Ah, the intricate immunity! Natural Killers and Lymphocytes
Ah, the intricate immunity! Natural Killers and LymphocytesAh, the intricate immunity! Natural Killers and Lymphocytes

Outside of our awareness, the body is constantly fighting to maintain our health. Such defense is energy-intensive, which is why it is so important to guard against nutrient deficiencies, stress, fatigue and insomnia, with which the level of white blood cells and, consequently, antibodies decreases.

Especially in the autumn and winter months, we should take care of ourselves. Outdoor activity and a balanced diet will help. If this is not enough and we are susceptible to all kinds of infections, we should contact a specialist who will select the appropriate means to strengthen immunity.

XNUMXst stage of defense

We are exposed to viruses and bacteria every day. All it takes is a sneeze from a random passer-by or a abrasion through which infections enter our body. The surface of the respiratory tract and human skin are equipped with bacteria-fighting proteins such as dermicidin, referred to as an antibiotic in human sweat. Also the enzymes of saliva and stomach acid limit the influence of microorganisms. On the other hand, probiotic bacteria on our skin fight pathogens for a living place, and consequently fight them on their territory.

Lymphocytes, i.e. the aforementioned white blood cells, are essential for the body’s defense. Macrophages located in the tissues and neurocytes accumulated in the blood and blood vessels around the site of infection react instantly, thanks to which microorganisms are absorbed. In addition to them, non-specialized soldiers in the fight against germs are the so-called natural killer cells. They find infected cells, which they destroy under the influence of chemicals.

Extra support

Unstoppable so far infection requires specific immunity. The mechanism, referring to the previous diagnosis of intruders that are characterized by characteristic cell sheath molecules, makes an optimal solution. 10% of the T and B lymphocytes capable of fighting will cope with the struggle, the rest will die. The surviving lymphocytes attach to the antigens on the cover of bacteria or viruses, thus preventing the spread of the invasion to healthy cells of the body. The particles can inactivate the microbial toxins, after which the macrophages engulf and break them down. B lymphocytes produce separate antibodies for each pathogen.

While T lymphocytes they are divided into toxic and auxiliary. Toxic, through chemical weapons, they fight the antigen and protect their own cells, which have been invaded by the threat. Their operation is similar to Natural Killers, but unlike them, they attack a specific threat. In turn, the auxiliary ward takes care of the regeneration of strength, stimulates lymphocytes and the production of leukocytes, thanks to cytokines.

Eventually, some of the T and B lymphocytes become memory cells that, when re-infected by the same agents, will instantly recognize them.

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