
As you know, «if the patient wants to live, medicine is powerless.» Psychologist Dmitry Bakbardin tells the story of his patient, who proved that 60 years is not at all the “age of survival”, but a period of maturity full of activity.

Natalia came to me with a depressed mood, an extinct look, poor health and the diagnosis of the attending physician: “age”. Twice a year, the hospital cordially opened its doors to her, and arterial hypertension with a bunch of concomitant diseases underwent a course of pacification in the traditional way for medicine: intravenous drip.

60 years old, unloved job, depression, angina pectoris, hypertension, feeling of impasse, hopelessness. The tonometer has become a best friend, and a handful of tablets has firmly entered the diet. Life was like a fairy tale: the farther, the worse.

«Do you want to live?» — this question puzzled Natalya and made her think. Think about yourself, children, grandchildren and prospects. A spark lit up in her eyes, extinguished many years ago, and after a short pause she answered: “Yes, I want to!”

«Who is guilty?» and «What to do?» These questions have already been addressed to me. During the conversation, we agreed on the following:

  • Everything in life has a reason. The cause is gone, and the effect is gone. There are reasons for high blood pressure too. You just need to find and eliminate them.
  • The reasons for what happens in our lives are hidden in ourselves, which means that the source of our health and well-being is ourselves.

This helped Natalya make two important decisions: to live and take responsibility for her life.

When making a decision, we breathe power into our desires, direct it to the realization of goals, and an intention arises.

When we intend to do something, we act, and the world begins to help us. So it was in the case of Natalia.

The answer to the question «What to do?» turned out to be this: to find and eliminate the causes of what is happening, restore health, see the source of happiness in yourself and restore life colors. I shared with Natalia my experience of restoring health. She was inspired: “I agree! I will work on myself! What do we have to do?»

The algorithm for active longevity is simple:

  • make sense;
  • let go of the past, face your fears and get rid of them;
  • find a job to your liking;
  • act, inspire others by your example.

But what does all this mean in practice?

Make sense

Take a piece of paper and write the question: “Why do I live?” Then try to turn off your analytical mind and just write down everything that your unconscious dictates to you. After that, reconnect your mind and analyze what happened. The answer may surprise you.

My client was surprised to find that she lives for the sake of children who have long since separated, for the sake of grandchildren, for the sake of communication with colleagues. She lives with memories of how good it was once upon a time, how her carefree childhood and stormy youth passed. Then there were marriage, family, children, work, divorce, loneliness, hypertension and the loss of the meaning of life. In the entire list of answers, Natalya did not find herself, her interests, desires, her dreams. She lived her own life for many years.

If your own desires, dreams, goals, health are not in the first place on the list of priorities, it is worth considering

“But what about the family, children, grandchildren?” — you ask. If you live only by them, your life involuntarily fades into the background. The principle is simple: happy mother — happy children. Children take the life model of their parents with them into adulthood, so do not forget the main thing: our main goal is to be happy and teach this to children.

Natalia drew conclusions and raised herself to the first place in the list of priorities.

Let go of the past

Natalia’s past was clearly manifested in the body:

  • anxiety and fears settled in the abdomen, led to insomnia, high blood pressure, digestive disorders;
  • resentment was a heavy burden on the heart, did not allow breathing and manifested itself in the form of angina attacks and hypertensive crises;
  • guilt constricted the throat and led to colds;
  • on the shoulders lay the burden of responsibility for children, which led to a lack of strength, fatigue, distracted attention;
  • the rejection of oneself with a hoop bound the head, affected the vision, worsened the memory, reduced working capacity and pains in the heart area constantly reminded of itself.

Step by step, we raided the depths of her consciousness and found the reasons. Natalia gradually realized and let go of her past. She really wanted to live, worked a lot on her own and did everything possible to restore her health.

Causes go, effects go. It took Natalya a year to curb hypertension, halve the dose of pills and forever forget the way to the cardiology department: there was no need for inpatient treatment.

Find a job you love

Can’t figure out what brings you joy? Take a piece of paper again and write down the answer to the question, what makes you happy. Happened? Then answer the next question: why haven’t you implemented it yet?

Natalya quickly coped with this task and found that she was pleased with yoga, communication with children, grandchildren, and friends. She also remembered that she loves to knit and always rejoices when knitted things find their owners.

Another six months of work on herself bore fruit: Natalya became calmer, signed up for yoga, quit her job, began to knit things to order and see her children more often.

Life got better. The tonometer is usually on duty in the morning and evening, but blood pressure rarely deviates from the norm. Natalia naturally gave up drug addiction and gained a new quality of life.


Now Natalya leads a group in somatic gymnastics, continues to knit things to order, masters the practices of self-regulation, purification of consciousness and inspires those who have not yet decided to return their lives to themselves by her example.

Do you already know what you’ll be doing as an adult?

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