Aerobics – active exercises for everyone

Aerobics is a form of training that has gained popularity in recent years, especially among women. Fitness facilities, which are emerging like mushrooms after rain, attract customers with a wide range of group activities and various types of aerobics. What is aerobics and who is it for?

Aerobics – what is it and what are its types

Name aerobic comes from English «aerobics»and originally comes from Greek words: «Aer» – «air» i «bios» – “life”. Its definition is in fact a training system that assumes intensive oxygen exchange. It was developed by Kenneth Cooper, an American consultant for the astronaut fitness program. Many different forms of effort that we do not currently associate with for aerobics, has a form aerobic exercise, i.e. increasing the oxygen exchange in the body. During exercise heart rate increases to the level of 60-70 percent. maximum heart rate, so that oxygen exchange is at a high level.

Associated by us popular aerobics classes, offered by many coaches and fitness clubs, are based on regular repetitions aerobic exercise to the beat of the music. They can be not only movement exercises, but also strength. Workouts aerobics are dynamic activities that require a certain level of motor coordination. There are various types of it, below we present the most popular of them.

Classic aerobics – exercises for everyone

Classic aerobics involves classes in a classroom (most often equipped with mirrors), to the beat of the music, and the level of difficulty exercise may be different, depending on the target group to which the classes are dedicated. In class aerobics pregnant women, children and the elderly can participate, exercises are then properly selected in such a way that there are no contraindications to their performance (the so-called Low Impact Aerobic – a calmer form aerobics).

Sports aerobics for advanced skiers

Sports aerobics classes aimed in particular at increasing the body’s efficiency through aerobic exercise, are intended for athletic people with good condition and motor coordination, who want to strengthen their body to a significant extent and increase muscle strength. It is geared towards exercises very dynamic and strong, enabling quick fat burning and muscle growth.

Aqua aerobics

Aqua aerobics is a great alternative to classical aerobics for people who love water. Classes are held in a shallow pool. Exercises are selected to take advantage of the water resistance which is much greater than the air resistance and therefore gives quick and good results. Its additional advantage is that it does not burden the joints. The water also has a soothing and calming effect on the nervous system.

Dance aerobics

This kind aerobics is aimed at people with a good sense of rhythm and those who do not like monotonous exercise. In this form aerobics dance patterns are interwoven, which the group gradually learns, constantly assimilating new elements and exercises. It is a very varied form.

Fat burning aerobics – the best for weight loss

This kind aerobics It is primarily focused on increasing the heart rate and burning fat intensively through exercise exercise very dynamic movements (e.g. jumping jacks, jumps).

Step Aerobik

Exercises in this form of aerobics they are performed with help steppe and are often based on interesting choreographies.

TBC Aerobik – Total Body Condition Aerobic

It is a general developmental type aerobicsin which to exercise is used additionally well i maty.

Advantages and disadvantages of aerobics

The main advantage of aerobics for many women it is effective in burning fat, and therefore in slimming and shaping the figure. One should also not forget about its beneficial effects on health – exercises of an aerobic nature they strengthen the lungs and heart, help lower cholesterol, prevent diabetes and hypertension, and increase the efficiency of the entire body. Aerobic It also has a very positive effect on the psyche – it allows you to get rid of stress, adds energy and vitality, supports the fight against insomnia and stimulates the production of endorphins, i.e. happiness hormones.

Wad aerobics there is little. Some of its forms are not suitable for everyone, and you must first make sure that in our case there is no phealth indications to participate in classes. Besides, some people repeat it exercise it may seem monotonous – albeit with so many different forms available today aerobics Everyone should find something for themselves.

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