Afterword: the program to combat cancer is ineffective

The National Cancer Control Program is not effective enough; requires modification – MPs assessed on Thursday. Most of the parliamentary clubs, apart from PO and PSL, supported the rejection of the report on the implementation of the program last year.

On Thursday, the deputies got acquainted with the report on the implementation of the program in 2011. It was presented by the Deputy Minister of Health, Igor Radziewicz-Winnicki.

He informed that last year over PLN 263 million was spent on the implementation of the program, including over PLN 49 million on prophylaxis.

As part of the breast cancer early detection program, more than 1,1 million mammograms were performed on women aged 50-69, i.e. over 43%. the indicated population. However, as part of the program for the prevention and early detection of cervical cancer, over 803,5 thousand tests were performed. Pap smears in women aged 25-59. It was only about 24 percent. the population identified in the study.

In 2011, there was also implemented, inter alia, colon cancer prevention program. It is the third most common cancer in men in Poland, the second in women, and the third most common cancer killer in both women and men. Over 40 jobs were performed under the program. colonoscopic examinations, 16 thousand. histopathological examinations in over 15 thousand. of the patients, polyps were detected, and in 422 patients, colorectal cancer was detected.

Thanks to the implementation of the program, Poland, which had the worst results in the treatment of colorectal cancer in Europe, measured by the 5-year survival rate, significantly improved its indicators. In 2003, it was 26%, and the latest available data indicates 46%. – this is the percentage of people who survived more than 5 years after treatment.

In 2011, there were also implemented, inter alia, a program to improve the standards of lung cancer treatment, a program to improve the operation of the oncological radiotherapy system by retrofitting and modernizing radiotherapy facilities, and programs for the treatment and diagnosis of cancer in children.

Among the plans for the future, the deputy minister mentioned the need to modify preventive programs in order to increase their effectiveness and more effectively reach people most at risk of the disease.

MEPs from both the coalition and the opposition pointed to the need to modify the program, they pointed out, inter alia, that prevention is insufficiently effective, and that primary care physicians should be more involved in early cancer detection. Motions to reject the report were submitted by PiS, RP, SLD and SP. The report was supported by the PO and PSL.

Elżbieta Gelent (PO) said that when it comes to the prevention of cervical cancer, there is a lot to do; while the treatment of colon cancer has improved, there is still a long way to go. She pointed out that more equipment has been added to hospitals and it is modern equipment, thanks to which the availability of the most modern therapies is increasing, and the waiting time is shorter. She pointed out that too few personnel had been trained, mainly surgeons, while first and foremost they should be GPs.

Marek Gos (PSL) concluded that in Poland we are dealing with a higher incidence of neoplastic diseases than assumed in the program, therefore it is not effective enough. He stressed that to improve it it is necessary, inter alia, greater involvement of doctors and other medical personnel from primary care, and there must be no limits to life-saving procedures. In his opinion, although there is a lack of money, savings should be sought in other areas of medicine.

Tomasz Latos (PiS) emphasized that although the equipment in hospitals is much better and there is no longer a situation where outdated equipment is used somewhere in Poland, everything must be done to ensure that this equipment is used as efficiently as possible. He added that there are still queues for a diagnosis, and you also have to wait for therapy. He noted that the program needed changes, so his club would vote against the report, although the negative assessment did not apply to all implemented activities.

Piotr Chmielowski (RP) decided that even if not all funds were spent properly, any action to raise awareness in the field of cancer is valuable. However, he said there were so many shortcomings in running the program that his club would vote against the report.

Marek Bałt (SLD) pointed out that cancer patients still have to wait in lines, incl. wards are closed, patients do not have access to modern cancer drugs, they do not have the same chances of recovery as patients from other European countries. Therefore, he was in favor of rejecting the report.

Kazimierz Ziobro (SP) also found limiting oncological procedures unacceptable. He reminded that the sick are treated in terrible conditions and that there are not enough specialists. He stressed that while the program was intentional and should be continued, his club would be against the report. (PAP)

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