Age is not a hindrance: how to succeed after 35

What is the «age of success»? When it ends and it’s time to give up and decide that your dream is over? The answer is simple — never. You can achieve what you want at any age, says business consultant Nadezhda Deshkovets.

In my work, I often come across the fact that clients over the age of 35 are afraid of change, afraid to look for themselves. They believe that they are too late and will not be able to try something new. They are embarrassed in front of others, it is scary to risk their acquired well-being. Women especially suffer from self-doubt. After all, according to public opinion, with age they lose their social and physical value.

In addition, we are under the pressure of expectations: we are all literally obsessed with early achievements. We’re proud of our high exam scores, we’re happy when someone ranks at prestigious universities, gets their first job at Google, or tops popular 20-30 year old lists. However, such success at a young age is the exception rather than the norm.

We grow up and develop differently. More than once or twice we go through periods of ups and downs. Our talents show up not only in youth and not only in the way that others expect.

Just because your career didn’t take off until the age of 35 doesn’t mean it’s over. Many successful women only found their calling in their 40s and have become living proof that success has nothing to do with age.

For example, Toni Morrison wrote her first novel at 39, received the Pulitzer Prize at 56, and the Nobel Prize at 62. Vera Wang, the most famous designer in the world of wedding fashion, changed her profession at the age of 41. Martha Stewart created a million dollar media company at the age of 56. Julia Child, one of America’s most famous television chefs, learned to cook when she was 36 years old. Diana Green founded a software company at the age of 44, and at the age of 60, Google put her in charge of Google Cloud.

Women who «bloomed» into adulthood can be found everywhere. Why do we tend to call such stories the exception to the rule, while mature women are denied success? Ageism, age discrimination, not only puts pressure on morale, but also prevents you from getting a job after 40. Worshiping the “young and successful” also harms young people. Societal expectations place an unnecessary emotional burden on families and fuel an epidemic of anxiety and depression among adolescents. It seems that if you did not become a celebrity, did not open a business before the age of 20, you lost.

Good news

Based on a study of 50 people, scientists Laura Germin and Joshua Hartshorne concluded that processing speed peaks at age 000-18, short-term memory continues to improve until age 19, and the ability to evaluate complex models, including emotional state of other people reaches its peak much later, at 25-40 years.

“No matter how old we are, we certainly acquire some skills. And we lose something. There is no age when we are good at absolutely everything,” concluded J. Hartshorne.

Based on the concept of psychology professor Philipp Ackerman, we can talk about two types of intelligence — «fluid» (fluid) and «crystallized» (crystallized). Fluid intelligence (the ability to reason and solve new problems independent of experience) peaks in youth. And «crystallized» (the ability to use skills, knowledge and experience in managing projects, people and business) — in middle and older age. This means that our brains continue to develop even as we age.

Principles for success at any age

It’s never too late to start a new chapter in your career and personal development. We can discover and use our true talents, grow and succeed, even if we are over 35.

3 principles will help you decide:

1. Count on yourself

Realization of one’s potential and talents is impossible without relying on oneself. It is important to understand yourself and your path, remember that each stage is a step up, no matter how small your role seems now.

2. Give yourself time

Everything that happens to us happens on time. If you have a dream and you strive for it, you will be rewarded. Of course, I want to bring the moment of success closer, but you should not demand too much from yourself, it is better to give yourself time and celebrate every small victory.

3. Embrace change

Enjoying change means being flexible and not being afraid to change your life. Gone are the days when a person worked in one place until his death. Try yourself in new roles — your hobbies can become a calling. And if you are open to the world and attentive to yourself, you can seize the chance and change the future.

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