Agate stone: magical properties, who suits the zodiac

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What is agate

It is a semi-precious mineral, a type of quartz with a layered texture. The gem has a banded color distribution. Easy to process, despite its high level of strength. Popular not only in the jewelry industry, it is used in instrument making. Has more than a hundred species. This is a very peculiar mineral.

Magical properties

Mysterious stone. Its origin is still unknown.

Each type of this mineral has its own magical properties.

But in general, this is a talisman against the evil eye and bad energy.

Black agate is a talisman against evil. He needs care and frequent “bathing” to wash away the accumulated negative.

Gray – Suitable for judges and lawyers. He is a defender of the truth, smooths out conflict situations.

Blue – for creative people: actors, artists, writers and poets.

White is suitable for a child as a protection against disease.Agate stone: magical properties, who suits the zodiac

Green – clears the mind.

Brown – help in financial matters and career.

Mokhovoy – strengthens the strength of the spirit, reduces suspiciousness.

Pink – to attract good luck.

Glazkovy is a powerful talisman against evil forces. Improves sleep when placed under the pillow.

Tortoiseshell is a talisman for people who increase their intelligence. Protects on the road and traveling.

Orange – will give inspiration.

Red – will help in love affairs.

Please note that purple agates do not occur naturally.

Agate stone: who suits according to the sign of the zodiac

This stone affects representatives of different signs of the zodiac in different ways.

Agate suits almost all signs, with the exception of Scorpio.

Virgos shouldn’t wear light colored stones.

The gem acts neutral on Capricorns, Lions and Aquarius.

Most suitable for Gemini, Taurus and Cancer.

The twins will slow down a little, allow them to look around. It will help you find a way in your value system and become successful.

Taurus will add patience and calmness, as well as determination in achieving the goal.

Cancer will gain faith in itself. She will feel happy under the protection of agate.

What does the name Agatha mean?

The female name Agatha has Greek roots and means “kind”, “good”. The name is revered in the Orthodox and Catholic denominations. In Orthodoxy, Agathia.

In our time, this is a rare name. Out of 1000 girls born, 2-3 babies are called Agatha.

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