Age spots on the face and body: causes and treatment

Pigmented spots – These are hypermelanoses of the skin, which are formed as a result of increased production of melanin in it. Areas of pigmentation vary in color, shape, location, may be present from birth, or may be acquired. Age spots are not a skin disease, but they are a serious cosmetic defect and in some cases bring a person severe discomfort. In addition, the skin, prone to increased pigmentation, ages faster, becomes dry and rough, and blood vessels appear through it.

The danger of age spots also lies in the fact that a malignant neoplasm can be masked under them, therefore, before proceeding with any type of treatment, you should consult a specialist.

Five pigments are responsible for the color of human skin – melanin, melanoidin, carotene, oxyhemoglobin and reduced hemoglobin. All of these five pigments are always present in healthy skin. However, if one of them is absent, or is produced with violations, then this leads to the formation of pigmentation areas.

The leading role in the color of the skin belongs to melanin. It also protects us from ultraviolet radiation. If too much melanin accumulates in a particular area of ​​​​the skin, this leads to the formation of age spots.

Causes of the appearance of age spots on the face and body

The causes of the appearance of age spots on the face and body are varied, among them are the following:

  • Violation of the functioning of the thyroid gland;

  • Such serious pathologies of the endocrine system as Basedow’s disease, panhypopituitarism, pituitary tumor – all of them are accompanied by the appearance of hyperpigmented areas on the skin of the body and face;

  • Violations in the functioning of the gallbladder and liver – the organs responsible for the production of hemoglobin and bilirubin;

  • Violations of metabolic processes in the body, diseases of the digestive tract – all this can lead to the formation of age spots;

  • Genetic predisposition to the formation of areas of increased pigmentation;

  • Prolonged exposure to the sun. Age spots appear on the skin as a result of the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays. It is ultraviolet rays that are the main reason why pigmented areas appear;

  • Violations in the functioning of the ovaries;

  • Hormonal disorders. Especially often age spots appear during pregnancy, but may be the result of taking hormonal drugs. Most often, those spots that appear as a result of bearing a fetus disappear after childbirth, although they can persist for a long period of time;

  • Areas with pigmentation disorders can occur due to injuries, at the site of burns;

  • Various skin pathologies cause age spots. For example, a disease such as vitiligo occurs due to the lack of melatonin in some areas of the skin;

  • Wearing synthetic clothing, prolonged skin contact with rubber;

  • Any procedures that violate the integrity of the skin can provoke the appearance of age spots;

  • In some cases, age spots occur against the background of mental disorders, for example, they can appear with prolonged depression, psychosis, and neurasthenia;

  • The use of certain medications, as well as the use of unsuitable cosmetics, can cause the formation of age spots.

  • Some chemotherapy drugs can cause hyperpigmentation [1]

Why do pigment spots appear on the face?

Most often, age spots in the form of freckles appear on the face. They are small, have an oval or round shape. Their occurrence is due to a genetic factor. The situation is aggravated by excessive exposure to the sun.

Under the influence of ultraviolet rays, melanocytes are activated to protect the skin from the negative effects of the sun. Only in people who do not have a tendency to hyperpigmentation of the skin, the protection of melanocytes appears in the form of a tan, and in the rest of the people – in the form of age spots. In this regard, it is contraindicated for them to be in the sun, and if this cannot be avoided, then certain protective measures should be taken.

However, not only genetic predisposition and ultraviolet light are the causes of age spots on the face. All of the above factors (diseases of organs and systems, metabolic disorders, pregnancy, etc.) can provoke a similar cosmetic defect.

Types of age spots

There are the following types of age spots:


Freckles are brown areas of pigmentation of small size, which are located mainly on the face and on open areas of the body. Sometimes such pigmentation can capture the ears, chest, skin of the hands and feet. Freckles are widespread among people with fair skin, red hair. The appearance of pigmentation is due to excessive exposure to the sun and a genetic predisposition.

The intensity of the color of freckles can vary, depending on the time of year. This refers to their number and size. They may appear as light-colored punctate spots, no larger than an injection mark, or large brown freckles may appear.

By their nature, freckles represent a tan that is unevenly distributed, in connection with this, in the winter season, they can completely disappear. In addition, they become not so bright, as the body adapts to the effects of sunlight on it, learning to distribute them more evenly.

In a 2013 study on 523 French women, frequent sunburn and a gene known as MC1R (which produces melanin) were identified as major risk factors for developing freckles. [2]

Freckles do not pose any threat to the health of their owner, moreover, many freckled people do not perceive this phenomenon as a cosmetic flaw. In the event that freckles cause psychological discomfort, you can prevent their appearance by using a sunscreen with a powerful UV filter. At the same time, it is necessary to treat not only the face, but also other parts of the body that will be exposed to sunlight.

Freckles are not deep pigmentation, so they are easy to get rid of with the help of fruit and milk peels. However, peels are not able to protect against their recurrence.

Nevi or birthmarks

Moles, birthmarks are the most common type of skin pigmentation. Nevi have the appearance of small, evenly defined hyperpigmented areas on the skin, which are a feature of a particular person. They, like other age spots, appear as a result of an uneven distribution of melanin. It is the excessive accumulation of melanocytes that makes nevi noticeable. The color of birthmarks is individual and can be either light or dark brown.

Every person has birthmarks of various sizes and colors. But in the event that there are too many of them, or if they increase in size, then there is a risk of their degeneration into an oncological formation. Therefore, nevi that are in places of increased friction, or on the face, must be removed. Also, you should not delay a visit to the doctor if the birthmark in any way begins to change. Most often, moles are removed with liquid nitrogen, or by diathermocoagulation. (See also: What is a skin nevus?)

Chloasma (melasma)

Large pigment spots that occur on the face, most often in women, are called chloasma or melasma. These spots are irregular in shape, often merge into one large formation. Perhaps the appearance of chloasma not only on the face, but also on the neck, ears, shoulders. The décolleté area is rarely affected.

Melasma tend to grow when exposed to ultraviolet rays. The cause of the occurrence is mainly a violation of the hormonal background in the body of a woman. Chloasma can characterize the beginning of the menstrual cycle, occur during childbearing, while breastfeeding, while taking any hormonal drugs.

In addition, it is chloasma that most often occurs in response to the application of aromatic and hormone-containing ointments to the skin. Usually, after the abolition of the remedy, the defects disappear; cosmetic procedures can accelerate this process.


Lentigos are age-related pigment spots that appear in people as they age. Lentigo is popularly called senile ripples. Spots occur mainly in those places that are most intensively exposed to sunlight – this is the face, hands, forearms, décolleté, upper back.

Similar spots appear after the age of 40 years. Most women suffer from this cosmetic defect, as it betrays their age and visually ages. When a woman enters menopause, then against the background of hormonal changes, the spots become even brighter and more noticeable, their number increases.

Decorative cosmetics are not able to cope with lentigo, so women should contact beauty parlors to eliminate this defect.

Vitiligo and albinism

Hypopigmentation of the skin are defects such as albinism and vitiligo. These are quite rare pathologies that are quite difficult to treat. People with such disorders are strictly forbidden to stay in the sun.

Discolored areas of the skin from insolation should be protected as carefully as possible. In addition, albinism requires the wearing of special contact lenses that protect the organs of vision from ultraviolet radiation. If a person with vitiligo or albinism gets a sunburn, then, as a rule, it is deep and severe, and regular exposure to the skin of sunlight leads to oncological diseases.

Skin Care Tips to Prevent Pimples

It is much easier to prevent the appearance of age spots than to try to get rid of them later.

If there is a tendency to develop them, then the following skin care tips will help to prevent the appearance of age spots:

  • Keep time in the sun to a minimum. Much has been said about the dangers of sunburn, however, if it is not possible to refuse it, then you need to go out in the sun before 11 am and after 17 pm;

  • You need to use creams with ultraviolet filters on an ongoing basis. This will be indicated by the SPF label. The larger the number that comes after this abbreviation, the higher the sun protection;

  • It is useful to apply serums, creams and masks with their antioxidants to the skin;

  • Decorative cosmetics should be chosen the one that contains SPF filters;

  • It is highly advisable to refuse to visit the solarium. There you can get a much larger dose of ultraviolet radiation than when you are under natural sunlight;

  • Do not use products that contain alcohol. They dry out the skin, making it more vulnerable to the sun’s rays. The same applies to ointments containing hormones. They should be applied only if there are medical recommendations for this.

The main advice for facial skin care, which helps to prevent the appearance of age spots, is to protect it from exposure to sunlight as much as possible.

Treatment of age spots on the face and other parts of the body

Removing age spots is a very relevant issue, especially for women. It is they who react sharply to the appearance of any spot on the face, as this is a serious cosmetic defect. Before you begin to take any measures on your own, you should consult with a dermatologist and cosmetologist.

It is possible that a specialist will advise a woman to contact an endocrinologist or an oncologist. You may need to take tests for hormonal status, because pigmentation is often the result of hormonal disorders in the body. If they are not eliminated, then it will not be possible to get rid of age spots.

If no pathologies are identified, then a cosmetologist will help to cope with pigmentation. In the arsenal of these specialists there are many methods to deal with such defects. So, the most accessible and simple method of removing age spots is the application of special ointments and creams that have a whitening effect. If they do not help to get rid of the problem, then cosmetologists resort to more complex methods of removing age spots – this is the implementation of procedures using special devices located in beauty salons.

You can whiten the skin with the help of glycolic and fruit masks and creams. Fruit acid peels, cryotherapy, laser whitening give a good effect.

Masks, face cream

By applying a mask, peeling or cream with natural plant acids to the pigment spot, you can achieve a whitening effect. Glycolic agents are also useful, which exfoliate the upper layer of the epidermis, renew the skin, rid it of old particles. As a result, young, healthy cells remain on the surface.

Effect that can be achieved:

  • The skin becomes soft, acquires firmness and elasticity;

  • The pores are narrowed;

  • The relief is leveled;

  • The color becomes more even.

The following products have a whitening effect: Snow White cream, Perfect Whitening night cream, KORA freckle cream, Trinity M whitening cream, White Linen cream, etc.

Whitening creams based on fruit and glycolic acids are suitable for all skin types. A contraindication to their use is individual intolerance to the components of a particular agent. Fruit peels are divided into superficial and deep peels, in order to achieve the maximum effect, you should go through a set of procedures. Unlike glycolic, fruit peeling can be done at any time of the year. While glycol products are used only in winter and autumn, when the sun’s rays are not too intense.

If there are areas of hyperpigmentation, papules, pustules on the skin, acne vulgaris is disturbing, then you can use a remedy called Retin A. It is available in the form of a lotion, cream, gel, solution. The active substance that is part of the drug is trans-retinoic acid. This remedy has a number of contraindications, therefore, it requires careful study of the instructions for use. So, it is forbidden to apply it on injured skin (with traces of burns, on unhealed wounds), if the skin is too tanned, then you should wait a while for the tan to become less intense. Do not go out into the sun after using the product. Apply the cream once a day, leave for 6 hours, then rinse with water. The treatment course should not exceed 30 days.

You can often hear recommendations regarding the use of Achromin cream, produced in Bulgaria, as a bleaching agent. Indeed, earlier it contained the strongest bleach – hydroquinone, however, due to many studies that showed the harm and risk of using this substance [3], it was removed from Achromin. This means that the whitening effect cannot be achieved. In addition, the product itself has an unpleasant odor, greasy consistency, so it is very problematic to use it.

Sometimes it is possible to get rid of age spots with the help of such means as Badyaga Forte and Express Bruise.

Laser removal of age spots on the face

You can get rid of age spots with the help of laser rejuvenation procedure. For this purpose, a diode laser with various nozzles is used. The spot is treated with the tip of the device, which delivers a laser beam. During the procedure, the person will experience some tingling of the skin and a feeling of warmth.

To prevent burns on the skin, it is cooled with another nozzle. The final stage of the procedure is the application of a special balm that restores damaged areas. In addition, additional skin care will be required in the next few days. First of all, you will need to apply sunscreen on it.

The deeper the age spots, the larger they are, the more intense the impact will be, the number of procedures also depends on this. Most often, it is possible to cope with a cosmetic defect in 1-4 procedures, the interval between them should be at least 14 days.

The benefits of laser skin whitening are as follows:

  • Maintaining the integrity of the skin;

  • Possibility of parallel carrying out other cosmetic procedures;

  • Stimulation of the skin’s own production of collagen;

  • It is possible not only to whiten the skin, but also to tighten it;

  • Existing acne scars will be reduced or disappear completely.;

  • Fast result.

The disadvantages of the laser skin whitening procedure are:

  • The presence of contraindications (pregnancy, breastfeeding, some skin diseases, including cancer, psoriasis, dermatosis, local herpetic eruptions, decompensated diabetes mellitus, etc.);

  • The rehabilitation period during which the skin requires special care;

  • Skin edema may occur, which disappears on its own after 1-3 days;

  • During the first week after the procedure, the skin may peel off;

  • High price.

According to a 2015 study, the Nd YAG laser was effective in treating freckles. The results of the study showed that this laser treatment improved more than 50% of freckles in 62% of the participants. [4]

Cryotherapy for age spots

Cryotherapy of age spots is a method of removing pigmented areas, moles, nevi, warts from the skin using liquid nitrogen. The procedure is as follows: liquid nitrogen is applied to the treated area (in the form of applications or by spraying), the defect is frozen, a blister appears, which peels off after a certain time period. Along with it, old cells and soft tissues that need regeneration die off. The procedure is short and takes a few seconds.

Benefits of cryotherapy for age spots:

  • Flawlessly clear skin;

  • Ability to remove deep age spots;

  • The speed of the procedure.

Disadvantages of cryotherapy for age spots:

  • The occurrence of pain;

  • The appearance of a feeling of temporary numbness;

  • The rehabilitation period with swelling of the skin, the appearance of blisters, peeling of the skin, hyperemia of the skin;

  • The presence of contraindications (infectious diseases, disorders of the heart and blood vessels, hypersensitivity to cold, etc.).

After the procedure, the skin requires special care, about which the cosmetologist must warn his client without fail.

Photoremoval of age spots

Photoremoval of age spots is reduced to the fact that the problem area of ​​the skin is exposed to high-intensity light pulses. It is known that melanin absorbs light waves selectively, only when they pass in a certain range. With the help of special devices, a wavelength is selected that can destroy melanocytes without damaging the skin.

The settings on the device are set individually for each patient, they are adjusted depending on the nature of the pigment spot, its depth, size, location, etc. To remove surface defects, 1 or 2 procedures are enough with an interval of 2 weeks. In order to get rid of deep age spots, it will take about 6 procedures.

It is the photoremoval of age spots that is the most effective method of getting rid of this cosmetic defect. The stain disappears, and the skin is not damaged. This is the main advantage of the method.

However, not everyone can use it, among the contraindications are:

  • skin diseases;

  • Diabetes;

  • Oncological diseases of the skin;

  • bearing a child;

  • The presence of keloid scars;

  • Diseases of the psyche.

As for the disadvantages of the method, they include the presence of a rehabilitation period, during which the treated area becomes even darker, the effect of a dirty spot is created. This phenomenon is considered natural, as melanin is released. After an average of 2 weeks, the skin will begin to peel off, after which the stain will either disappear completely or become much less noticeable.

Mesotherapy for age spots

Mesotherapy is a procedure aimed at rejuvenating the skin, evening out its color, narrowing the pores. For its implementation, special mesococktails are used, which include active ingredients. They treat the face, décolleté, hands.

As part of the mesococtail you can find:

  • Ascorbic acid, which is a powerful antioxidant;

  • Phytic acid, which is a skin bleach;

  • Pyruvic acid, which stimulates collagen production.

The meso-cocktail is applied to the skin for a certain time, after which it is removed. Most often, several procedures are enough to make the skin whiter.

Chemical peeling

Chemical peeling is a procedure for whitening, cleansing and rejuvenating the skin by exposing its deep layers to the chemical components that make up the cosmetic product. The main active component of peelings are various acids.

Peeling is carried out on limited areas of the skin, relieves them of pigmentation and wrinkles.

If we are talking about superficial peeling, then the stratum corneum of the epidermis is exposed, during the middle peeling, all layers of the epidermis are processed up to the basement membrane, and with deep peeling, the basement membrane and the reticular layer of the dermis are captured.

Superficial peeling is carried out mainly with the help of fruit acids (glycolic, lactic, phytic, pyruvic, etc.), medium peeling with TCA or salicylic acid, and deep peeling with carbolic acid.

It is strictly forbidden to carry out chemical peels in spring and summer, since when the skin is exposed to ultraviolet radiation, the pigmentation of the treated areas will only intensify. Types of peeling are selected in the conditions of a cosmetology room, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient’s skin, his age, the presence of contraindications, etc.

As a rule, the following recommendations apply:

  • Superficial fruit peeling up to 4 times a year for patients under 30;

  • Peeling with glycolic acid 7 procedures twice a year for patients aged 30 to 35 years;

  • TCA peeling and retinoic peeling for patients under 50 years old with severe pigmentation;

  • Phenol peeling is recommended only at the age of 50 and older.

Before the peeling procedure, the skin is prepared for several weeks, for which it is treated with a weak solution of glycolic acid. The peeling procedure begins with degreasing the skin, all impurities present on it are subject to removal. After that, active acids are applied to the skin and the reaction of the epidermal integuments is observed. After the allotted time, the acid is washed off. When the remedy is removed, a burn forms on the skin, the face turns red, a feeling of tightness appears, which is subsequently replaced by severe peeling of the skin. When the peeling process is completed, the patient’s skin will be renewed – it will not remain pigment spots, wrinkles and other defects.

After peeling, the skin should be treated with sunscreen, as well as applying moisturizer and repair products.

The disadvantage of the chemical peel procedure is that pigmentation in the treated areas may increase. In addition, you should choose a professional cosmetologist, since non-compliance with the technology can lead to serious skin burns. In this regard, carbolic peeling poses the greatest danger.


Facial dermabrasion is a type of peeling that is carried out mechanically. The skin is polished with a special nylon or metal brush. Dermabrasion is a traumatic procedure, during which there is a violation of the integrity of the skin, so it is compared with a surgical operation.

With dermabrasion, the surface layers of the dermis are removed, but the deeper layers are not affected. Subsequently, skin regeneration occurs with the appearance of young and healthy cells, the mechanisms for the production of collagen fibers are launched.

Dermabrasion is performed to remove freckles, age spots, scars, nevi, spider veins, facial wrinkles, etc.

The procedure is not applied under the following conditions:

  • skin inflammation;

  • Herpes;

  • Blood diseases;

  • Tuberculosis;

  • The period of rehabilitation after radiation or hormonal therapy;

  • Cardiovascular diseases, etc.

Dark skin, allergies, hyperpigmentation – all these conditions are relative contraindications to mechanical peeling.

The procedure is painful, so it is performed under local or even general anesthesia. Grind the skin in zones. After the procedure, the wound is treated in a closed or open way, in the latter case, the skin is treated with Iodopyrone every 5 minutes during the first hour. Then the wound is dried.

The treated area is covered with a scab, which departs after two weeks. Under the crust is pink skin, which will heal for another 2-3 months. At this time, it should be carefully protected from ultraviolet exposure by applying sunscreen. However, the difference between treated and untreated areas will be noticeable throughout the year. The procedure is complex and requires compulsory medical education from the specialist who will carry it out.

How to remove freckles, moles, deep age spots?

  • If there are age spots on the skin, then such people need to sunbathe with extreme caution. Of course, it is fashionable, but health should come first. In addition, light skin makes its owner several years younger. In spring and summer, people with age spots need to protect their skin from ultraviolet radiation by applying special creams to it. Wide-brimmed hats and sunglasses will help in this regard.

  • To make freckles less noticeable, you can use a chemical peel procedure with fruit or lactic acids. However, this is a temporary measure, since when the sun hits the skin, freckles will appear again. This will happen much faster if you do not use sunscreen.

  • You can get rid of moles using methods such as cryotherapy, laser removal, diathermocoagulation.

  • Deep age spots can be removed with the help of laser peeling, photoremoval method, mesotherapy, mechanical peeling.

Among those:

  • Hydrogen peroxide;

  • Hydroquinone and products based on it;

  • lavender oil;

  • Acids (ascorbic, citric, acetic, salicylic, lactic);

  • Vinegar tincture of horseradish;

  • Resorcinol.

These drugs are able to have a pronounced keratolytic effect and well exfoliate the upper layer of the epidermis.

Which doctor should I contact with age spots?

When age spots appear on the skin, you need to contact a dermatologist. You may need to consult a trichologist, mycologist, endocrinologist, oncologist.

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