AIDS – symptoms of infection. AIDS and HIV [EXPLAINED]

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AIDS is a disease called an acquired immunodeficiency, the abbreviation (AIDS) of which comes from the first letters of the English name: (A) cquired (I) mmune (D) eficiency (S) yndrome. The whole world is concerned with how rapidly the incidence of AIDS is increasing. Advances in medicine help to understand the mechanisms of infection and the ways in which the disease develops, but the effectiveness in preventing it varies between different groups at increased risk.

While this has been discussed many times, it is worth clarifying once again the correlation between HIV and AIDS. HIV is an acquired immunodeficiency virus that multiplies in the body, completely compromising the immune system. Untreated HIV infection is the direct cause of acquired immune deficiency syndrome, or AIDS. It is therefore the last stage of HIV infection that has lasted for many years.

  1. Know the symptoms of HIV infection

The causes of AIDS infection

The pathogenic immunodeficiency factor (HIV) is responsible for infection with the AIDS virus. Two types of virus have been identified:

  1. HIV-1 – occurs more often, incl. in North America and Europe, 
  2. HIV-2 is mainly developing in Africa and Asia. 

The HIV virus is easily inactivated during drying or heating with the use of various types of chemicals or agents containing chlorine. Other factors influencing the occurrence of AIDS include:

  1. AIDS infection occurs mainly as a result of blood contamination, e.g. by injection or transfusion of the blood of an infected person – drug addicts taking drugs by intravenous route or by transfusing blood products (in Poland, thanks to strict donor control, it is currently a very rare route). 
  2. The source of AIDS can also be inadequately disinfected razors, pliers and hairdressing tools. 
  3. HIV infection can occur through the intrauterine route during childbirth, during sexual intercourse or during breastfeeding. 
  4. HIV infection is also linked to sexually transmitted diseases. This is due to better and easier penetration of tissues by the virus through the damaged mucosa. If a venereal disease is suspected, tests should be performed as soon as possible to exclude it or start treatment. In recent years, doctors have been observing an increase in the incidence of syphilis. To detect this disease, a diagnostic test from a pharmacy is enough (check the offer) 
  5. In addition, some infections, such as hepatitis infection, can also be transmitted with HIV. 

In everyday contacts, in the absence of the so-called the gate of infection, e.g. a kiss, shaking hands, using the same dishes, sneezing, coughing, swimming in a swimming pool or bathtub, and traveling by public transport – it is impossible to contract AIDS.

HIV infection occurs when a sufficient amount of HIV is transferred into the blood through the aforementioned gateways of infection. The concentration of HIV in other human secretions or excretions, such as tears, saliva or sputum, is so low that infection is practically impossible.

To be sure, you can always do the HIV test yourself, which is included in the STD Test Kit along with the test for trichomoniasis, mycosis and bacterial vaginosis.

Transmission of the AIDS virus

HIV can be caught not only through the blood, but also through:

  1. Seed; 
  2. Preejakulat; 
  3. Vaginal discharge; 
  4. Discharge from the rectum; 
  5. Mother’s milk; 
  6. Tissue that has not been fixed with formalin; 
  7. Cerebro-spinal fluid; 
  8. Synovial fluid; 
  9. Pleural fluid; 
  10. Pericardial fluid; 
  11. Peritoneal fluid. 

Once in the body, HIV enters the bloodstream where it begins to multiply. This is the first period of HIV infection, called acute retroviral disease. It lasts from a few days to several months, but usually it is about three weeks. In order to detect the virus at an early stage and effectively inhibit its development, regular diagnostic tests should be performed. At Medonet Market you can buy a package of blood tests that contain blood tests for HIV.

The most common symptoms of acute retroviral disease are:

  1. faster fatigue, 
  2. headaches, 
  3. Pain in muscles and joints, 
  4. weight reduction, 
  5. chronic weakness, 
  6. pharyngitis, 
  7. enlargement of the lymph nodes, 
  8. ulcerative lesions appear in the mouth, esophagus and genital area, 
  9. recurrent low-grade fever and fever, 
  10. shingles, 
  11. night sweats and chronic diarrhea. 

The most characteristic symptom of HIV is a maculo-papular rash that resembles that diagnosed with rubella. It occurs on the face, torso and limbs.

The next period of infection is persistent generalized lymphadenopathy phasewhich may take more than 3 months. Although there are no specific symptoms, HIV multiplies in the lymph nodes, and some of them grow simultaneously with the liver or spleen. The size of the lymph nodes can vary – from small and hard, through painless or very large and asymmetrical. At this stage, virus infections are dangerous for healthy people, because very often they have no idea that they are infected with HIV.

The next stage of HIV infection is the latency phase. It can last up to 8-10 years. During this period, the patient has virtually no ailments, the infected person feels well. Immune system disorders caused by the multiplication of the virus continue and develop.

When it develops AIDS, the concentration of lymphocytes continues to decline gradually to the levels that represent the risk of death. The body is unable to defend itself, and favorable conditions are created for the emergence of infections as well as cancers (usually those that do not respond to treatment). It also happens that AIDS is accompanied only by systemic symptoms, which are the result of the progressive deterioration of the organism, which is worsening.

AIDS – symptoms

The main symptoms of AIDS are:

  1. dyspnoea, 
  2. cough, 
  3. night sweating, 
  4. headache, 
  5. confusion, 
  6. too early dementia, 
  7. meningitis. 
  8. mycosis in the digestive tract, 
  9. acute chronic diarrhea, 
  10. painful intestinal colic, 
  11. various types of rashes 
  12. alopecia may appear, 
  13. enlargement of peripheral lymph nodes. 

Do you suspect symptoms of HIV infection? Remember that early diagnosis of the disease allows you to start treatment quickly. You can talk to a doctor quickly and safely online, without leaving your home.

Prophylaxis is the basic way to avoid getting AIDS, despite the advances in knowledge about HIV infection. Disease prevention concerns not only individuals but also entire social groups.

In the case of individual prophylaxis, it is worth paying attention to three aspects:

  1. we should avoid random sexual intercourse and frequent change of partners, 
  2. it is worth remembering about protection, e.g. the use of condoms, which reduce the risk of infection not only with HIV, but also with other sexually transmitted diseases. (check the offer) 

STDs and HIV can be transmitted simultaneously. The same applies to numerous sexual partners – the more partners, the greater the chance that we will contract the virus. During sexual intercourse, it is necessary to mention anal intercourse, which is much more risky than other forms of intercourse (the mucosa and small vessels are damaged, which increases the risk of possible infection). If you are sexually active, have preventive tests to check for syphilis, HIV and gonorrhea in your body.

HIV infection through the blood occurs mainly in drug addicts, through the repeated use of the same needles and syringes. AIDS prevention also means making the society aware of, and warning against the elements constituting the risk of infection.

INSTI HIV Mail-Order HIV Screening Test can be purchased from Medonet Market. Check that you are not infected today.

Treatment of AIDS mainly consists of taking antiretroviral medications, including aggressive HAART therapy. As AIDS is still an incurable disease and work is still underway to find a drug that would effectively defend the immune system, patients who have been diagnosed with acquired immunodeficiency should lead a healthy lifestyle. They must completely give up stimulants that have a real impact on reducing immunity, including smoking. You can discuss all your doubts during a medical visit. The specialist will answer your questions and suggest what steps to take to prevent the development of the disease.

HAART (Highly Active Antiretrovival Therapy) is an aggressive antiretroviral therapy used in the treatment of HIV. It involves giving the patient a mixture of three antiretroviral drugs from five groups:

  1. Inhibitory proteazy; 
  2. nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors; 
  3. non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors; 
  4. inhibitory integrazy; 
  5. Input inhibitors. 

There are two drug administration schedules:

  1. Two nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors in combination with a non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor; 
  2. Two nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors in combination with a protease inhibitor. 

The main advantage of using HAART in people infected with HIV is that it prevents the virus from multiplying, as well as a noticeable increase in the number of CD4 lymphocytes with the simultaneous rebuilding of the immune system.

However, HAART therapy is very expensive. It is also impossible to completely eliminate the virus. Besides, there are a number of side effects that are noticeable. These include chronic diarrhea, sleep problems and chronic fatigue. These symptoms may disappear spontaneously after a few weeks, but others (insulin resistance or lactic acidosis) will not be cured.

To protect ourselves from AIDS, and we are not sure if we have been infected with HIV, we should perform a serological test. Not only people who had multiple sexual partners or injected drugs should be tested, but also:

  1. People who did not use barrier protection measures during sexual contact (this aspect also applies to oral sex); 
  2. People who have had a sexually transmitted disease; 
  3. People who got tattoos or piercings with non-sterile devices. 

The HIV test can be performed free of charge at one of the consultation and diagnostic points located throughout Poland.

If you want to check if you have been infected with other sexually transmitted diseases, buy the package Sexually transmitted diseases – diagnostic tests and check your health comprehensively.


The HIV test is anonymous

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