AIDS / HIV – Sites of interest and support groups

AIDS / HIV – Sites of interest and support groups

To learn more about the AIDS (HIV), Passeportsanté.net offers a selection of associations and government sites dealing with the subject of AIDS. You will be able to find there Additional Information and contact communities or support groups allowing you to learn more about the disease.


Canadian AIDS Treatment Information Network (CATIE)

This very comprehensive and up-to-date site is full of information (in French and English) on a host of topics. It provides information and recent research news.

Practical Guide to Nutrition:

Practical guide to complementary therapies:

Practical Guide to Medicinal Plants:

AIDS / HIV – Sites of interest and support groups: understanding everything in 2 min

Quebec HIV / AIDS Portal

This portal brings together Quebec community resources that offer services to people infected with HIV. This is an initiative of the Maison du Parc, a shelter for women and men with HIV / AIDS. See the calendar of upcoming conferences and the resource directory for each region of Quebec.

Canadian AIDS Society

The Canadian AIDS Society unites more than 125 community organizations. It helps defend the rights and interests of people infected with HIV.

L’Actuel medical clinic

Website of the first Quebec clinic specializing in the screening and treatment of STDs and AIDS. Medical and research information; consultations; laboratory; section on gay and lesbian sexual health.

Canadian Council for Monitoring and Access to Treatment (CCSAT)

Led by people living with HIV / AIDS, CTAC promotes public education and informed government policy development. It also aims to raise public awareness of issues affecting access to treatment.

Canadian Aboriginal AIDS Network

A non-profit organization that provides support to Aboriginal people in Canada affected by HIV / AIDS. This network also supports research on the issues raised by the disease.

Canadian HIV / AIDS Legal Network

This bilingual (French and English) site provides information on legal, ethical and human rights issues relating to HIV / AIDS.

Quebec Ministry of Health and Social Services

Find out more about the prevention and treatment of sexually transmitted and blood-borne infections (STBBIs). Materials have been specially designed for parents, adolescents, infected persons, teachers, healthcare professionals, etc. Also, an inventory of resources available in Quebec (clinics offering screening tests, associations, telephone support services, etc.).

Quebec government’s Health Guide

To learn more about drugs: how to take them, what are the contraindications and possible interactions, etc.


Association for Research, Communication and Action for Access to Treatment (ARCAT)

Created in 1985, ARCAT brings together professionals, doctors, social workers, journalists, sociologists, psychologists, as well as volunteers pooling their skills in the service of the fight against AIDS and associated pathologies. This site offers a section entitled Fight against AIDS: addresses in France, as well as several downloadable brochures intended for the general public and health professionals.



Useful resource for anyone looking for in-depth and timely reports on the international dimension of the epidemic. The mission of the Joint United Nations Program on HIV / AIDS is to be the primary advocate for global action on HIV / AIDS. UNAIDS works with many partners to catalyze, strengthen and coordinate the unique expertise, resources and networks of influence that each brings. Information on World AIDS Day is available.


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