After coughing, the voice disappeared: how to treat
Severe sore throat when swallowing, lost voice due to coughing – these are the main symptoms of sore throat. In addition to these signs, a sick person may also complain that his throat is dry and a feeling of perspiration occurs. At the same time, the voice sits down, and it becomes very difficult for the patient to talk. What to do?
Coughing lost his voice: what to do?
Lost your voice due to a severe cough?
Not always the reason that the voice disappeared is a cough. Sometimes the problem appears due to the influence of other factors:
- the patient starts talking a lot and loudly;
- the patient eats hot or spicy foods;
- the person inhales smoke that irritates the throat and vocal cords.
If after coughing, your voice disappears or it happened for some other reason, you should definitely consult a doctor who will diagnose and prescribe appropriate treatment. You should not strain your voice with conversations, especially in raised tones. Most likely, you will just have to be silent for a few days, and you should also not speak quietly – this makes the vocal cords even more overextended.
During treatment, you should refuse to take too hot or chilled food, it is not recommended to use spicy, salty foods, spices, soda, coffee, alcohol. Any food should only be warm and preferably mashed.
It is also recommended to give up cigarettes during illness.
How to treat if cough and voice disappeared?
In no case should you self-medicate. Any medication can only be taken with a doctor’s prescription and the correct dosage. Treatment includes several components:
- Usually, drugs that have an expectorant effect are prescribed. If, in addition to a sore throat and a dry cough, the voice begins to disappear, then decoctions or infusions are taken to relieve inflammation of the mucous membrane, due to which throat irritation began.
- To rinse a sore throat, antiseptic solutions are used: Furacilin, iodine tincture mixed with soda and sea salt, as well as herbal infusions with chamomile, calendula, sage.
- To relieve inflammation of the vocal cords and restore the voice, homeopathic medicines are prescribed.
- Also, inhalation of the oral cavity with various medicinal solutions is carried out.
In addition, to relieve pain when swallowing, an inhalip is used, any lozenges that not only eliminate pain, but also kill microbes. In addition to the medication prescribed by the doctor, one should spare the voice, practically not talk, do not strain once more so that the disease does not progress even more.