Adult indigo: who does the «hope of the nation» turn into?

Probably only the lazy have not heard of the famous indigo children. At the turn of the century, brilliant rebels with a blue aura, possessing superpowers and considered people of the future, were broadcast from all screens and pages. Books were written about them, films were made and scientific programs were made.

Today, the phenomenon of indigo children has become noticeably less discussed. Such children are practically not talked about, they are not presented to the general public, and any statements in the spirit of “I am an indigo” are perceived as an attempt to attract attention to themselves. But even if we assume that the generation of indigo people has already been born into the world and subsequent children do not have the same impressive set of qualities, then a logical question arises: where did the already born geniuses go? Where are they, these super-capable schoolchildren, detached from reality, what kind of life do they live, in what areas do they work, what kind of children are they raising themselves?

Adult indigo: who does the «hope of the nation» turn into?

Silence is gold

In fact, today there are many sites and forums on the Global Web declaring support and unification of indigo adults. Having studied their content, one can come to the conclusion that this field is not plowed for psychotherapists and psychiatrists, since adults (we emphasize, ADULTS) convinced of their “blueness” talk about their own genius and features, without relying on logic, without paying attention to mutually exclusive statements and not embarrassed in expressions.

Such negative exclusivity, even if we admit its existence in reality, is more of an alarming symptom than a sign of a man of the future. Almost all visitors to these forums and sites delicately bypass their own achievements in the real world. They defiantly do not talk about their professional victories, do not share their creative endeavors. One gets the impression that people have gathered just to discuss the phenomenon itself and try it on for themselves.

Adult indigo: who does the «hope of the nation» turn into?

Tabor goes to the sky…

In fact, popularity, even if it is limited to school or circle of acquaintances, is a heavy burden even for an adult, mentally stable person, let alone children or adolescents who are experiencing global hormonal changes! Imagine that at school high hopes were placed on a person, he lived under the yoke of constant attention, the desire to meet other people’s expectations …

Is it all about indigo children? — you ask. But what about their unacceptability of authorities, indifference to other people’s opinions, their nihilism and rejection of traditions? Alas, the external indifference, which the children of the future invariably demonstrated, turned out to be a successfully modeled model of behavior, not without the suggestion of adults, of course.

Now think about what will happen to such a child after the parents stop hoping for their exclusivity? When will it turn out that the young poetess, who hysterically read poetry from the stage, cannot find herself in life, since the demand for poetry is much less than for the services of an accountant or a lawyer? And a brilliant young artist is not able to feed himself with his own paintings?

Unfortunately, having not passed the test of copper pipes, finding themselves on the sidelines of life, many of those who were aspiratedly called «indigo children» preferred to say goodbye to hostile reality altogether. The percentage of suicides among these teenagers was extremely high. At the same time, some esoterically savvy ideologists do not hesitate to declare that the point is in the individual program of each such person, they say, he completed the mission and will receive an order to leave the body.

Adult indigo: who does the «hope of the nation» turn into?

Those who survived in this intellectual and educational «meat grinder» prefer to quietly live out their lives, not declaring at every corner about their past. What for? After all, the modern market lives by completely different laws, it does not need genius people. He needs conscientious consumers who have successfully adapted to the material environment. And adult indigos (read — once talented children with an unusual vision of the world) try to mimic the general mass, just to survive.

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