Agrotechnics of the common mordovnik
Mordovnik belongs to the genus of thorny herbaceous plants from the Aster family. In the wild, it grows in meadows, forest edges, along rivers, on hillsides, in the steppe. His agricultural technology is very simple and does not require much labor.
The benefits of the common scrub
This light-loving plant is frost and drought resistant. It is propagated by dividing the bush, root shoots and seeds.
Mordovnik bears fruit up to 15 years
It is grown:
- For the sake of bright spherical inflorescences. Used in landscape design.
- For medicinal use. It is added to the composition of some pharmaceutical preparations and is widely used in folk medicine. Its use increases immunity, helps relieve nervous tension, and stabilizes blood pressure.
- For valuable oil. Due to its low freezing point, it is used as a lubricant for various mechanisms, added to engine oil and grease.
- Like a honey plant. He has a high productivity of nectar, which increases over the years.
This is a useful and unpretentious plant.
Agrotechnical conditions of Mordovnik
He is very unpretentious, and it is not at all difficult to grow him. For planting it is better to choose a dry, sunny place. This plant grows well without feeding, but to improve the quality of the plant, you can feed it with ammonium nitrate in early spring. Compost or manure is also good fertilizer.
Mordovnik is planted with seeds. You can collect them yourself from late August to early September. Seeds are sown in early spring, when the ground warms up to + 12 … + 14 ° С. You can also sow in the fall.
Before planting, the land must be plowed and grooves 1,5-3 cm deep should be made in it. The distance between them should be 50-60 cm. Seeds mixed with sawdust should be distributed over the holes. Level the soil with a rake.
Flowers perfectly tolerate drought and bright sun, and in a shady place they can die
The first year of the plant’s life, a root system is formed. It will bloom only next year. Therefore, the first year after planting, the seedlings must be weeded out. To prevent the spread of plants, their inflorescences must be cut before the seeds ripen. For the winter, the stems are cut near the ground. This honey plant is resistant to diseases and parasites, so it does not need to be processed.
The cultivation of this plant is very profitable, since with a large number of its advantages, it practically does not require investments. Over the years, its productivity grows, while a minimum of time is spent on caring for it.