Age for pregnancy and childbirth
When a girl’s sex life begins, she fantasizes about a long marriage for the rest of her life, usually in the role of a hero – her first love. It is only natural for a young woman to wonder what age is most suitable for pregnancy. To solve this problem, it is necessary to characterize those age periods in which the fair sex can become pregnant.
Best age for pregnancy
For the first time, a girl asks herself, what is the best age for childbirth, at the age of 17. This is on condition that she is not brought up in severity.
Such a young age has both strengths and weaknesses.
1. In a physiological sense, the body is young and full of energy, the risks are minimal.
2. Childbirth is not perceived by the expectant mother as something problematic and scary, which means that it is easier to bear.
1. Psychological and social immaturity of a person.
2. As a consequence of the first: the child is born and given into the hands of the parents.
Ideal age for pregnancy (24 to 35)
When the university is left behind, the girl is already ready to become a mother. In a relatively short life span of 10 years, physiological, psychological and social factors form a harmonious unity.
1. The young lady is mature enough to take the child’s upbringing seriously.
2. She has already taken place as a professional and as a woman in a moral sense.
The older, the greater the risks (35 to 45)
Despite the “gold standard”, girls’ lives develop in different ways. For some women, the issue of motherhood becomes urgent only at the age of 35 and older. Therefore, they need to be aware of the risks. Contraindications here are both physiological and psychological. With age, it becomes more difficult for a woman to conceive, but there is no need to worry, because the level of medicine is now such that it allows giving birth at almost any age (within reasonable limits). Therefore, cast aside doubts – and forward to victory.
It is more difficult to cope with psychology: the older a person is, the more lazy and selfish he is. If the child does appear, then there is a chance to raise a “mama’s boy.” If a woman is over 35 or 40, then her reproductive system is weakening every year. It is difficult to conceive, bear and give birth and is fraught with various complications up to organ cancer. Taking the joys of motherhood outside the parentheses, pregnancy for the female body is a test and stress. Naturally, at a young age, this challenge is easier for a girl than for a mature one. It is important to remember this.
Conclusion: it is better to give birth to the first child before 35, and then everything is individual.