Science knows twenty-two signs of visible skin aging. The first appear in early youth, and three new ones are added every ten years. About the causes and types of aging, as well as ways to preserve beauty – in the material
When it comes to the causes of wrinkles, the most common theory of free radicals, proposed by Harman M.D. of the University of Nebraska around the mid-1950s. According to her, free radicals are oxygen molecules that have lost one electron as a result of reactions with other molecules. The loss pushes these, in principle, harmless substances on the wrong path.
In an effort to “heal” themselves, radicals begin to trade in theft: they steal electrons from other healthy molecules, which generate even more free radicals, and also damage cell components. Especially goes the collagen protein, which gives our skin its elasticity. The radicals attack him in the most merciless manner.
Free radicals are caused by processes in the body and also by external factors, including sunlight, cigarette smoke and air pollution.
There are 3 main types of skin aging
Type No. 1. Tired skin
After 30 years, at some point it will become noticeable that the skin is not elastic and radiant, but loose and dull. It may feel like it has grown fatter, giving the face an oddly puffy look. Most often, the effect of “tired skin” is observed with a combination and oily type.
Reason: there are many provocateurs. This is fatigue, constant stress, smoking, lack of sleep, etc. All this leads to a violation of microcirculation.
What to do: master the mimic
What to use: creams that normalize the renewal of the epidermis based on fruit acids, enzymes, retinol, antioxidants and vitamins. Adequate nutrition will help your skin heal faster. Rich in nutrients, it can better resist aging.
Type No. 2. Parchment on the face
Fine superficial wrinkles can be quite noticeable and look like a fine mesh on the surface of the skin. First of all, people with thin sensitive skin are susceptible to them.
Reason: if the skin began to rapidly turn into a dry apple, then it either does not receive or quickly loses moisture.
What to do: provide protection. You should carefully cover your skin from wind and sun, using light scarves and hats in summer. Install a humidifier in the apartment.
What to use: moisturizers, serums and fluids that have a light structure and penetrate deep into the skin faster. Apply products in combination.
A real find for this skin type is
Type No. 3. All inclusive
It happens that it is very difficult to determine the type of changes, it seems as if all the signs have gathered on the face at once. In fact, at first, superficial wrinkles periodically appear and disappear, and then deep defects lie in the places of the greatest fracture. Along with this, edema appears, the skin loses its elasticity.
Reason: massive attack of free radicals.
What to do: save! Collagen production needs to be increased. Peels of various depths, collagen injections and slowly absorbable forms of hyaluronic acid will help. For example, Restylane gel (designed for medium wrinkles), the effect of which lasts for about six months. Repeated injections will increase its duration. Over time, it is completely absorbed.
What to use: over the past decade, a group of cosmetic preparations has been formed containing components that can enhance the production of endogenous collagen and