Advantages of Victor grapes and its disadvantages

Experienced gardeners grow several varieties of grapes at once, sometimes for the sake of sports interest, that is, just to personally try, “probe” one or another variety. Sometimes it’s nice to surprise relatives or acquaintances by treating them to several different bunches of grapes grown by one’s own hands at once. Or make homemade wine using multiple cultures. Some want something new and they try to contribute to the development of viticulture. Now there are enough varieties of grapes bred by amateur breeders. These include the grape variety Victor, which became famous to gardeners thanks to the amateur breeder Krainov V.N. (this man managed to bring out several more hybrids, the most famous of which are the Transfiguration and the Jubilee of Novocherkassk). When crossing two varieties – Talisman and Radiant Kishmish – he received Victor grapes, a description of the characteristics of which will be presented in this article.

Variety description

Hybrid Victor belongs to the early table varieties, or even very early. Grapes fully ripen in 100-110 days, that is, in early August you can already enjoy the taste of ripe fruits. As for the plant, a characteristic feature is the high maturation of the vine, the bushes are vigorous. Bisexual flowers are pollinated remarkably, no troubles were noticed in connection with this. It is best to plant cuttings, they take root very well. When pruning a fruitful vine, both short pruning, for 3-4 eyes, and long pruning, for 8-10 eyes, are used. For one plant, a load of no more than 35 eyes is allowed, for shoots this number should not exceed 25. Remember that further productivity depends on the formation of the bush.

Advantages of Victor grapes and its disadvantages

Clusters of grapes Victor can be of different sizes, depending on the care. On average, their weight is 500-750 g, but with very good care of the culture, you can get clusters weighing 1 kg or even heavier. They are of medium density, there were no cases of berry peeling. The berries are in harmony with the size of the clusters – they are also very large, weighing about 15 g each. They are oval or finger-shaped (often with a sharpened tip). The color is different: from light tones (pink, lilac) to dark color (red, purple) when fully ripe. The pulp has an average density, has a harmonious taste. The skin is not very thin, but when eating it is not felt at all.

The yield is quite high, and stable from year to year – the level is kept at about 6 kg from one bush. Marketability and transportability of fruits is not worse than other varieties. Grape Victor has established itself as a frost-resistant plant: the author’s description claims the ability to withstand frosts of -22 ° C, but there was a case of successful wintering without shelter, when the temperature dropped to -24 ° C.

Advantages of Victor grapes and its disadvantages

Disease immunity is being tested, but some results are already known: Victor is weakly affected by mildew and gray mold. Not susceptible or slightly susceptible to damage by wasps or other insects.

Grape Victor is still a very young grape variety, as it was only bred in the mid-2000s, so the description of its characteristics may not be complete. Most growers only look at it, they test it in various conditions: they try to grow it in warmer / colder areas, determine the most suitable soils, test resistance to various diseases and pests. If you are not afraid of the new, then you can safely start growing Victor grapes yourself.

Video “Grape Victor”

This video contains a list of the main characteristics of the Victor hybrid variety, as well as a review of an amateur grower about this variety.

@Vinograd Victor is a good grape, review by Yakushenko V.E.

Author: Svetlana Galitsina


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