Adrenal hyperplasia – causes, symptoms, diagnosis

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Adrenal hyperplasia is a term that covers a broad spectrum of symptoms and conditions. It usually describes a condition called congenital adrenal hyperplasia, or WPN for short. Often, however, this term is used to describe any condition of enlarged adrenal glands. In the case of these various diseases, the general problem remains the same – they are the cells that make up the adrenal glands, which are enlarged in size.

What is adrenal hyperplasia?

The adrenal glands are important glands for the proper functioning of the endocrine system in our body. They are in the abdominal area just above our kidneys. When it comes to them hypertrophythen we are dealing with increased hyperfunction of this gland.

Overgrowth it may have two causes. First, it can be genetically determined; then it is associated with a congenital blockage of the production of appropriate hormones. In such a situation, the body, wanting to stimulate the adrenal glands to function properly, stimulates their excessive growth, producing an adrenocorticotropic hormone, called ACTH. He is responsible for activation adrenal hyperplasia.

Second, a group of inherent problems with adrenal hyperplasia, which includes: Cushing’s disease, ectopic production of ACTH (i.e. the secretion of this hormone by: lung, intestine, genital, pancreatic, bronchial and other cancer).

Congenital adrenal hyperplasia

How can you recognize that you are dealing with congenital adrenal hyperplasia? Several groups can be mentioned symptoms.

First, they are symptoms concentrated around the genitals. In the case of girls – they are born with double sexual organs. In boys congenital adrenal hyperplasia is manifested by skin lesions in the genital area – their excessive pigmentation, clearly distinguishing darker genitals from the lighter skin surrounding them. Sex organs in girls and boys affected congenital adrenal hyperplasia earlier they become covered with pubic hair.

Dermatological symptoms are also common. This includes mainly overdeveloped acne, including juvenile acne, and a specific, unpleasant smell from the armpits. It also includes women hirsutyzm – the presence of hairy skin fragments in atypical places.

Also, the rate of growth of the organism is a symptom of its occurrence congenital adrenal hyperplasia. People with this disease experience rapid growth in childhood, which is inhibited at a later stage. At the same time, the bone age of people suffering from congenital adrenal hyperplasia he is older than his peers.

In women suffering from this ailment, there is also a change in the occurrence of menstruation. They are rare or may not be present at all. Sometimes they also experience the coexistence of another ailment – polycystic ovary syndrome. Unfortunately, these symptoms make up another important symptom and sequence of occurrence congenital adrenal hyperplasia in women, which is infertility.

Can congenital adrenal hyperplasia be cured?

Young mothers often ask if congenital adrenal hyperplasia can be cured. First, note that congenital adrenal hyperplasia may show up in a newborn baby. In such a situation, the course of this disease is very rapid and may pose a threat to the life of our child. A milder form congenital adrenal hyperplasia it is revealed only in adolescence. Then it manifests itself with masculinization of features – in the case of women – and various skin changes in the case of both sexes. Treatment is based on supplementing the cortisol deficiency with synthetic compounds with a similar effect. Appropriate medications are taken at regular intervals determined by the doctor. Effects caused by congenital adrenal hyperplasia is combated by the use of anti-androgenic preparations and – in the case of more serious dermatological or genital complications – by cosmetic procedures and operations. Various forms of fertility treatment are also used.

Symptoms of adrenal hyperplasia of different etiology

When adrenal hyperplasia is not congenital, the symptom repertoire is quite different. Their main source is then the excess of the hormone cortisol. The most frequent symptoms we include: problems with hypertension, abdominal obesity, reduced muscle strength or atrophy, diabetes, mental and emotional disorders, osteoporosis, low immunity, infertility, clear skin changes (such as the appearance of stretch marks with a specific, red color, and often bruises and bleeding).

Diagnosing problems with adrenal hyperplasia it is most often based on several research processes. First, family history is used in addition to identifying common symptoms. The methods of hormonal diagnosis are also used to identify disturbances in the hormonal balance of the child’s organism. Newborn screening tests are performed in many countries to detect a congenital version of the disease despite the absence of early symptoms. Too molecular diagnostics it is used, allowing the presence of mutations in specific sections of the DNA chain to be examined.

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