Advanced cancer tsunami as a consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic – how to deal with oncology treatment?

It seems that the difficult period of the pandemic is almost behind us. The number of cases is slowly falling, further restrictions imposed by the government are being relaxed, we take off our masks, go to work, go to restaurants and use hotels. But is this really the end? What other health consequences will the pandemic bring us? Or just extra pounds?

  1. Already a six-month delay in cancer diagnosis affects the deterioration of treatment results by 30%.
  2. From the beginning of the pandemic, Poles avoided doctors or had difficulties in performing diagnostic tests
  3. This year, these people are under the care of oncologists with advanced disease
  4. More information can be found on the Onet homepage.

COVID-19 pandemic and cancer diagnosis

The pandemic has drastically changed the way healthcare works. Many people withdrew from visits and diagnostic tests for fear of becoming infected.

Experts alert that a six-month delay in cancer diagnosis affects the deterioration of treatment results by as much as 30 percent. Diagnosing many cancers at an earlier stage increases by 25%. the possibility of a complete recovery. Experts estimate that for the above reasons, cancer mortality in Poland in recent months could have increased by as much as 20 percent. ” – warns Joanna Sikora, MD, PhD.

Unfortunately, treatment is often not a matter of choice, but of postponing visits, tests and interventions by medical institutions. Therefore, if you are a cancer patient, remember that in this difficult moment it is extremely important to strengthen your body and tame fear, so that the body is prepared for all medical interventions at the highest possible level.

Also read: Let’s not forget about preventive examinations! When and how often should they be done?

Sudden weight change and cancer risk

Often, one of the first symptoms of cancer diagnosis is unintentional weight loss. The current pandemic situation not only hinders access to tests and diagnosis, but can also significantly affect the deterioration of nutritional status through anxiety and stress, which reduces appetite.

What does the oncology dietitian, Dr. Monika Amer, PhD, say:

Unintentional weight loss can lead to many consequences, including malnutrition, which is especially dangerous in the group of cancer patients, because it can result in cachexia, protein deficiency, loss of lean body mass (including muscle tissue) or deterioration of immunity, as well as a worse response to treatment . Therefore, caring for a wholesome diet tailored individually to the patient’s needs is not only a preventive measure to prevent malnutrition, but also can support the functioning of the immune system and reduce the side effects of treatment.

Unfortunately, the pandemic also has the other side of the coin, and it is limited physical activity and gaining extra kilos, which may result in overweight and obesity in selected cancer groups, in particular in breast and prostate cancer. Excessive weight may reduce the effectiveness of treatment, increase the incidence of side effects as well as influence the development or worsening of comorbidities (e.g. diabetes or hypertension) and increase the risk of recurrence.

Both the deficiency and excess body weight may negatively affect the prognosis of selected groups of cancer patientsTherefore, in the current situation, taking care of health and proper nutritional status is the overriding goal. You do not have to feel anxious that you do not know how to go about it or that you will make mistakes and harm yourself, this is the time to go to a specialist (e.g. oncodietician) for advice, who will determine an individual support path together with you.

Find out more: A great breakthrough in cancer treatment? “Trojan Horse” as the hope for the end of chemotherapy

Psychological support in neoplastic disease

During cancer, overlapping emotions of high intensity and crowds of thoughts make patients lose contact with the here and now, they also lose their peace of mind. The mind, designed to ensure our survival, produces thoughts all the time. Usually these are black scenarios to protect us from danger.

However, sometimes these thoughts make us lose sight of what is really important. Immersed in the constructions of the mind, we are not 100% present in moments with family or while pursuing our life passions.

As the oncological psychologist Katarzyna Frąckowiak says:

– Valuable experiences slip through our fingers. It is important to learn to distinguish which thoughts are helpful to us and which lead us towards the life we ​​want to have, and which, on the contrary, increase our suffering. It is natural for us to react emotionally to difficult or new life events. Emotions tell us what our own needs should be taken care of, they are, as it were, an alarm that something important is happening in the environment. Sometimes, fearing that our emotions are overwhelming us, we keep them from speaking. We suppress, we ignore. This behavior does not make unpleasant feelings go away. On the contrary, internal tension and stress build up, leading to physical suffering: muscle tension, digestive problems, chronic headaches, and a weakened immune system. Usually, it turns out that the methods of coping used so far do not bring the expected results, then it is worth considering the support of an oncological psychologist who will suggest how to skillfully deal with a crisis.

If you are an oncology patient or a close friend of the sick person, remember that at this point time is even more important than ever before.

The editorial board recommends:

  1. The system is crashing down. Oncologist: “Now it’s not about money anymore”
  2. Treatment of breast cancer without chemotherapy? New research by doctors is optimistic
  3. What can you do to reduce your risk of breast cancer? The list goes on and on

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