Ah, summer! What to drink to feel good in the heat
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The favorite season of many is about to come, and in addition to buying a new dress, sandals and sunscreen, you need to learn how to choose the right drinks in order to look great and, of course, feel full of energy and strength.
Many people know that a person should drink about 2 liters of liquid per day (the formula for calculating fluid intake recommended by the Research Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences is 40 ml per 1 kg of body weight; half of the liquid should come with drinks, the other part – with solid food). But in order to feel 100% in the summer, this amount can increase by another 0 – 5 liter.
Ever notice that in the heat you want to be lazy more often than work? Not surprisingly, dehydration slowly but surely robs you of energy and vitality. To prevent this from happening, replenish the fluid balance in the body more often.
Of course, plain water will perfectly quench your thirst and replenish the fluid balance, but, you see, sometimes you want to pamper yourself. Meanwhile, not everyone knows that kvass, iced tea or carbonated drinks, as well as water, can defeat thirst and cope with dehydration.
This is kvass!
The value of this noble drink was known more than 1000 years ago – for the first time bread kvass was mentioned in the annals of 988, when, during the baptism of Rus, Prince Vladimir ordered to distribute food to the people of Kiev – honey in barrels and bread kvass.
Russian peasants always took with them nothing more than kvass as a drink, believing that it relieves fatigue and restores strength. And for good reason – during the fermentation process, this drink is saturated with microorganisms that normalize digestion, strengthen immunity and even help fight gastritis. In addition, cereals and baker’s yeast saturate this drink with substances important for the body: carbohydrates, minerals, organic acids and vitamins.
Funny bubbles
Not only kvass is very popular as an excellent thirst quencher, but also carbonated drinks. The father of medicine, Hippocrates himself, dedicated a whole chapter of his work to mineral water with gas, pointing out its medicinal properties for humans. Since then, it took more than 17 centuries before this drink began to be bottled and sold around the world.
To diversify the taste of soda, the companies involved in its production began to produce water with admixtures of natural berry and fruit juices, and in 1833 citric acid was added to the water, which made it possible to call the new drink “lemonade”.
There have been cases when recipes for new drinks were invented not by anyone, but by pharmacists. For example, the famous Coca-Cola was created in 1886 by the pharmacist John Pemberton, who prepared a syrup based on caramel and a mixture of natural flavors.
There is a legend that the bubbles in Coca-Cola appeared by accident: a salesman at Jacobs’s pharmacy mistakenly mixed the syrup with soda instead of regular water.
“All drinks hydrate (replenish moisture loss). If you like the taste of the drink, then you will drink more and better replenish fluid reserves in the body. But do not forget that all drinks with sugar are a source of energy for our body, as well as all food. Therefore, always keep an eye on the balance of calories and lead an active lifestyle ”, – says the expert of the Academy of Soft Drinks, Professor Yuri Alexandrovich Tyrsin, Vice-Rector of MGUPP.
Both cold and hot
Another popular drink that can help fight thirst is tea. Southern peoples like to drink it hot, because after drinking tea, the body begins to sweat, and evaporation of moisture from the surface of the body, as you know, cools the body.
But hot tea in summer is a very exotic drink for us. It is much more interesting and delicious to drink it cold, adding jam, fresh berries, lemon or fresh mint leaves to it.
“In Europe and America, consumers have long appreciated the beneficial properties and pleasant taste of iced tea. And it is not surprising – now the raw materials for a quality drink include natural tea extracts, extracts from real fruits (lemon, peach, raspberry, etc., depending on the type of tea) or juices, ”says Yuri Alexandrovich Tyrsin.
Remember, drinking fluids, especially in the heat, is very important, because dehydration affects your condition, and your performance, and even your appearance. The main thing is to drink often and little by little, so as not to overload the kidneys with unnecessary work and always maintain water balance.
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