After pill – can you get it without a prescription?

The po pill is the only salvation in the event of a threat of an unwanted pregnancy, otherwise it is called an emergency pill (emergency or rescue). It comes in the form of three forms: “po” tablets, the Yuzpe method and an IUD. The po tablet can be used by women of any reproductive age.

Emergency contraception can be used by any woman of childbearing age if she wants to avoid an unwanted pregnancy. Be aware that it cannot be a regular form of hedging, but a solution in exceptional circumstances.

Worth knowing

The World Health Organization (WHO) allows emergency contraception to be used after unprotected intercourse, in the event of misuse or failure of other forms of contraception, and after rape.

It is worth remembering that intermittent intercourse or periodic abstinence during the fertile days are not effective methods of contraception. The period of breastfeeding also does not protect against pregnancy. There are many effective methods of contraception that differ not only in nature but also in effectiveness.

Read more: Contraception in Polish. How do women protect themselves most often? At all

The po tablet should be taken as soon as possible after dangerous intercourse. Time is of the essence here. The pill is most effective when taken up to 24 hours after sex. If it is taken over a long period of time, it becomes less effective.

Currently on the market we can find two types of this type of tablets, one of them contains the active substance levonorgestrel (Escapelle), and the other ulipsristal acetate (ellaOne), and they differ in their duration of action. The levonorgestrel-containing tablet can be taken no later than 3 days after intercourse, and the latter no later than 5 days after intercourse. Why such a difference in time? Each of these tablets has a different contraceptive mechanism of the active substances.

  1. Is it possible to get pregnant without ejaculating?

In Poland, in the current legal order, you cannot get a pill without a prescription. In many European countries a prescription for the “po” pill is not needed, you can get it right away.

Levonorgestrel is a synthetic progestogen analog. The mechanism of action is to delay the ovulation process, thicken the mucus in the cervix to limit sperm access and impede implantation of a fertilized egg in the uterine cavity.

Contraindication to use is pregnancy, acute and chronic liver diseases, thromboembolic disorders, hormone-dependent tumors and acute porphyria. The preparation should not be used multiple times in the menstrual cycle. Always tell your doctor that you are taking a tablet, as levonorgestrel has numerous interactions with drugs, e.g. antiepileptic and antiretroviral drugs. Moreover, it may increase the toxic effect of cyclosporine and be weakened by antibiotics (e.g. ampicillin).

The most common side effects are slight vaginal bleeding a few days after ingestion and gastrointestinal disorders: nausea, loss of appetite, vomiting, diarrhea. Dizziness, headache, migraine, depression, allergic reactions and menstrual disorders may also occur.

  1. What can menstrual disorders be caused by?

There are preparations on the Polish market containing 1500 µg of levonorgestrel in 1 tablet (eg Escapelle).

Although levonorgestrel can be administered at any stage of the menstrual cycle, its effectiveness is in part also dependent on the current phase. The method can be used up to 72 hours after intercourse. It is worth knowing that the earlier it is taken, the greater the effectiveness. The preparations are available only on prescription, which can be issued by a doctor of any specialty for full payment. In most European countries it can be obtained in the form of OTC. If vomiting occurs within 3 hours after taking the preparation, another tablet should be taken immediately.

Ulipristal acetate affects the progesterone receptor and is believed to inhibit or delay ovulation. Contraindications to use are: pregnancy, allergy to the active substance or taking levonorgestrel. It can be used once during the menstrual cycle and you must inform your doctor about it.

It is not recommended for liver disease and bronchial asthma. Use with caution with other drugs due to numerous interactions. The most common side effects are: menstrual disorders, gastrointestinal disturbances, headaches, breast tenderness, fatigue, mood swings, muscle and back pain.

Ulipristal acetate can be taken up to 120 hours (5 days) after intercourse. It is worth noting that it weakens the effect of hormonal contraception, so subsequent intercourse, until the onset of menstrual bleeding, should be additionally secured with a condom.


The preparation is not always effective: 2 out of 100 women become pregnant. There are suggestions of decreased potency in people with high BMI.

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A cheaper alternative to the above-mentioned preparations is the Yuzpe method, it is also cheaper compared to others. It consists of taking two additional doses 12 hours apart estrogen-progesterone contraception. Each time they should consist of 100-120 mg of ethinylestradiol and 0.50–0.60 mg of levonorgestrel, alternating with 1.0–1.2 mg of norgestrel.

The Yuzpe method is named after Albert Yuzpe, a Canadian gynecologist who suggested using it Combined Contraceptive Pill (DTA) as a form of emergency contraception.

Optimal use of DTA should take place as early as possible and within 72 hours of intercourse. The highest effectiveness of the Yuzpe method is observed when it is carried out within 24 hours of intercourse. This type of emergency contraception has more contraindications and side effects than the risks associated with this method are additionally due to the risk of serious health complications, sometimes even very dangerous.

This is another method of preventing an unwanted pregnancy in an emergency. Within 5-7 days of having unprotected intercourse, you should wear a copper IUD to prevent pregnancy.

The IUD works by preventing the embryo from implanting. Also, if inserted at the beginning of the cycle, it may prevent conception and be a permanent form of pregnancy prevention. Such an insert can be installed for even 5-10 years.


IUD is available in pharmacies without a prescription, but only a doctor can insert it!

The following are copper-containing spirals available in Poland with their approximate prices:

  1. Nova T With 200Ag (80-100 zł),
  2. Nova T Cu 380Ag (PLN 110-120).
  3. Multiload With 375 (75-80 zł),
  4. Nova T 380 (PLN 110-130),
  5. Copper With 375 (46 zł),
  6. Copper TCu 380A (PLN 40-45),

“After” contraception should be used with common sense and only in extreme cases. This method should not be used as an everyday contraceptive! The “po” tablet may be taken when:

  1. the condom breaks
  2. a woman forgot to take birth control pills (more than 3),
  3. when the rape happened,
  4. when sex was practiced without any precautions.

Women who carelessly take pills “po” in a dose higher than recommended, may disturb the hormonal balance and disrupt the menstrual cycle. Please read the package leaflet carefully and remember about the recommendations.

Taking the pill “po” may cause the following side effects:

  1. abdominal pain,
  2. vomiting,
  3. diarrhea,
  4. nausea,
  5. breakthrough bleeding or spotting
  6. headache.

Consult a physician who prescribes a given product about the potential side effects of using the “after” pill and how to properly react in the event of their occurrence. If it is necessary to use emergency contraception, the doctor should also be informed about other medications taken, because some preparations may interact with each other and, for example, reduce the effectiveness of the “after” pill.

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