Aeroyoga workouts (Aero-Yoga)

Aerial yoga (aeroyoga) is a combination of traditional yoga postures, Pilates and dancing using a hammock.

Difficulty level: For beginners

Do you want to learn how to fully control your body for the benefit of your own health? Group training in aerial yoga will help with this. Aero-yoga (aerial yoga or yoga in hammocks) is a combination of traditional yoga postures, Pilates and dancing using a hammock.

Aerial yoga includes a whole range of health-improving and developmental exercises, which are desirable to master with an experienced instructor. Also Read: Pilates Workouts

Why do you need aerial yoga training?

Many types of physical exercises are characterized by an undesirable load on the spine. Aeroyoga is devoid of this harmful side effect, which is why the training has a unique healing effect on the body.

Where to start training

You don’t need to have any gymnastics or acrobatics experience to do aerial yoga, but it’s helpful to practice classical yoga first. An active lifestyle contributes to success in mastering aerial yoga. Before exercising in a hammock, you need to warm up and stretch. Although some of the exercises may seem difficult, there are many modifications that make aerial yoga accessible to everyone.

What is needed for the lesson

First of all, you need a special hammock. It is better to buy this simulator in a specialized store than to make it yourself. Dress Properly: For aerial yoga, you need to wear tight leotards or leggings, not loose pants or shorts. Women need a sports bra.

If you have sensitive skin and hammock straps can sometimes irritate your skin, you need a form-fitting training shirt that fits under your armpits perfectly. Also Read: Balance Workouts

Five Reasons to Start Practicing Yoga in Hammocks

  1. Aerial yoga exercises make every part of the body move and stretch. Thanks to these movements, the muscles are toned and restored, and the joints are strengthened.

  2. Aerial yoga helps you move freely, counteracting the force of gravity. Suspension in the air relieves tension from the bones and muscles and increases the flexibility of the body.

  3. The movements that are part of the workout improve the functioning of the digestive system, helping to cure various diseases of the digestive system, including constipation and indigestion.

  4. By hanging freely, you give the spine the opportunity to lengthen. During training, there is less stress on the back, tension in the spinal cord and hip joints is relieved.

  5. Aeroyoga improves blood circulation, which helps fight aging and its symptoms. It cleanses the circulatory and lymphatic systems, and this contributes to the prevention of cardiovascular diseases.

Basic exercises in aerial yoga

  1. Vrikshasana (tree pose). – Great for people with tight hips and anyone who has difficulty externally rotating their hips.

  2. Matsyasana (fish pose). – Recommended for people with various problems. It develops the chest and promotes mobility of the spine.

  3. Ardha Kapotasana (Half Pigeon Pose). – The bent leg is on the ground, and the straightened one is in the hammock. This pose helps to train the thigh muscles.

  4. Supta Konasana (Inverted Star Pose). – Allows you to literally hold your heart above your head, stimulating blood circulation.

Recommendations and contraindications for aerial yoga

Aerial yoga contains a whole range of useful exercises. Most of the side effects associated with other types of physical activity are absent in aerial yoga, since the spine experiences almost no unnecessary stress. This makes aerial yoga one of the promising types of yoga, which is not inferior to the classical way of performing asanas in terms of efficiency. Also Read: Twine Stretch Workouts

  • Indications for aerial yoga are often: – Hernia or its removal; post-traumatic rehabilitation; restoration of spine flexibility; restoration of limb functions.
  • Like any physical activity, aerial yoga has its contraindications: – Hypertension 2 or 3 stages; atherosclerosis; thrombophlebitis; thrombosis; consequences of operations on the peritoneum and pelvic organs; pregnancy after three months.

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