If walking down the street or riding a tram causes knee tremors, cold sweats, and panic attacks, this is a serious problem that can cause a person to stop leaving the house. Why does this phobia occur and what to do?

Among all variants of phobias, agoraphobia is distinguished separately. It is associated with social interaction, contacts with the outside world and can seriously ruin a person’s life.

What is agoraphobia

– Agoraphobia – defines psychotherapist Irina Krashkina, is the fear of open spaces. The disease belongs to the group of anxiety disorders. Agoraphobia is based on a person’s fear of leaving the house, the fear of being outside in open areas where other people are present, the fear of attending social events with a large number of people. Against the background of anxiety and anxiety, a person develops an acute panic state, which can include heart palpitations, dizziness, fainting, and even fear of death.

Causes of agoraphobia in adults

Often, it is not possible to find the causes and explain the fears that arise in patients, the connection of agoraphobia with various psycho-traumatic situations or chronic mental influences fails. Sometimes patients with a phobia note that the fear first arose in certain circumstances:

  • poor physical health;
  • unfavorable psychological periods (stress, overwork at work);
  • severe course of SARS, infections;
  • fluctuations in blood pressure;
  • hypothermia or overheating;
  • heavy personal experiences, strong excitement before the performance, the exam.

In general, agoraphobia can develop when several factors are combined at once – physical and mental, the influence of which is unequal. As a basis, psychiatrists take the so-called reduced level of basic security – this is a subjective sense of security of the environment, the outside world, which is laid down in childhood, but affects a person’s whole life.

Even in childhood, patients develop a certain image, but due to some circumstances it is formed as helpless, vulnerable, unable to cope with a certain set of circumstances. And the world in the understanding of this person in certain aspects looks dangerous and threatening, without forgiveness of mistakes and weaknesses.

A certain role is played by education and character traits. Often, agoraphobia is formed in impressionable people, with increased anxiety and sensitivity, who are prone to experiencing and accumulating negative emotions within themselves. In some cases, agoraphobia can start after severe traumatic events – illness, violence, death of loved ones, military operations or a sharp change in social status.

There is evidence that agoraphobia may be associated with certain disorders in the vestibular apparatus, the scheme of perception from the senses. There is also evidence that there may be disturbances in the concentration of certain hormones in the brain, the influence of disturbances in vascular tone and the functioning of the autonomic nervous system. Perhaps the development of agoraphobia in people who abuse alcohol and psychostimulants.

Symptoms of agoraphobia in adults

Agoraphobia is defined as a pronounced fear of open spaces, but today psychiatrists interpret this phobia more broadly. This is the fear of situations that lead to leaving the “comfort zone”, where you need to take some action, contact people. Among them:

  • problems with moving outside the home;
  • fear if you need to stay in an open space (square, wide street or stadium);
  • Difficulties with travel in public transport;
  • difficulties in places where there are a lot of people and there is no way to leave it quickly and unnoticed.

The main experience of people with agoraphobia is a demonstration of their own helplessness, public shame, loss of control over themselves, the development of panic attacks. If there are people nearby whom the patient trusts, it is usually easier for him.

The severity of the condition and specific phobic situations vary greatly – from mild anxiety at mass events to a complete refusal to leave the house in principle. A person subordinates his whole life to such conditions so as not to encounter a phobic provocateur.

If there are disturbing circumstances, a person feels an attack of palpitations, sweats heavily, breathing becomes frequent and shallow, dizzy, nauseous, arms and legs tremble, discomfort in the abdomen, difficulty swallowing. These sensations are accompanied by a panic fear of death, insanity, mutilation.

Outside of an attack, patients are tormented by an anxious feeling – fear of waiting, groundless anxiety if you need to leave the house or travel in transport. Often there is depression, a feeling of helplessness, loss of control over life.

How to Treat Agoraphobia in Adults

If the condition poisons life and leads to serious restrictions and especially depression, it must be treated. But it is important to find a good doctor and undergo a preliminary diagnosis.


The diagnosis is made by a psychiatrist who analyzes all complaints, evaluates all the situations that the patient describes. Additionally, anxiety and depression tests are carried out. If it is necessary to exclude certain diseases, consultations of doctors according to the profile are held.

Modern treatments

The most effective treatment is cognitive behavioral therapy. This is a method of psychotherapy in which the doctor and the patient jointly identify those beliefs and disturbing thoughts that arise when visiting certain places. Then the patient is immersed in frightening situations under the supervision of a doctor and then independently. A gradual resistance to phobic situations is formed, the level of anxiety decreases.

If depression, panic attacks or other mental problems are detected, medication is supplemented with tranquilizers and antidepressants. They are taken strictly in the dose selected by the doctor and only according to the scheme indicated by him.

If psychotraumas and personality conflicts are identified, psychotherapy will be needed in its various forms – psychoanalysis, gestalt therapy, psychodrama, etc. This will not get rid of agoraphobia completely, but it will change the attitude towards oneself, eliminate fears, panic attacks.

Prevention of agoraphobia in adults at home

There are possible methods of prevention aimed at eliminating provoking factors – stress, emotional and physical overload. This is a healthy lifestyle, the most varied and natural nutrition, the rejection of excess alcohol and smoking, the daily routine.

Popular questions and answers

How dangerous is agoraphobia, can it harm health and life, is it possible for it to cause disability, complications, and is it possible to cure yourself, without the help of professionals, we asked psychotherapist Irina Krashkina.

Who to contact for help with agoraphobia?
It is worth contacting a psychotherapist. As an approach to the correction of well-being, as a rule, two main directions are used: psychotherapeutic and medication. Cognitive behavioral therapy helps a person to formulate their thoughts and learn to control their own thinking. Medical approaches are used to restore those brain structures that have been used up due to anxiety and worry.
Do non-traditional, alternative medicine, dietary supplements, acupuncture, etc. help with agoraphobia?
There is not a single proven study that would show the effect of dietary supplements or alternative medicine. It is necessary to be treated under the guidance of a doctor, self-medication in serious cases can only worsen the situation.

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