
Cognac “Ai-Petri” has been produced since 1979 and has made a significant contribution to strengthening the glory of the Crimean cognacs. The rights to the trademark belong to the State Unitary Enterprise Simferopol Winery, where the blend was developed. During the period of reorganization, after the transition to the bosom of Russian legislation, the enterprise was idle for some time. Since 2017, production has been resumed: in addition to Ai-Petri, Neapol Scythian, Simferopol, Skif cognacs, the plant’s trade portfolio includes Artur calvados and Foros grappa.

The history of the plant dates back to the 50s of the last century. Initially, the enterprise was located in the city center, then, in order to expand production, a building was erected outside it. The commissioning of new facilities took place in 1963: from that moment on, high-quality distillates began to be produced here, and subsequently they mastered the production of cognacs. The merit in the appearance of the Ai-Petri cognac line belongs to the blending master Artur Zdobnov – they are going to perpetuate his memory at the factory with a memorial plaque.

In 1984, at the peak of its development, the plant bottled over 4 million decaliters of wine and 335 decaliters of cognac. The absurd anti-alcohol campaign that began in the mid-80s had a negative impact on work – as a result of the “war” declared by the authorities on the Crimean vineyards, the plant was forced to switch to the production of lemonades and juices. Only in the early 90s the company returned to the production of cognac products.


1980 – assignment of the State Quality Mark.

Crimean competition “Yalta-1995”:

  • 1995 – Silver (KVVK “Ai-Petri”) medal.

International competition “Crimea-Cognac”, Yalta:

  • 1997 – Gold (KVVK “Ai-Petri”) medal;
  • 1998 – Silver (KV “Ai-Petri”) medal;
  • 1999 – Gold (KVVK “Ai-Petri”) medal.

LENEXPO, St. Petersburg:

  • 1995 – Silver (KVVK “Ai-Petri”) medal;
  • 1996 – Bronze (KV “Ai-Petri”) medal.

International competition “Yalta. Golden Griffin”:

  • 2000, 2003 – Gold (KVVK “Ai-Petri”) medal;
  • 2004, 2010 – Gold (KVVK “Ai-Petri”) medal and diploma of the Simferopol winery for the best external design of cognac.

International tasting competition “Odessa Bay”:

  • 2005 – 2 gold (Ai-Petri 4, Ai-Petri 5) and silver (Ai-Petri 3*) medals.

International competition of cognacs “KVINT”, Tiraspol:

  • 2002 – Silver (CS “Ai-Petri”) medal.

International tasting competition “Southern Russia”, Krasnodar:

  • 2018 – Gold (“Ai-Petri” 3 *) and silver (KVVK “Ai-Petri”) medals.

International competition Best-Drink, Kiev:

  • 2018 – Grand Prix (“Ai-Petri VVSOP”) and Gold (“Ai-Petri VS”) medal.

Awards from the Union of Winemakers of Crimea:

  • Gold and silver (KVVK “Ai-Petri”) medals.

Trademark dispute

In 2011, the Simferopol Wine and Cognac Factory also received ownership of the trademark, which began labeling ordinary cognacs produced by it. In 2014, the leaders of this enterprise left the territory of Crimea and registered a new legal address in Dnepropetrovsk. Shortly thereafter, the Simferopol Winery applied to Rospatent with a request to provide legal protection to the trademark.

Further consideration of the dispute took place first in the court for intellectual property rights, and then in the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation. All instances ruled in favor of the Simferopol Winery – it is he who owns all the rights to the brand in Russia.

In 2017, after a series of scandals and lawsuits related to the falsification of the products of world alcohol holdings by the Simferopol Wine and Brandy Factory, the company was declared bankrupt.

At the same time, products under the Ai-Petri brand continue to be produced in Ukraine, which can mislead both ordinary buyers and experienced trade managers. The Strongdrink enterprise produces a line of vintage and ordinary cognacs aged three, four and five years.

Attention to detail

Another Russian manufacturer, the Crimean Wine and Brandy Factory Bakhchisaray, also fell under the spell of the geographical name of the famous mountain, which replenished its assortment with three- and five-star cognacs Legends of Ai-Petri. To avoid confusion, you should carefully study the bottle label before buying.

Types of cognac Ai-Petri

KVVK “Ai-Petri” 10 years, 40%

Cognac is made from its own spirits, the average age of which in the blend is 10 years. The bouquet is dominated by woody-balsamic tones, against which shades of dried fruits, honey, jasmine and vanilla are revealed. The palate is soft and buttery, with notes of sandalwood and bitter chocolate. A suitable gastronomic couple will be oysters, hard cheeses, lean veal dishes prepared without hot spices.

CS “Ai-Petri” 14 years, 40%

Produced by mixing high-quality cognac spirits of different aging. It has a characteristic dark amber color, leaves stable oily “legs” on the walls of the glass. It has a perceptibly woody bouquet, with a harmonious interweaving of shades of prunes, dried figs, almonds, poppy seed cake. After the drink breathes, notes of ripe peach and vanilla are revealed. Sweetness and astringency are balanced in taste, chocolate nuances stand out against the general background. The finish is dry, with pronounced fruit tones.


CS “Ai-Petri” 17 years, 40%

Cognac with a pronounced individual character, which is created by a long exposure of the spirits used in the assemblage. A dark amber-colored drink with a golden “sparkle”. Dried apricots, white raisins, milk chocolate, vanilla are the first to appear in the bouquet. After resting in a glass, the aromatic range is enriched with tones of figs, walnuts, and cloves. You can spend a long and pleasant evening unraveling the shades of taste – in it, sweet notes of biscuit, caramel, nectarine are balanced by spices and light oak bitterness. Cognac is self-sufficient and can be recommended as a digestif.

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