Aero Stretching Workouts

Aerostretching allows you to stretch without counteracting gravity, which makes it easier to train. Exercises are carried out at a certain height, so it is better to do it in a group under the guidance of a trainer.

Difficulty level: For beginners

Aero-stretching is a system of exercises for stretching the ligaments and muscles with the suspension of the body in a hammock. You can make a hammock yourself, but it is better to purchase it in one of the specialized stores.

When performed correctly, you increase the distance between the vertebrae, which fills the spine with strength. The back muscles are strengthened, posture is corrected, and during the day after training you feel lightness and an improvement in overall well-being. Also Read: Stretch Workouts

How to start airstretching training

For your convenience, the workouts are divided into the following levels: easy; base; difficult. If you have done regular stretching before, then the basic level is right for you. If you have a good stretch, the trainer may immediately recommend a difficult level for you, but for most beginners, an easy level is recommended.

Even if you have never stretched and it seems to you that the body is not familiar with the concept of “flexibility”, believe me, there is nothing to worry about. The more relaxed you are, the better your muscles stretch, and the more effective will be the support of a trainer who will take you under his wing, will not leave you unattended and help you say goodbye to doubts and difficulties.

What do you need for an airstretching class?

First of all, you need a sports hammock. From clothes it is recommended to have leggings, a T-shirt (the armpit area should be closed) and socks.

Important: the muscles are better able to tolerate physical activity, in this case stretching, when they are warmed up. In addition to warming up the body, it is very important to stay warm throughout the workout. Also Read: Balance Workouts

Five reasons to start airstretching

Aerostretching has the following positive effects:

  1. Reduces the load on the joints, relaxes the spine as a whole and the cervical spine, which constantly suffer from a sedentary lifestyle.

  2. Stretches the spine, develops the chest and allows the body to become fully flexible from the tips of the toes to the top of the head.

  3. Allows you to sit on the twine smoothly and comfortably.

  4. Saturates the brain with oxygen due to the flow of blood to the neck in an inverted position.

  5. Makes your abs and legs work during your workout.

All this, taken in combination, has a positive effect on the health of the body, enhances the physical attractiveness of the body, allows you to move more freely without tension and fatigue. Also Read: Twine Stretch Workouts

Basic airstretching exercises

Below are basic exercises that even beginners can perform.

  1. In the frog pose, the weight of the body ensures the extension of the vertebrae, the distance from one intervertebral disc to another increases. This makes the spine much more flexible. The position, when the body is face down, and the legs firmly hold the hammock, has a positive effect on digestion due to the stimulation of the esophagus. Also, the brain is saturated with oxygen.

  2. When lunging, the ankle is fixed with a hammock, and the hands hold on to its straps. One leg is extended, the other rests on the floor. This exercise prepares the legs for landing on the splits, trains the tendons and muscles of the thighs.

  3. The “ring” position helps the development of the vertebrae, chest and shoulder girdle. This happens because the hands during this exercise hold the feet, correctly distributing the load. You are in a hammock in a prone position, the hips are fixed, the hammock holds the waist. This allows you to fully bend in the areas of the shoulders and chest.

There is an intensive development of the cervical region with stretching of the neck. The first stage of the “ring” makes it possible to stretch the legs forward. The lock, in which the hands are held behind, frees the chest and ribs, stretches the spine. The second stage is characterized by arching the back, while the hands hold the feet.

Recommendations and contraindications for airstretching

The obvious health-improving, developing and strengthening effect makes it possible to recommend airstretching for many problems of the body. However, there are also contraindications.

  • Indications for training: – Sedentary lifestyle; pain in the back and lower back; recovery after injury; headache; pathological fatigue.
  • Contraindications for training: – All types of glaucoma; the presence of heart disease; pregnancy (unless a special program has been developed).

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