development of bunions, but only surgical intervention makes the ailment completely removable.
6/ 6 Kurzajki, warts
Kurzajki are skin growths that, unlike ringworm, were caused by viral infections. If they pinch the nerves and are located in the sensitive areas of the foot, they can be very painful, and if left untreated, they have a tendency to spread to other parts of the foot or body. The most common cause of warts and warts is the human papillomavirus HPV, which can infect up to 10 percent. human population. The best way to get rid of these unsightly growths on the feet is to use preparations for freezing warts. In more difficult cases, you should go to a dermatologist who can use medications, or also use a surgical method, or burn the infected areas.