African pelargonium – a prescription for symptomatic treatment of colds
Start Colds in children
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African pelargonium, also known as Cape pelargonium, is a plant with valuable medicinal properties, known for its properties all over the world. In what diseases can it be helpful? What do scientific studies say about its effectiveness?

What is African pelargonium?

African geranium (Sidoides Pelargonium) is a traditional medicinal plant, as the name suggests – originally from Africa. Currently, it grows mainly on the east coast of South Africa and in the forests of Lesotho. It appeared for the first time in Europe in the 20th century, when it was brought by Charles Henry Stevens. For centuries, it has been used for many ailments and, interestingly, it is one of the best-studied plant substances – its properties have been tested in over 13 studies on XNUMX. people. No wonder that African pelargonium root extract is such a popular ingredient in medicinal products, both in the form of tablets and syrups – we can find it, among others. in OTC Pelavo Med.

African pelargonium – what are its healing properties?

Health-promoting properties are confirmed by the presence of African geranium extract in Recommendations for diagnostic and therapeutic treatment of cough in children for GPs [1] and the latest European guidelines for sinusitis and nasal polyps 2020 (EPOS 2020):

“Drops from African pelargonium (Pelargonium sidoides) has a positive effect on the symptoms of colds without causing side effects. ‘ [2]

The health-promoting properties of African pelargonium are based on several basic compounds present in the root of this plant. These are:

  1. Coumarins, mainly umcaline
  2. Phenolic acids, incl. gallic acid
  3. Flavonoids, incl. catechin
  4. Coumarin glycosides, incl. Umcaline 7-α-glucoside
  5. Proantocyjanidyny
  6. Mono- and polyunsaturated fatty acids [3] [4]

African pelargonium and infections in children and adults

African geraniums can be found in syrup Pelavo Med. It is a herbal OTC drug for the symptomatic treatment of the common cold in adults and children from six years of age. Pelavo Med combines the power of natural plant ingredients with scientific achievements that allow the standardization of natural plant extracts. Pelavo Med with African pelargonium root dry extract (Dry extract of pelargonium root) not only reduces the severity of symptoms associated with colds, but also accelerates their resolution.

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